Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How to Treat Heartburn With Diet and Natural Treatments

Heartburn must not to be taken lightly. Actually, if no treatment is provided, this condition can end up in dangerous medical conditions. Common complications include ulcers and esophageal spasms. Heartburn is sometimes treated with medicines that suppress or block stomach acids.

Regrettably, drugs that are prescribed by doctors to treat heartburn can slow down your metabolic process as well as lead to serious side-effects. For instance, British scientists linked PPI drugs to osteoporosis or bone loss. That explains why the best idea is to start life-style changes and try to use only natural remedies to get rid of heartburn.

One of the common reasons folk develop heartburn is lifestyle and diet related. Once an individual eliminate these factors, it is way easier to deal with heartburn. The common recommendation is to avoid such things as processed and fat-laden foods, as well as to limit consumption of coffee and caffeine containing drinks, like cola or energy drinks. Caffeine-rich drinks have raised level of astringency and can worsen acid reflux symptoms.

Try also to avoid acidic foods, such as oranges and tomatoes. These foods stimulate the opening of the esophageal sphincter or the muscle that works like a valve shielding stomach acids flowing back to esophagus.

Many have selected to follow the natural route for their heartburn treatment and this strategy involves not only adopting new dietary regime, but also using natural cures. For instance, a study, called Heartburn No More informs to drink fennel tea. Fennel provides various benefits and naturally lowers the acidic levels in the stomach.

Another natural cure for easing heartburn symptoms straight away is sodium bicarbonate. This easy curative will immediately relieve heartburn. Take half the spoon of soda and mix with 3 ounces of water. Consume the liquid gradually during the course of the day.

Before taking medicines to treat acid reflux, think about the adoption of diet changes and use natural remedies. In this manner any person can simply lessen and stop heartburn and its symptoms.

Have heartburn? To get rid of this condition, ensure you read Heartburn No More review. It is natural step-by step method that helped thousands of people to never experience acid reflux again. Be aware of overuse of antacids and always consider natural cures first.

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