Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Stomach Ulcer Symptoms or Just Heartburn?

 Ulcers typically occur in the duodenum, which is found just past the pyloric sphincter. A minority of ulcer cases occur in the stomach itself.
Stomach ulcers symptoms and heartburn symptoms are very similar, causing many people to confuse these two conditions. In this article, we will be revealing to DCDDISCs readers some simple methods for telling these two conditions apart.

Stomach Ulcer Symptoms vs Heartburn
The primary reason for the confusion between stomach ulcer symptoms and heartburn symptoms is due to the fact that both can result in burning stomach pain. However, there are some simple ways to tell these two conditions apart.

Here is a list:
Stomach ulcer symptoms are worse an empty stomach and typically get better after eating. Heartburn symptoms on the other hand typically peak after eating (or within an hour or two of eating).
The end result is that people who have stomach ulcer symptoms may find themselves getting woken up in the middle of the night or early in the morning with burning stomach pain.

Those who suffer from heartburn will rarely make it to bed in the first place; they will experience their heartburn symptoms right when lying down and may not make it asleep in the first place!
Peptic ulcer symptoms typically center on burning stomach pain, whereas heartburn centers on burning chest pain.

I think this is a pretty simple distinction; most people with ulcer pain will feel it right around their stomach, whereas heartburn is typically felt in the chest, directly behind the sternum along the mid-line of the torso.
Heartburn symptoms can often be manipulated by changing body position, whereas stomach ulcer symptoms tend to remain constant.

If you experience a surge in symptoms if you bend forward or lie down, odds are you are dealing with heartburn. Stomach ulcer symptoms typically not easily manipulated simply by changing body position.
Stomach ulcer symptoms do not respond to heartburn remedies, whereas heartburn remedies can be used to significantly reduce heartburn symptoms.

A lot of heartburn remedies, such as chewing gum, can reduce heartburn symptoms. This remedy aids digestion by producing saliva and encouraging the digestion of food. Many people suffering from heartburn will experience immediate relief from symptoms as soon as they start chewing on a piece of gum.
On the other hand, ulcer symptoms are not easily remedied except via eating food or usage of a stomach-coating agent such as pepto-bismol. Those who suffer from stomach ulcer symptoms are not likely to get relief unless they are able to do something to reduce the severity of their ulcer.

Both serious ulcers and heartburn may result in chronic symptoms.
The most important thing to know about both stomach ulcer symptoms and heartburn is that both conditions warrant doctor attention should they become chronic.

Ulcers rarely go away on their own and typically need antibiotic treatment. Heartburn on the other hand, if it occurs over time, may actually be gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD for short.

If both conditions are left untreated, serious complications may result. Due to this, if you experience either stomach ulcer symptoms or heartburn symptoms on a regular basis you will want to talk to your doctor to see if you need treatment.

View the original article here

Monday, September 26, 2011

Are There Any Effective Heartburn Remedies?

 Juicy Fruit is a surprisingly effective heartburn remedy. Lightly-flavored non-mint gums work best to relieve heartburn symptoms.

If you have to deal with heartburn regularly, no doubt you have wondered if it was possible to get relief from heartburn via home remedies. There are hundreds of heartburn remedies all reported to provide relief anecdotally, but how does the evidence stack up?

We found one site in particular, Heartburn Remedies, which hands-down offers the best exploration of the validity and possible mechanisms behind some popular heartburn remedies. The two remedies that they recommend are chewing gum and vinegar.

The evidence behind the use of chewing gum seems to be extremely convincing. There are a few proposed mechanisms through which it can contribute. Firstly, chewing gum produces saliva, which is then swallowed, which can then aid digestion in the stomach by helping to break down food. Indeed, researchers have found that those who chew their food appropriately are significantly less likely to experience heartburn than those who do not chew their food much as all.

However, saliva not only aids digestion but has other significant contributors to remedying heartburn. After a time of chewing gum, the saliva released appears to increase in pH, moving from a neutral liquid to a base. This base then coats the esophagus as it is swallowed, giving the esophagus a basic pH. This is an amazing protective mechanism.

If you are not familiar with the pH scale, allow us to explain. Neutral solutions have a pH of 7, and are in the middle of the pH chart. Acidic solutions have a pH less than 7, on a scale of 0-7. The lower the number, the more acidic the solution. Stomach acid has a pH in between 2 and 3, which is quite acidic. Acids are produced when a solution has a lot H+ (hydrogen ions), whereas bases are produced when a solution has a lot of OH- (hydroxide ions).

When acids and bases meet, they cancel each other out in a process called neutralization. H+ combines with OH- to form H20, also known as water. Since H+ and OH- have opposite charges, they cancel out as well, leaving us with a harmless solution of water.

Back to the example – when the OH- in our basic saliva comes in contact with the H+ ions in our stomach acid in the esophagus, they neutralize one another. This of course depends on relative content; you will need a lot of saliva to neutralize just a small amount of stomach acid. Fortunately, chewing gum produces large amounts of saliva and acid reflux is often caused by a very small amount of acid (often diluted by being mixed with the stomach’s contents). As a result, there is a lot of strong evidence that chewing gum is an effective heartburn remedy.

The only side-note is that peppermint and spearmint gums should not be used. Mint can stimulate the production of HCl (stomach acid) in a lot of individuals and should be avoided if you experience heartburn regularly.

The other heartburn remedy promoted by the site in question is vinegar. The idea is that taking a small amount of vinegar compels the salivary glands to produce massive amounts of saliva, even more than you might experience from chewing gum. The protective effects work in quite the same way and there is merit to this approach as well.

All in all, there are some effective home heartburn remedies, and you do not have to open up your wallet to get access to them – both of these items are already in most homes or can be obtained for 1$ or less.

View the original article here

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Iodine Supplements and Heartburn

As early as 1982, researchers have been able to demonstrate a solid link between acid reflux and hypothyroidism (1). It is theorized that hypothyroidism may effect the motility of the esophagus and reduce lower-esophageal sphincter pressure (1).

It is fairly safe to say that hypothyroidism and heartburn are related. However, is there anything we can do about this? Of course – and you are about to find out what!

Iodine Supplementation – A Possible Heartburn Remedy?

One of the biggest contributing factors to hypothyroidism (and as such, thyroid-related acid reflux) is inadequate iodine intake.

In response to a few studies demonstrating that high iodine intake leads to possible cancer and hypothyroidism, Iodine has received a particularly bad reputation lately.

However, you should know that this study did confirm that high iodine intakes may cause cancer or lead to hypothyroidism, the “excessive” group excreted a median of 651 micrograms per liter of urine (2). While, this may not seem like a lot, consider this:

The average human excretes 1.5 liters of urine a day.The recommended daily allowance for iodine intake is 150 micrograms.

So, in order to be excreting (sans what their body was actually using) over 1,000 micrograms a day, the average person in the excessive group in this study was easily consuming an average 5 times the recommended daily allowance for iodine for a length of time.

As a result, the average person in a modernized nation is going to rarely be consuming those levels of iodine. This is much more typical of an eastern diet which includes a lot of seaweed and kelp. These plants contain extremely high levels of natural iodine not approached by any other food on the planet!

