Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Remedy For Acid Reflux Herbal Tea

There are many things that cause problems for those who have GERD (known as acid reflux). There are some things that you cannot eat and some that you should.

There are times when this can be very confusing, and many don't want to rely on medications to make acceptable food.

 If a home remedy for acid reflux, there are things you can try. One of these things is taking herbal tea. They will help some of them, and some could get worse, so must know to have and to avoid. To choose herbal teas, there's one important thing to think when you select what you want to test.

Caffeine is a trigger for acid reflux, and should be avoided. This means that any herbal teas that are trying to be free of caffeine.

Although you can get decaffeinated coffee known to aggravate GERD even drinking and should be avoided. This makes infusions decaffeinated the best option when you apply for a warm and soothing drink. Some of them might even help with acid reflux symptoms.

Many suggest that ginger may help ease symptoms of acid reflux, and if you can find in a tea, a glass after a meal could help your stomach to settle for the night. Mint can be mixed with anise and lavender for a great tasting and soft mixture. You must boil a few cups of water and a teaspoon of its blend of herbs and then the herbs of drainage of sit for about 10 minutes. If this tea to boil and want to have it sweetened, try honey instead of sugar or artificial sweetener.

Chicory root can also be used to make a great herbal tea. You boil a few cups of this and then leave that settles for a while. Then you can drink tea with honey if you want to. Marshmallow tea could also help. This is not tea made from marshmallows in your closet as you might suggest the name, but a result of the same name. This is known to soothe the digestive system. Another popular type of tea is Chamomile. This is also known to help relieve the symptoms of acid reflux.

You can make many of them on their own, but it can also be found in the stores of natural food or special sections of your grocery store. Any of these teas can help you feel better, but will not know until that try them. However, it is important that you talk with your doctor before for them, as some may have side effects you need to know, and you can also mix poorly with prescription drugs that could be taking his acid reflux or for any other reason.

You usually don't have any problem with this type of home remedy for acid reflux, but you don't want to take a chance with your health.
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