Thursday, August 25, 2011

Medication for acid reflux on accountant resources

Acid reflux can happen to anyone at any time, causing heartburn. To treat painful and uncomfortable symptoms, doctors often prescribe medicines that control the action and the production of excess stomach acid.

Antacids are the most common medications for acid reflux on the counter. Neutralize the acids in the stomach and prevent the symptoms of heartburn. The substance reduces the acidity increasing the level of pH in the stomach. Antacids contain specific ingredients that interfere with the action that occurs during the process when the stomach produces too much acid.

These ingredients include bicarbonate of sodium, calcium carbonate, hydroxide of aluminum and magnesium hydroxide, among others. Some formulations also include ingredients that help to relieve symptoms such as gas. Antacids containing magnesium hydroxide and sodium bicarbonate are the types that provide quick relief while containing aluminum, or calcium carbonate tend to work more slowly. Some antacids also alleviation of longer duration than others.

Some of the most popular brands of this over the counter remedy are Maalox, Alka-Seltzer and Tums. They are generally available in tablet, liquid forms and Rhombus. When used to treat recurrent heartburn, it is important to remember that this medication should be taken not more than 14 days without medical advice. Doctors should also find out if the patient is taking other types of medications like Antacids may interact adversely.

H2 receptor blockers
H2 receptor blockers were only available with recipe before but are now sold as medication for acid reflux on counter remedies. H2 blockers work by blocking of histamine2, a type of acid which lies in the human body. It is this chemical that activates the production of acidic substances in the stomach.

By the action of blocking of their production, these stop counter acid reflux drugs help begins this histamine2, reducing the amount it produces in the stomach. H2-blockers are excellent options for people who also suffer from peptic ulcers. Some of its most popular brands include Tagamet HB, Axid AR and Pepcid AC.

Proton pump inhibitors
Proton pump inhibitors are another on the remedy of counter that also inhibit certain actions in the stomach to avoid that they produce too much acid. As its name suggests, the PPI inhibits the molecule of Proton pump in the cells of the stomach that supplies the stomach acids.

These molecules conversion of hydrogen ions which are acidic potassium ions. If the molecules 'bomb' most of these ions in the stomach, the environment becomes more acidic, which in turn leads to the discomfort associated with stomach acidity. PPI can stop this action occurring, effectively inhibiting the secretion of acidic substances. PPI is effective in the treatment of gastrointestinal problems on their own or with other medications like antacids and antibiotics. Although they work the same way, some PPI has effects more durable than other formulations. Some commercially available IPP is omeprazole (Prilosec and Zegerid) and lazoprazole (Prevacid).

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