Now that we have got that out of the way, another study of a similar population confirmed that unusually low levels of iodine intake are associated with thyroid disease (3). We knew this all along, but it is good to see some positive research since the “high iodine” study.

The Dark Side of Sea Salt

Iodine intake has always been quite naturally low in the western diet. In order to combat this issue, most salts in the USA have been iodized. Since salt is used ubiquitously in cooking, it was thought that this would significantly reduce iodine deficiencies (and indeed it did).

The problem is now sea salt has begun replacing normal salt on many tables. For some reason sea salt is thought as some sort of health food because its natural, but the truth is it lacks iodine which is far more essential of a nutrient than any mystery minerals which might be found in sea salt.

Unless the package specifically says iodized, your sea salt has no significant levels of iodine. You can buy iodized sea salt online, but I have not seen it in the typical grocery store.

With this in mind, consider adding iodized salt to your acid reflux diet. If you cannot add salt to your diet to due to restrictions (such as edema or high blood pressure), consider an iodine supplement. A very small supplement of just 100-150 micrograms (micro, not milli) should be fine. Be careful, because many iodine supplements are 600+ micrograms, which is unsafe unless done under a doctor’s supervision (as a doctor can collect and monitor bloodwork and urinalyses).

Important: Do not take an iodine supplement if you are taking medication already for hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). If you already eat a iodine-rich diet (i.e. eastern diet rich in seaweed or kelp) do not use an iodine supplement.

Other Ways to Help Hypothyroidism

In addition to adding iodine to the diet, another great way to help get your thyroid back on track is to lose weight. I know a lot of people say that the reason they are fat is hypothyroidism, but the truth is that in most people the situation is reversed.

A small minority of the population has thyroid problems due to genetics, cancer, radiation exposure, or other illness. A vast majority of the population is experiencing poor thyroid function due to obesity. Obesity negatively impacts every body system, and the thyroid is no difference from this.

When you consider this, it is not surprising that diagnoses of thyroid disorders have exploded over the last 15 years and obesity has exploded over the last 20 years. This is not a coincidence.

The good news is that both heartburn and thyroid disorders often become milder (and frequently reverse) when you lose weight. This allows you to tackle acid reflux from two fronts through weight loss.


Of course, many will elect to go on medication for hypothyroidism if diagnosed. This is entirely up to you and your doctor. Many people report great improvements to their quality of life after starting this medication.

If you are experiencing symptoms of hypothyroidism such as brittle nails, dry skin, cold hands and feet, mental fatigue, and possibly even acid reflux, you will want to see your doctor and get some bloodwork done.

Given that low iodine intake is related to hypothyroidism and hypothyroidism is related to acid reflux, I do not think it is too far of a stretch to consider iodized salt and iodine supplements to be good heartburn home remedies. If you prefer the flavor of sea salt, consider getting iodized sea salt, which is readily available online.

As always, talk to your doctor if you have any health concerns or are experiencing heartburn symptoms two times a week or more. If you need to lose weight, just remember that weight loss is tied to both reduced acid reflux and improved thyroid function!


1. Eastwood GL, Braverman LE, White EM, Vander Salm TJ. Reversal of lower esophageal sphincter hypotension and esophageal aperistalsis after treatment for hypothyroidism. J Clin Gastroenterol. 1982 Aug;4(4):307-10.

2. Teng, W., et al. Effect of iodine intake on thyroid diseases in China. N Engl J Med. 2006 Jun 29;354(26):2783-93.

3. Yu, X., et al. A five-year follow-up study of goiter and thyroid nodules in three regions with different iodine intakes in China. J Endocrinol Invest. 2008 Mar;31(3):243-50.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Heartburn and Statins – Do Statins Cause Acid Reflux?

There has been a lot of talk suggesting that statins (the popular class of cholesterol-lowering drugs) can be a cause of heartburn. It is listed on numerous websites as having the side effect of heartburn and this connection is also mentioned in several popular books on acid reflux. However, is there any evidence of this? Let’s find out!

Statins – What Are They?

The term statins simply refers to the class of medications that have become very popular around the world for their ability to reduce LDL cholesterol and inflammation in the body. The most popular statins include the brands Lipitor, Zycor, and Crestor (among others). Given the ubiquity of obesity, statins are among the most prescribed medications in the United States.

Statins and Heartburn – The Research

Despite the fact that statins are linked with heartburn anecdotally as well as listed on multiple third-party websites, the official NIH (National Institute of Health) page as well as the official site for Lipitor make no mention of acid reflux being a recognized side effect of statins. Now, this does not mean they aren’t recognized – it just is not documented.

I will say that of the listed side effects, other digestive issues such as upset stomach, constipation, or diarrhea are recognized as side effects of most statins (note that there are slight differences among each type of statin – but this is beyond the scope of this article). Additionally, unusual muscle function (cramping, involuntary contractions, fatigue) are also reported.

With that in mind, given that heartburn can be caused by irregular motility of the digestive tract, and that the usage of statins seems to cause irregular muscle activity, it would stand to reason that stains may indeed have acid reflux as a side effect.

Statins and Acid Reflux – What to Do

However, just because statins may have lead to heartburn does not mean that you should disregard your doctor’s advice if he (or she) prescribes them. Now, understand that I have very negative feelings about the chronic usage of prescription medication, but the facts are the facts: statins save lives.

Statins do not just make you more comfortable; there are dozens of very large studies which have reported that statins reduce not only cholesterol but also all-cause mortality (1, 2). There are many other studies that report the same thing: people who take statins just live longer.

The results surrounding statins are so good that some doctors have been even issuing them to those with low-risk for developing cardiac disease to help prevent cardiac disease from developing. It has become so wide spread that a recent Cochrane Review stated that while statins were beneficial, they did not recommend issuing them for low-risk patients (2).

The point is this – yes, statins may have side effects, but if you are a moderate or high-risk individual, they can save your life and help you live a lot longer. In regards to the development of acid reflux – you can talk to your doctor if you develop side effects, but personally I’d rather be alive with acid reflux than die prematurely without it. Interestingly though, a recent study reported that the use of statins was actually reported to reduce the risk of developing esophageal adenocarinoma (esophageal cancer) in those with Barrett’s Esophagus (a condition present in some with esophageal damage, particularly due to GERD) (3). Perhaps due to the anti-inflammatory properties of statins they can even reduce the damage done by acid reflux and be protective rather than destructive.

There are two important takeaways that you should get from this article. The first is that although statins may or may not cause heartburn, they do save lives and have been repeatedly shown to reduce all-cause mortality. The other thing to remember is that those who need cholesterol-lowering drugs and those who have acid reflux have a few common factors: obesity, smoking, and a poor diet.

Perhaps if you are on statin medications and are developing acid reflux, this may serve as a bit of a wake-up call. If you need to lose weight, quit smoking, or start following a smart acid reflux diet, those are things should be at the top of your priority list so that you can live a healthier and more satisfying life.

As always, everyone responds to medication differently. The decision to start or stop a medication should always be done under a doctor’s supervision. Statins do have some dangerous side effects, particularly related to liver and kidney dysfunction. Talk to your doctor about your medication if you have any concerns or side effects.


