Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Effective Treatment For Acid Reflux Disease

 The last thing you want to enjoy after a great meal is acid reflux disease, also known as GERD. Some people will get acid reflux for seemingly no reason at all, or even after the lightest of meals, where other people seem to get it based on how their body reacts to certain foods.

 If you can determine that only certain foods cause acid reflux, the most obvious advice is to stay away from those foods! But sometimes this is hard to avoid.

Like if you are having dinner with friends or at a business dinner and everyone else is having filet mignon, you might feel kind of silly being the only one at the table who orders just a salad because you already know that filet mignon will cause the discomfort of acid reflux later on.

If you have more than occasional acid reflux symptoms, it could be a sign of something worse. If it is left untreated, acid reflux can cause inflammation as well as deterioration of the esophagus, throat lesions, gastro intestinal issue, problems with breathing, and has even been known to be a major factor in sleep apnea. Acid reflux may not be the sole cause either, but could be a sign of something more serious.

The simplest signs of acid reflux are indigestion, and the more acute symptoms of acid reflux can be as severe as problems with breathing and feeling like you are having a heart attack. Most cases of real acid reflux disease can be controlled with medication, although the more severe cases may also involve surgery.
Typically what you will be looking for is something that makes you feel better. For acid reflux, since one of the symptoms is excess acid, since acid reflux is a close cousin to heartburn, you will want something to reduce your acid content. The most commonly prescribed acid reducer is ranitidine. If your case of acid reflux is not overly complex, sometimes ranitidine can be the solution for you.

More and more these days, people are looking to natural or herbal remedies to see what can be obtained to cure whatever they have, and acid reflux is no stranger here. There are many natural remedies that have shown to be effective with acid reflux. The beauty of a natural remedy is that it does not require a prescription, and unlike many prescription medications, a natural remedy usually does not also come with nasty side effects. One of the more popular natural remedies for acid reflux is a tea made with anise, peppermint, and lavender.

Another natural remedy for acid reflux disease is so simple you will wonder why you did not think of it first. This solution simply involves the way you lay in bed. Raise the head of the bed about 6 inches higher than the rest of your body. This process makes it more difficult for the acid to backup in your stomach and could present all the relief you need.

The bottom line is not to take acid reflux disease too lightly. It can be a serious health problem and you need to take the appropriate steps to determine what is causing it and what remedies and medications work best for you in controlling it.

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