Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The different symptoms of acid reflux

Acid reflux occurs when acid-related stomach, entering the esophagus. The lower esophageal sphincter opens and closes in the process of digestion. However, when acid reflux, not shut down correctly what the rise of liquid from the stomach to the esophagus. When the stomach acids coming into contact with the esophagus, you may experience much pain. Acid reflux may prove to be a serious illness and treatment must be taken immediately. Identify the symptoms of acid reflux is very important, because that can lead to a treatment early.

Experiencing interstitial gas is one of the symptoms of acid reflux. Frequent burping or pass gas may be an indication of acid reflux. People who are suffering with acid reflux are also a condition known as dyspepsia, which refers to discomfort in the stomach. Symptoms such as burping, pain in upper abdomen, nausea and a feeling of fullness in the stomach are a part of dyspepsia that in turn could lead to acid reflux. Heartburn is also one of the symptoms of acid reflux.  During the acidity, a feeling of extreme pain is noticeable in the area of the chest and they may extend to the back and throat. This feeling can last several hours and actions as lying down or bending should be avoided as they can aggravate heartburn.

Regurgitation is also one of the typical symptoms of acid reflux. When the stomach acids stood up to the throat, it leaves a sour taste in the mouth and also cause acute pain in the throat. This can cause vomiting or burping and must be treated immediately. Sore throat is also an indication of acid reflux and if you experience a sore throat and acid reflux at once, and then the doctor is essential.

People who suffer from acid reflux face difficulties even to swallow food. This is due to a feeling of all the food is stuck in the throat, the real is not the case. A condition such as odynophagia, causes acute pain to a person when eating is also one of the symptoms of acid reflux. Sometimes, changes of physical nature in the esophagus, which is called Barrett's esophagus. It is a very serious disease and the person who suffers it requires a comprehensive medical care.

Even respiratory problems such as shortness of breath, cough and pneumonia are symptoms of acid reflux and occur due to the presence of stomach acids into the lungs. Recurrent abdominal pain also should be considered by the doctor because it may be due to acid reflux. If you damage the lining of the esophagus due to stomach fluids, can cause ulcers cause hemorrhage in the esophagus and sometimes require surgical treatment. Therefore, these are some of the symptoms of acid reflux and if any of these symptoms occur regularly, and then, it could mean the possibility of suffering from acid reflux and consult a doctor is necessary.

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