1. Baigent C., et al. Efficacy and safety of more intensive lowering of LDL cholesterol: a meta-analysis of data from 170,000 participants in 26 randomised trials. Lancet. 2010 Nov 13;376(9753):1670-81.

2. Taylor F., et al. Statins for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011 Jan 19;(1):CD004816.

3. Nguyen DM, Richardson P, El-Serag HB. Medications (NSAIDs, statins, proton pump inhibitors) and the risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma in patients with Barrett’s esophagus. Gastroenterology. 2010 Jun;138(7):2260-6.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Simple Fix for Heartburn Every Morning

One of the more rare ways acid reflux can manifest itself is via heartburn in the morning. While most people suffer from heartburn in the evening or at night, some people get heartburn every morning. This could be the cause of nighttime heartburn that does not wake the afflicted individual up, but also some people just have an upset stomach in the morning.

For those people who tend to have an upset stomach and heartburn upon waking and for the early morning hours, I have a simple fix for you: have a protein shake for breakfast.

Having a protein shake in the morning (with nothing else) first thing after waking is a great way to help reduce acid reflux. In particular, protein actually helps increase the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (the thing that seals off the stomach from the esophagus). Note: no reference to support this, but there is evidence out there – I had read through the entire study which had demonstrated that LES pressure increased on average by 8 mm Hg after eating protein in the test subjects, but it seems I deleted the .pdf file and cannot find it!

The routine is simple: take 20-50g of protein in a shake, right after waking. The amount used depends on body weight; if you weigh 100 pounds (45 kg), use 20 grams; if you weigh 200 pounds or more (90 kg or more), use 50 grams; everyone else can be somewhere in the middle.

Give yourself 20 minutes or so to let your stomach settle down before drinking any coffee or any more water. Do not drink any extra water with your morning protein until your acid reflux has calmed down. The reason for this is that extra water dilutes stomach acid and enzymes and makes it much harder to digest the protein. Use as little as water as necessary, and only drink water or coffee in the morning after your reflux has subsided.

Protein’s effect on the digestive system can be very positive, but you want to be sure to choose the right type. A lot of people think that protein powders can lead to an upset stomach, but that is simply because they chose the wrong powder type.

The best powder you can get is pure whey protein, filtered or processed as finely as possible. At a bare minimum, you will want a protein which has “whey isolate” written on the ingredients label. When you look at the nutrition facts, you want to find one that has no carbs, and if possible no fat as well. I prefer VPX’s Zero Carb SRO brand for this purpose (I have no affiliation with this company – it is just a great product for morning use if you wake up with reflux).

The reason you want this type of protein is because it is very easily tolerated and it mixes extremely well with even small amounts of water. You can easily mix 20g of this high-quality protein with just 4-5 ounces of water. Cheap protein might require 2-3x as much water to mix, and as such will not be nearly as beneficial as water.

Cheaper milk proteins (whey is a component of milk protein) will also contain lactose, dairy fat, and casein, all of which are things you want to completely avoid if you have acid reflux. You have to order higher quality proteins like this online unless you want to pay an arm and a leg, because they tend to be very expensive in supplement stores and are simply not available at big retailers.

As far as soy proteins go, most soy proteins are extremely cheap and I do not recommend them for anyone. If you are a vegan, be sure to avoid “soy protein concentrate” like the plague. Soy protein concentrate is extremely cheap, but is laden in chemicals that you do not want, particularly plant isoflavones (an estrogen-mimicking plant chemical) and even hexane (a neurotoxin used in processing of soy). Soy isolate tends to have most of these byproducts removed. Ideally if you insist on using soy, you want to only use organic soy isolate; anything else has too many impurities and potentially toxic chemical byproducts.

Having a protein shake for breakfast is a great way to eliminate heartburn in the morning. Just remember that the best quality proteins make the best heartburn home remedies; stick to whey isolate (or better) or organic soy isolate for best results. A a general rule of thumb, the lower the carbohydrate and fat totals a protein has, the higher quality it is.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My Top 4 Heartburn Remedies

Heartburn RemediesIn this article below, I will be revealing my top 4 heartburn remedies. These are things I have used time and time again and I have found that they really work!

A little backstory: I recently came down with a really bad case of the flu, complete with vomiting and just about every digestive problem you can imagine. Ever since then, I have had to deal with heartburn all the time. I have become a bit of a guru on heartburn remedies since then as otherwise I would be in pain all the time!

Top Heartburn Remedy: Gum

I would say out of all the heartburn remedies I have tried, my favorite is chewing gum. It is just so easy to do and you can do it anywhere, which is great for me as I am always on the go. After all, some of the other remedies can require a time commitment, or just aren’t easy for travel. Popping a stick of gum in after a meal is so easy and so effective. Nowadays every time I eat I make sure chew on some gum, and since doing this I have virtually no heartburn. I do have to be careful though as I do not want to injure my jaw from all the chewing!

#2: Walking

Whenever I have the chance (usually after dinner or lunch) I try to take a walk. This combats heartburn on multiple levels. First off, walking helps increase digestive motility, which is just a fancy way of saying it increases the rate at which the stomach and intestines move food along. This is great because food hanging out for too long in the stomach is one of the main reasons people get heartburn.

It also is a great way to lose some extra weight, and being overweight is a strong risk factor for getting heartburn.

#3 – New Toothpaste

Without fail, I had the uncanny ability to get heartburn right before going to bed. I knew laying down made heartburn often get worse, but this often started while I was still sitting up for no apparent reason. I finally figured it out: I was getting heartburn within 5-10 minutes of brushing my teeth!

It turns out that certain ingredients in toothpaste can act as a trigger for heartburn. I switched to one of those granola “natural” toothpastes, and while they feel a little gritty when you are brushing with them, it has certainly reduced my heartburn.

#4 – Mustard

I found out that mustard contains vinegar, and that vinegar is a great home heartburn remedy. Apparently vinegar stimulates the production of saliva, and saliva is great for combating heartburn. What I like to do is cook with mustard; I use it in many meat sauces and marinades and it works great. When I combine this with chewing gum and going for a walk, I can have a really tasty dinner without reeling in pain all night.

Try some of these heartburn remedies out, you won’t be disappointed!


View the original article here

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Top 4 Reasons for Heartburn

Acid reflux, and the heartburn that accompanies it, is a very uncomfortable condition which tens of millions of people around the world suffer from each day. In this article, you will find out what the top 4 reasons for heartburn are so you can avoid these in the future.

While we know that we get acid reflux when stomach acid leaves the stomach and enters the esophagus, and this occurs when the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (the band of smooth muscle which normally seals the junction between the stomach and esophagus) is not functioning properly.

The real question is – what causes this malfunction in the first place? What are the real underlying reasons for acid reflux?

Reason for Heartburn #1 – Obesity

The primary reason for the number of heartburn and GERD cases exploding in the last 20 years is due to the growth in obesity. Out of all the lifestyle factors linked to heartburn, obesity has by far and away the strongest link between acid reflux and heartburn.

