Monday, December 26, 2011

Foods that cause acid reflux

Acid reflux is characterized by a burning sensation in the esophagus and stomach region. To avoid this annoying condition must know about the foods that cause acid reflux , and avoid them. When eat many foods that are acidic in nature, which produce much acid which can not process correctly in the stomach. So back to the throat causing burning sensation. Although you can use many home remedies to get rid of the situation, food to avoid knowledge can be very beneficial. Below are some of the elements that should be avoided. Although it may be difficult you can try to avoid them as much as possible.

Fried and baked foods
Fried foods are difficult to digest. They contain high amounts of trans fats that can be dangerous to the digestive system. These heavy objects slow digestive process and also leave behind excess acid in the stomach that can be deferred to the esophagus. Fat remains in the digestive system for a long time and you can create more pressure in the stomach. Another type of food should be avoided is processed and baked items. Cookies and brownies contribute to create an acid environment that is not good for the stomach. They also contain preservatives and artificial coloring etc..

Coffee and carbonated beverages

Coffee may aggravate the condition. Although the café acts as a laxative, the high amount of caffeine causes the secretion of fluid in the stomach. This in turn can cause heartburn. Carbonated beverages are also to avoid to get rid of the symptoms of heartburn. These drinks increase pressure on the stomach which in turn causes secretion. Try to avoid particularly juices of citrus on the night before going to sleep. Instead, drink plenty of pure water is not very cold.

Hot and spicy food and meat
Try to avoid especially hot and spicy foods, hot sauce, and chili peppers. If they are eating, always look 'no-spice' versions so you can be careful of your stomach. Food of the India and Thailand are often very spicy. You can ask the waiter to serve mild versions of dishes. The meat is very difficult to digest. Meat such as Turkey, lean chicken and fish produce very less acidic, while a juicy steak needs more acid. So try to avoid such types and include lots of fruit and vegetables in their diet.
Alcohol and dairy products

Alcohol increases dehydrated and gastric acid in her body. Also disturbs your sleep at night. Some people believe that a glass of cold milk can provide instant relief of symptoms. But it is better if you drink a glass of water. Milk induces secretion and worsens the condition. So that if you are one of those who often suffer from heartburn, seeks to avoid foods that cause acid reflux.

Eat until your stomach is full by around 3/4. Chew food and eat smaller meals throughout the day. In this way, it can be avoided that the symptoms to a great extent.
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