Obesity causes more than just heart problems as it is one of the major heartburn causes. If you are overweight and you are getting acid reflux, that might be your body’s way of telling you it is time to lose weight.

Reason for Heartburn #2 – Diet

I do not think it comes to a surprise to anyone that the foods you eat may be triggering heartburn. However, you may be surprised to know that the perfect acid reflux diet is not just based on eating the “good” foods and avoiding the “bad” foods.

Everyone responds to foods differently, so a list of foods that are “safe” or “bad” will not be applicable across the board. There are huge variations between individual people. Some people get heartburn when eating fatty food while others get heartburn from sugary foods. Some people can handle spicy food and cannot have diary, whereas others are the exact opposite.

Perhaps the biggest way diet leads to acid reflux is in the amount of food you eat. Most people do not respond favorably to being very full. Overeating causes the stomach to expand, which increases the pressure inside of it, which leads to more pressure against the Lower Esophageal Sphincter as food tries to push its way out the top of the stomach and cause acid reflux.

On the plus side, adding in certain nutrients may actually reduce heartburn. Using supplements like fish oil in addition to make sure your salt is iodized may improve acid reflux over time. As mentioned in our article on heartburn every morning, a high protein meal can also help reduce acid reflux.

Reason for Heartburn #3 – Smoking, Alcohol, and Caffeine

These three substances are the vice of many (personally I love coffee – in fact I am drinking a cup as I write this!) but all three of them can lead to heartburn. There are some ways we can manage our vices and still reduce acid reflux.

Having a drink or two with dinner on Friday nights is not likely to give you heartburn that night, let alone all week. Alcohol becomes more of a contributor to acid reflux when drinking is regularly (a few drinks every day), excessive (a 8+ drink binge), or both.

Smoking will likely always be a problem and causes heartburn on two fronts: through nicotine (which is thought to stimulate acid production) and through cigarette smoke, which triggers inflammation.

Understand that nicotine is not a healthy substance and if you are a smoker you should look to quit immediately. However, if you have no intentions of quitting smoking, consider picking up an electronic cigarette. You can get these online and they are fairly inexpensive. While you will still get the side effects of nicotine, the lack of cigarette smoke will cut down on inflammation in the body and may help reduce heartburn related to smoking.

If I drink coffee on an empty stomach, I get acid reflux. However, I cannot give up on coffee so easily. I have found that adding in a positive factor, in this case a protein shake (protein tightens the LES), I can drink coffee with no issues. This may be something you want to try if you are not ready to give up on coffee.

Reason for Heartburn #4 – Medication, Illness, or Injury

While these may not seem related, these are three of the top causes of heartburn that appears “out of the blue”. It is not uncommon for example to get acid reflux as a side effect from medication. Alternatively, some people experience reflux after getting sick, particularly with a stomach virus, food poisoning, or the flu. A third option would be to have some sort of internal injury such as a hiatal hernia, which increases your chance of getting reflux significantly.

If you have no history of heartburn then all of a sudden you start getting very regular heartburn, you need to see a doctor and mention this immediately. Make note of any medications you may have started recently, including over the counter medications and even supplements.

There are a lot of reasons why people get acid reflux, but this top 4 list covers the usual suspects. You can reduce heartburn significantly just by losing weight (should you be overweight), getting your diet and vices under control, and paying attention to any sudden changes in your health. See a doctor if you get acid reflux two times per week or more.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Acid Reflux and Diabetes

Just recently in a very popular heartburn book, I read that diabetes was a major cause of acid reflux and that getting your blood sugar in check was a major step in controlling your acid reflux.

Up until that point in time, I had never come across any research or read any other reports that would indicate that this was true (or false), so I decided to look into whether or not there was any validity to this claim.

So are acid reflux and diabetes related? Additionally, do certain treatments have the side effect of acid reflux?

You are about to find out the answer to these questions as below I will be revealing what I found after digging in to the literature. I will start with laying out the research for both sides and then interpreting the validity of each study.

The specific book I was reading referenced a study that looked at diabetic patients who used insulin therapy and those who did not. The researchers reported that those who used insulin therapy for their diabetes were more likely to GERD and esophageal damage from their reflux than those who did not use insulin therapy (1).

Additionally, I was able to find another study where researchers were able to demonstrate that the longer individuals were afflicted with diabetes, the likely they were to have GERD and other esophageal disorders (2).

While the first two studies were interesting if nothing else, this is where the support for the link between diabetes and acid reflux ends.

By far the largest study I was able to find (looking at over 1,500 patients) reported that there was no difference in rates of acid reflux or instances of acid-related esophageal damage when comparing regular people with diabetes (3).

Another group of researchers reported they were unable to find any differences in GERD rates between different types of treatment protocols for diabetics, in direct opposition to study 1 (4).

Finally, one group of researchers even reported that those with the highest blood sugar levels (very poor glucose control) actually had much lower rates of acid reflux than those with slightly better glucose control (5).

There are a few confounding factors that should be made known about the particular pieces of research cited in this article. First off, the initial study reporting that people who use insulin as being much more likely to get heartburn was written in Russian; only the abstract (a brief summary) was available in English, which makes me curious as to how the author in the book I mentioned was able to interpret it (I am guessing they did not read the original piece).

The second study (in support of acid reflux and diabetes being linked) and fifth study (reporting that those with the highest blood sugar levels had less reflux) both used very small sample sizes, which could make their results be up to chance rather than reliable evidence.

The safest study is the third one referenced, which supports no difference between regular individuals and diabetics. This is simply because they had such a large sample size (over 1500 people) and adjusted for confounding factors and other risk factors.

Based on what I have read of the research, right now there is simply no way you can say with complete certainty that diabetes or diabetic treatments are linked with acid reflux.

It is much more likely that the things which dispose individuals to type-2 diabetes (obesity and a high-carbohydrate diet) also dispose individuals to acid reflux. Obesity in particular is very strongly linked with acid reflux and diabetes.

Furthermore, another thing to consider is gastroparesis. With the translation of stomach paralysis, this may occur with nerve damage (particularly to the vagus nerve) and lead to acid reflux.

Patients with particularly severe cases of diabetes (particularly left untreated) may end up with vagus nerve damage and ultimately develop gastroparesis. This also helps explain the findings of study 1 and 2.

Study 1 was conducted in Russia; health care in Russia does not rank well on a world scale, which would make insulin-dependent diabetics more likely to develop gastroparesis.

Study 2 reported that longer-term diabetics often had worse acid reflux, which could be the result of nerve damage due to prolonged periods of elevated glucose levels.

According to our current set of research, well-managed diabetes is not likely to lead to acid reflux or heartburn. Obesity is one of the strongest risk factors for both diabetes and acid reflux, which is why the two may be correlated (but not necessarily directly related). Finally, prolonged periods of very poorly managed diabetes may result in gastroparesis, which can lead to acid reflux.Individuals with diabetes and acid reflux should focus keeping their glucose levels at a healthy level and weight loss (should they be overweight or obese). An acid reflux diet should be secondary to managing glucose and weight loss.


1. Fedorchenko IuN, Korneeva NV. Influence of the insulin therapy on the course of gastroesophageal reflux disease with type 2 diabetes. Eksp Klin Gastroenterol. 2010;(11):35-9.

2. Kinekawa, F., et al. Esophageal function worsens with long duration of diabetes. J Gastroenterol. 2008;43(5):338-44

3. Holub JL, Silberg DG, Michaels LC, Williams JL, Morris CD, Eisen G. Acid-related upper endoscopy findings in patients with diabetes versus non-diabetic patients. Dig Dis Sci. 2010 Oct;55(10):2853-9.

4. Horikawa, A., et al. Prevalence of GORD (gastro-oesophageal reflux disease) in Type 2 diabetes and a comparison of clinical profiles between diabetic patients with and without GORD. Diabet Med. 2009 Mar;26(3):228-33.

5. Lauffer A, Forcelini CM, Ruas LO, Madalosso CA, Fornari F. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease is Inversely Related with Glycemic Control in Morbidly Obese Patients. Obes Surg. 2011 Jul;21(7):864-70.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Heartburn food - Top 5 groups food heartburn to avoid or to consume with moderation

Majority of stomach symptoms are food-related. A person has an advantage if he knows the food appropriate for the prevention of heartburn, especially groups of five foods high in order to avoid or to consume with moderation. Otherwise, a person will be subject to certain complications if its indigestion incidents have become a regular presence.

If you are the type who could not care less if eat you salt, food foods oily, spicy, hazelnuts foods, fatty, food food "feel good"and all the other assortment of foods that can trigger disturbances in your body, then you are a candidate for heartburn. If you continue to be stupid about what happens inside your digestive system, you will soon feel its unpleasant effects.

Click here to discover how you can get rid of your acid reflux naturally.

Once you feel a little more tight around the chest with a kind of pain, it will seem to stab you as it develops slowly in your body. Gradually, it rises and reaches your throat, neck and jaw make you feel very nauseated and miserable. You feel like sleeping, but which may aggravate your condition.

No, you do not have to call 911; you're not a heart attack if there was nothing wrong with your heart before you began gorging yourself with food. You are actually suffering from indigestion or heartburn. Just ask some antacids, wait for it to take effect and you will soon pass the gas.

Your eating habits can also lead to these episodes. Dining at a fast pace, wearing tight fitting clothes and lying flat on your back after a full meal are triggers you must monitor. Most often, the symptoms are related foods. In fact, if you are the type that tends to have indigestion, you should know the most common heartburn-inducing foods to avoid.

1 Spicy and very acidic fruit
, including tomatoes. especially if taken too much acidity with an empty stomach can cause pain of gas. Tomatoes and other foods of tomato based; they can be nutrients for their lycopene content, but they are also regarded as very acid.

2. Garlic and onions or food preparations with too much of these two; acid vapours onion can we even cry to tears, while the smell of garlic acid juice can fill an entire room. That is how strong are these acidic foods.

3 Food spicy, responsible for all types of pepper, Chile and other spicy condiments. Try dipping your finger with the natural juices of pepper and feel how it consumes. It is the same thing, that is the case for the linings of our intestines.

4 Peppermints, chocolates and alcohol. they are good "feel" food after a hearty meal. They are in reality the heartburn triggers because they relax at the opening of your esophagus and let out your stomach acid to spread around your chest.

5 Fat-rich foods; fat slows down digestion and creates pressure on the esophageal sphincter. As a result, acid will roll back the food, causing regurgitation. Juicy Ribeye, nuts, lawyers, and cheese are a few examples.

Now if you really are the type who experiences problems of indigestion of almost anything, make a record of the food you've eaten just, take note and include in your diet for the prevention of heartburn. Food is glorious, food is divine, but food may be too dangerous because this is where to begin all our health problems.

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Drugs for Acid Reflux -Avoid Danger

Acid reflux is a chronic problem of digestion. It has the potential to be extremely painful and cause significant discomfort. It does not correctly; symptoms become chronic and persist for many months. In addition, the symptoms recur often without pre-existing warning. Drugs for acid reflux are processing more current, and yet they are often bothersome side effects and serious medical complications.

Click here to discover how you can get rid of your acid reflux naturally.

Because the selected drugs are often required for a short period of time, they must be repeated. Drug treatment is mainly based on the removal of high acid productivity. Specifically, drugs generally mask the symptoms of acid reflux. Therefore, the symptoms still persist. Unfortunately, long-term drug use can cause other problems of major medical such as cancer, hypertension and Alzheimer's even.

Acid reflux drugs may involve risk important that most people do not know. As mentioned above, extreme use cases of the diseases that can cause death. Fundamentally, the drugs are rarely the best solution to manage this disease. Research indicates that drugs are not safe (for many reasons).

Drugs for acid reflux can be bought at the counter or prescribed by a physician. Although both are effective in their own right, they do not solve the problem of acid reflux. Over the counter medications like antacids, are commonly used to treat mild acid related symptoms. Antacids contain excessive amounts of minerals (calcium and potassium) causing mineral imbalances.

More drugs work by neutralizing acid in the stomach. Yet, they are not effective for the treatment of chronic acid reflux. Prescription drugs, such as tramadol, Nexium and Prevacid are all capable of processing symptoms up to 8 weeks.

After that, they become dangerous. Use these drugs long-term has been proven to cause a production of the hormone gastrin. The substance called gastrin directs your stomach to make more acid. The production of gastrin causes cancer cells to expand significantly increases the risk of developing cancer.

However, most of these same drugs disrupt the production of natural or hydrochloric acid in the stomach. This greatly reduces your ability to digest your food properly. Reduction of the natural production of gastric acid also decreases the body's defense against food-borne infections. increasing the risk to get food poisoning.

Prescription for acid reflux drugs may also cause injury to persons who are currently on prescription drugs. The effects of a drug can amplify or modify the effects of another causing dangerous reactions or even death.

Finally, the long term management of drugs used to treat acid reflux induced the accumulation of toxins and pathogens not desired in the body. There are several compelling reasons why you should consider avoiding extreme use of the counter drugs or prescription for acid reflux disease.

Discover how you can stop your acid reflux instantly using proven and effective relief of reflux. No drugs and no side effects. Click here for more information and to return your life today!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Home of the heartburn relief – 7 remedies that work

Family solidarity is something that we often look forward to especially during the weekends. Part of our weekly celebration is to have food in abundance. We seem to be to compensate for the quick and easy, meal that we had to face during the busy days of the week.

As we are carried away with all the enthusiasm to our food, address us our meals with great speed and enthusiasm. No matter if its too oily or spicy, or we already have guzzled too many bottles of soft drinks and alcohol.

Click here to discover how you can get rid of your acid reflux naturally.

We always have a home heartburn remedy in the case of repeated as they bring another series of attacks of stomach. Here are some home remedies, you might find useful in cases where a weekend of celebration turns into another episode of pain of gas and indigestion.

1. Ginger: chew a little ginger or boil this and that drinking tea.

2 Papaya: eat a serving of papaya, because it contains digestive enzymes that accelerates the process digestive, useful in the removal of heartburn.

3 Potatoes: Place washed potatoes in a blender and drink after juice. Don't try the skin and try to add juice to vary the taste.

4. Water: consume large amounts of water immediately after the first sign of symptoms.

5 Chamomile: drinking Chamomile tea in order to ease the irritation esophagus.

6 Licorice: it's also good in the treatment of esophagus apart from heartburn and stomach ulcers.

7 Aloe Vera: drink aloe Vera juice since it is good in the intestinal tract of healing.

Nevertheless, you should not treat these mild heartburn attacks, because your indigestion may be more than a regular reflux. Chest pain caused by acidic juices which have spilled out of your stomach.

What caused these gastric acids from your stomach is an important issue, because it may mean that your lower esophageal sphincter does not function correctly. If this is the case, then you will have to pay more attention to your diet.

Remember, heartburn or GERD may easily reproduce and can cause other complications of the esophagus. The frequency of acid from the stomach into your esophagus is likely to cause damage to trim; Unlike the stomach, your esophagus is not strong enough to withstand the combustion properties of acid.

Now if you just a victim of occasional heartburn, you may be eating your food at a very rapid pace, especially if you eat empty stomach. Take time to chew and ventilating your food, in fact, give time to your gut to work at a steady speed.

Discover how you can stop your acid reflux instantly using proven and effective relief of reflux. No drugs and no side effects. Click here for more information and to return your life today!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Natural Acid Reflux Medications

Find options of different acid reflux drugs? Are you experiencing symptoms of heartburn? As well, they are not alone. There are many people who share the same condition as you. Acidity status is due to the food that we eat. Only mean that not all foods that satisfy us are good for our health. Such foods such as onion, carbonated soft drinks, spicy food, chocolate, etc. can trigger heartburn. And for those who are in search of acid reflux medication, this article can give ideas how to overcome stomach acidity.

Acid reflux drugs would vary because people get heartburn conditions also experience the different. For the early stages of stomach acidity, one of the easiest remedies for acidity is to control the intake of foods, including the types of food. Another form of relief of heartburn is through the ingestion of mint tea or chewing almonds to help relieve the feeling that it is very distressing tingling.

Another method of acid reflux medication is taking drugs or medications. There are several options of medication acid reflux can be purchased over-the-counter or prescribed by a medical professional. However, take into account that you must have full knowledge with his condition before engaging in any recommended acid reflux treatment.

The usual sign of acidity is the burning sensation that begins in the stomach and increasingly goes upwards. If you experience this kind of condition, it is surely one of those individuals who are finding ways to relief of heartburn. Why does heartburn happen? Heartburn strikes the reflux of acid fluid that is generated in the stomach to go turn at the bottom of the esophagus and triggers the burning sensation. Why acid reflux treatment is the way of combating these acids. An antacid is the most basic acid reflux medication given to persons who suffer from heartburn.

If you think that you experience heartburn, it is best to consult a professional help of a doctor who can find the best medication acid reflux for your case. But before seeking professional help, they are simple remedies for the treatment of acid reflux that can be easily done at home to alleviate their suffering. One of the best and easiest acidity remedies is controlling what you eat and have a balanced diet. Try to avoid eating foods that trigger pain. Control the intake of fatty or acidic foods. Getting away with caffeine, stop smoking and exercise regularly to lose more weight can be a great help for medication for acid reflux.

Heartburn occurs when it is activated. See status of acidity and determine which triggered the pain. Some of the symptoms of heartburn are the following: sore throat, or chronic cough, chest pain, problems in swallowing, flaming sensation in the chest and stomach area. If you have these symptoms occurring frequently for at least two times a week, you should then start searching for medicinal products for acid reflux. Take it for granted just make that complicated things and only worsen his condition. There are some people who undergo surgery to cure heartburn. In order to avoid difficulties in the future, stop heartburn, while it is still early taking acid reflux medication.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Treatment Of Acid Reflux

You don't need to be told that stomach acidity is a particularly painful, painful complaint. Regular attacks need to be addressed, usually with some type of prescribed drugs or over-the-counter. But this is the most effective treatment of acid reflux can get? Keep reading and you will find that it is not.

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It provides the necessary to combat the maldigestion and malabsorption acid.? Do typical symptoms include swelling, heartburn, belching and prolonged fullness after meals.? Do reflux of acid & nausea may actually be caused by a deficiency of instead of excess stomach acid.? Root of gentian added for its ability to stimulate the gastric juice, bile and saliva.

Acid stomach inadequate is very common, which makes maldigestion and malapsorption. Typical symptoms include the 4 B: burping, belching, burning and bloating after meals. Nausea and acid reflux may actually be caused by a deficiency of acid HCL.

HP: High BIO - stomach acid power acidifying to reduce symptoms such as belching, heartburn, acid reflux and fulfillment. -90 Capsules
Pop those pills and you will get that much-needed relief. But what happens when you stop taking them.? Back comes the problem, often worse than before. What is the answer? It is somehow stronger drugs, or there is an alternative type of treatment out there that could really provide a permanent relief from the pain and anguish?
If you have a mind open about alternative remedies and treatments soon discover you can achieve permanent relief of your problem, without using any medicine based medication. Would be good?

Traditional treatment for acid reflux is simply to control the amount of acid produced by the stomach. Reduce the production of acid in the stomach and the acidity disappears but the relief obtained is only temporary, so it must continue appearing pills to keep its acidity. Therefore, pharmaceutical companies make a fortune from sales of products from heartburn.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Natural remedies for acid reflux

Heartburn or acid indigestion is another name that refers to acid reflux. Pain and pain associated with acid reflux is very common throughout the world. This pain and discomfort can cause cough, hoarseness, constant ear pain or a burning sensation in his chest (heartburn), sometimes extends to the throat.

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This pillow provides a comfortable, gradual slope and uses gravity to keep reflux down and open airway.You can also use foot or leg elevationComes machine washable white pillow case

Bed foam wedge pillow provides soft support raising the upper part of the body or legs, or for use as a stabilizer of the trunk for position lying on his side.

Designed for patients with acid reflux, breathing problem, poor circulation, hernia hiatals, copy, or neck problems. You can also use for foot or leg lift.

. The scar tissue close the road food, causing difficulty swallowing.* A pain in the esophagus (esophageal ulcer). Stomach acid can severely erode the tissues in the esophagus, causing a headache opened the form.
* Precancerous changes into the esophagus (Barrett's esophagus). In Barrett's esophagus, the color and the composition of the tissue lining the lower esophagus change.
What of triggers acid reflux?
Acid reflux is caused by the backup of acid bile in the esophagus or stomach. When you swallow, it relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter to allow food and fluid to flow down into the stomach. Then closes again.  However, if this valve relaxes abnormally or weakens, stomach acid can flow backup in the esophagus. This persistent backwash of acid can irritate the lining of the esophagus, causing it to become aggravated (esophagitis) & resulting in the abovementioned conditions.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Different Causes Of Heartburn

Heartburn occurs due to the acids from the stomach flows in the esophagus. The most important causes of heartburn is the malfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter.

This element of the esophagus opens and closes the passage from the stomach into the esophagus and in this way, prevents the leakage of acid reflux. During stomach acidity, it doesn't work properly and this flow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus.

This can be very dangerous as the acidic nature of the fluid can cause inflammation of the lining of the esophagus and also have several other effects.

There are many causes of heartburn. People who suffer from hernia hiatel suffer from heartburn most and as such, it can be attributed as one of the causes of heartburn.  The contractions of the esophagus can also cause heartburn. Always we swallow, a wave of contraction takes place in the muscles of the esophagus that reduces or limits the camera inside the esophagus to allow transportation of food.

Sometimes, this contraction wave may be too short or may not start even after the process of swallowing, leading to acid reflux.

One of the main causes of heartburn is an inadequate and unbalanced diet. People enjoy eating fast food and unhealthy foods leads to heartburn.  Foods such as chocolate, drinks like coffee and all carbonated beverages, fruits and vegetables which are acidic in nature, such as tomatoes, onions, oranges and grapes, drugs as aspirin and several other anti-inflammatory medications, juices of fruit and vegetables which are acidic nature such as orange, grape and pineapple, all alcoholic drinks, and spicy foods lead to heartburn. A proper diet should be maintained and avoiding all foods that can cause heartburn. People who cause also are at risk of suffering from this condition.

Chemical nicotine, which is present in cigarettes, calms and relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter and this can lead to acid reflux, therefore such habits should immediately stop and prevent. Foods that are rich in fats and oils of animal or vegetable content also increases the chance of suffering from heartburn. Wearing clothing or belts that are extremely tight and uncomfortable it may cause heartburn. Food should always be taken at fixed intervals, and preferably a couple of hours before going to sleep and then food can obtain easily digested by while you sleep, do not eat before bedtime definitely can cause acid reflux.

Conditions such as pregnancy and obesity also cause acid reflux as they increase the pressure on the stomach.  Maintaining an ideal weight is needed to prevent heartburn. The most effective way to keep fit and avoid heartburn is exercise. At least 2-3 hours in a day it should be devoted to the exercise and activities such as walking, running or working in the gym are highly recommended.

Pre-existing medical conditions also cause heartburn. Therefore, these are the various causes of heartburn.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Best Cure For Heartburn

Heartburn occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter cannot be avoided that the acid to raise the level of the esophagus. This causes pain in many areas, such as the breast, throat and back. Several cures for heartburn are available both in a natural way in the form drugs. With the help of these priests, people can now wanting to get rid of its acidity.

Taking an antacid is the easiest way to cure heartburn. The chemicals present in the antacid absorb excess fluid and relieve pain. One of the oldest cures for heartburn is the milk. Drink 3-4 oz of milk can cure heartburn due to the reaction of neutralization and water can help to flush out the excess fluids from the body. Another remedy for heartburn is garlic.

People who constantly suffer from heartburn should keep a few cloves of garlic assessable as chew them it can greatly reduce the pain, and this is due to the antibacterial properties of garlic.

Fruits are also known to calm the stomach, especially papaya contains an enzyme called papain which does wonders for people with problems of digestion. Eat a papaya before dinner, or when you notice symptoms. Even bananas are natural antacids and may help to cure heartburn.

Almonds contain much of the acids that can help to neutralize the acids of the stomach and therefore must take either regular or at least as soon as the heartburn occurs. One of the most popular cures for heartburn is Apple vinegar. The basic nature of vinegar fights stomach fluids and provides relief from pain. A table spoon should be taken every day to prevent heartburn.

Other remedies for heartburn include reducing the amount of drugs is a good idea. Antibiotics and ant-inflammatory drugs may aggravate heartburn and as such only after a detailed consultation with a qualified doctor, medicines must be taken. Another cure for heartburn is to lose weight. To be appropriate and healthy, the chances of that suffer from heartburn reduced drastically.

Habits such as smoking does not do any good for the stomach and weaken the skin and cause severe heartburn that contain nicotine that can increase the rate of production of stomach acid, so it should avoid such habits. It must also be within limits and at the right time.

Sleeping after meals may cause heartburn as immediately after eating, there are more possibilities of fluid from the stomach upward into the esophagus that normally. Dinner should always be consumed at least 2-3 hours before going to bed so that food can be properly digested before going to sleep.

Sleeping on a full stomach may cause heartburn. Wearing tight clothing and seat belts also it can increase the chances of heartburn and as such, should be avoided. These are some effective cures for heartburn, and to be followed properly for best results.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Alternative And Natural Remedy For Heartburn

During stomach acidity, a painful sensation can be experienced in the esophagus due to the flow of acid from the stomach from the stomach in the chest. The pain is able to spread to other parts of the body also. Immediately who experience heartburn should consult a physician. There are several remedies for heartburn and this article will help you to choose a remedy for heartburn which is most suitable for your case.

Controlling diet is one of the easiest ways to control heartburn. People, heartburn, need to monitor their diet and avoid any foods that lead to heartburn. Foods such as spicy foods, chocolate, vinegar, fatty foods, tomatoes and citrus fruits should be avoided at all costs and must take meals in smaller portions. Dinner must be taken at least 2-3 hours before bedtime.

About 58% of people experiencing heartburn, do so because of the tension. The modern lifestyle causes much pressure of work that leads to heartburn. People who suffer from heartburn due to stress testing techniques such as meditation, yoga and relaxation response. Aloe Vera juice is a popular remedy for heartburn. Approximately one fourth Cup of aloe vera is taken before a meal to prevent heartburn. Teeth are also used to treat heartburn.

Three teeth along with fresh water can help a lot to soothe the stomach.  Potato juice also says that it is good for the stomach and take it once a day can provide relief from stomach acidity.

Garlic is also one of the most recommended remedy for heartburn and this is due to the effectiveness of garlic in the prevention of heart disease and also reduce the overall level of cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol is not allowed, clog the arteries making them to strengthen.

Take 3-4 cloves of garlic is recommended because it provides immediate relief of heartburn. Give up habits like alcohol and tobacco also is very necessary for people who suffer from heartburn. The chemicals in them avoiding the esophageal sphincter to function correctly, it leads to heartburn.

Fennel and Mint also takes many people to cure heartburn. Fennel seeds are mixed in water or tea and consumed. Tamarind mixed with sugar juice can also cure heartburn. Slippery elm is widely considered remedy for heartburn. Also used in all pills to reduce the irritation of throat. Marshmallow contains mucilage which can help to alleviate and comfort to the mucosa of the stomach. Consuming root of Marshmallow tea is a good home remedy. Consume large quantities of water also is a good way to prevent heartburn.

Cider vinegar mixed with honey and lukewarm water can provide relief of heartburn. Buttermilk if consumed during heartburn can reduce pain and soothe the stomach. Tree of cinnamon or sticks can also reduce the pain associated with heartburn. These are the different remedies for heartburn and according to our preference, and we need to, you can choose a resource appropriate for heartburn.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Symptoms Causes And Treatment Of Acid Reflux Of Stomach

The stomach acid reflux is a condition in which the gastric juices which is in the stomach of journey from the stomach into the esophagus. The food that we eat are digested with the help of the stomach acids.

For people who suffer from acid reflux of stomach, vomiting acids from the stomach into the esophagus, and this is due to the impartiality or lack of functioning of the esophageal sphincter.  The esophageal sphincter opens only when a person is swallow and remains close otherwise and in this way, the stomach contents do not reach the oesophagus.

During acid reflux of stomach, esophageal sphincter does not close properly and as such, the flow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus. There are several symptoms of acid reflux. Some of them are experiencing a burning pain in the chest, back and throat known as heartburn, regurgitation, shortness of breath, difficulty in chewing and swallowing, and dental erosion.

Acid reflux of stomach can be caused by many factors.  You have a diet rich in fats, coffee, alcohol, spicy foods, eating many meals before bedtime, carbonated soft drinks, foods that have contained acid such as tomatoes and citrus fruits, vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli and milk also increases the risk of acid reflux of stomach.  Even conditions such as obesity and pregnancy can cause acid reflux of stomach. Acid reflux can last for any period of time if not treated. Suffering of the people of acid reflux of stomach, should consult a doctor and seek options for treatment,

Suppressors of acid blockers are used to reduce the amount of stomach acid production in the stomach. These suppressants block histamine, which is a chemical that occurs during inflammation and thus provide relief from acid reflux of stomach. Proton pump inhibitors are another class of drugs that make the cells present in the wall of the stomach to produce less acid. Antacids are the most common drugs used for heartburn and neutralize the acid in the stomach. They are mostly over the counter medications and should be taken by people who experience less frequent heartburn. Prokinetic agents can empty the contents of the stomach before that it is overloaded and thus avoid heartburn to occur.

The effect of acidity varies from person to person. Some people are affected by stomach acidity and experienced discomfort while performing daily activities. Even simple activities such as ingestion of food can be very difficult for people who suffer from acid reflux of stomach. Factors such as hernia hiatel can also cause heartburn.

Most stomach acid reflux occurs after meals and as such activities as lying or bending down should not be after meals. Eat before exercise also is not recommended because it can lead to acid reflux of stomach. Therefore, all people who suffer from acid reflux of stomach must understand the causes and the symptoms and be sure to visit a doctor and the diagnosis made as soon as possible, so as to be completely cured of stomach acid reflux.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Heartburn Relief: Simple Medications For Acid Reflux

Have they been seeking easy methods of heartburn relief? Do not be afraid for that isn't alone. WebMD carried out an investigation and found that for at least once a week, more than 20% of Americans actually suffer from heartburn. This is the main reason of why there are several Web sites on the internet today that provide information on acid reflux remedies medication and heartburn.

Most people will seek medication acid reflux if they suffer frequently from a burning sensation in your stomach and raises intensely toward his throat. This condition is very common nowadays mainly by unhealthy lifestyle practiced by many people. Inadequate diet is also a factor added in condition of heartburn. Another reason for why a person will seek relief from stomach acidity is if they have a weak sphincter muscle. Sphincter can be found between the esophagus and the stomach.

You have a muscle weak sphincter produce an abnormal flow of stomach acid. The burning sensation carried out when the acid in the stomach that flow backwards goes to the sensitive esophagus lining. Sometimes you can taste the bitter of gastric acid in his mouth. It is time that you consider seeking relief from stomach acidity method if you are experiencing this condition.

One of the methods of relief of heartburn is to have full understanding of the condition that they are suffering with and subject to the steps appropriate for resources of heartburn. To correctly start his treatment of acid reflux, avoid eating foods that are known to start flaming sensations. Always see your food intake. Foods that can trigger heartburn include tomatoes, garlic, onions, chocolate, fried edible foods with high fat and citrus fruits.

Caffeine and soft drinks can also cause heartburn. Drinking Chamomile tea or mint tea drinking may help relieve the sensation of burning and somehow can relieve pain. You can try if you like, who knows that it works for you. You can also do simple things like putting loose clothing, stop, and avoid the consumption of cigarettes and to look for treatment of emotional and physical stress and obesity if they are suffering from it.

There are several alternatives of acid reflux medications available acid must control their diet does not work effectively for you. Schedule yourself for a checkup with your doctor for that the appropriate prescription of drugs or by visiting a pharmacy over-the-counter antacid medications. Another option for the relief of heartburn is belching. Belching helps release the air in the stomach and allows that the acid out of his body that can cause irritation in the esophagus.

If the above options for heartburn relief still did not work, your doctor would probably suggest surgery for you. To avoid this, take simple acid reflux medication method at the early stage of heartburn. If you acknowledge that you have the symptoms of heartburn, they do not take for granted and seek heartburn relief immediately. In short, keep a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle issues such as prevention of any disease and imbalances in your body, including heartburn. Taking Antacids may help relieve pain temporarily, but if you're not careful your food intake, they eventually aggravate his condition. In this case, relief of heartburn can already be difficult to achieve.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Homemade Remedies For Acid Reflux

The good news about heartburn remedies is to always apply the treatment that suits you. Several people have testified that acidity can manage effectively simply avoiding foods that trigger the burning sensation and taking food elements that help to relieve the burning sensation. It really is one of the simple options heartburn remedies. Reference to medicinal products for acid reflux heartburn remedies as can also be done.

If you frequently experience a sensation of burning sensation in the stomach up to his chest, it is better for you to look for medicinal products for acid reflux. Flaming pain is really taking place in his esophagus specifically in the area of passage of the pharynx is going to your stomach where food passes. The pain will come when the esophagus is aggravated or inflamed due to hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Generally, the burning sensation begins from your stomach into the chest and go up to her neck and throat.
In fact, contrary to its name, the burning sensation is not really his heart. If they are already experiencing heartburn, should not expect to get worse. Act now and find effective heartburn resources to put an end to their suffering.
People who are looking for acid reflux medicines or remedies for acidity experiences the following symptoms:
A sensation of pressure or sense of flames in the bile of unpleasantlyGrowing of chestBurping in the taste of bitterness throat areaA or bitter in the mouth

For people who are looking for heartburn remedies, antacids are usual medicine as acid reflux medication. This is because antacids are medicines that will be to neutralize the acid is then taken from his stomach. But antacids will affect the production of natural acids in his body. Therefore antacids can make him indigestion. For this reason, one of the most effective remedies for acidity is having a proper diet. Here are some suggested remedies acidity. Give it a try and discover what is best.
Mint tea or Chamomile tea: these two teas works beautifully. Many people has tried and tested these two resources of heartburn. Simply sip or drink tea Peppermint or Chamomile when experiencing attacks of acidity and after taking their meals.Almonds: Just chew a several almonds to ease of burning feeling out.Yogurt: This will help to cool the burning sensation. Apart from their heartburn remedy, also has many good nutrients that are suitable for your body. It is recommended to add yogurt to their favorite meals.Lemon juice: combining one teaspoon of lemon juice pure a half glass of water and drink it. Look and see the results. Apple vinegar: Sip several tablespoons anytime of the day or even ease of burning sensation was.

About are just simple and natural methods of heartburn remedies. In addition, see what they are eating and avoid eating food that the pain will be activated. If you already know the foods and beverages that will probably cause a burning sensation, then avoid such foods even if they are their favorites. And last but not least, heartburn remedies can only be achieved by eating healthy foods and eating always on time.

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