Saturday, December 31, 2011

Acid Reflux No More!

Because of the discomfort that acid reflux causes, it should certainly be taken seriously.
It’s a condition that can impact your whole life in many uncomfortable ways, including preventing you enjoying time with your family, and disrupting your focus and attention on your job.

So the first thing to do is always to visit your professional medical practitioner who can give you appropriate medication.
Perhaps the most important thing that you can do is, fairly obviously, remember to take your medication is on a regular basis.

If you are one of the forgetful types, it’s helpful to have a pillbox with the days and times annotated on them so that you can remember to take your medication at the correct time.
And of course once you’ve taken your medication, it’s a good opportunity to look at your lifestyle: here are some tips that can help beat acid reflux.

Always remember to keep your posture upright especially after a meal. This is important because the gravitational pull can increase the occurrence of acid reflux and heartburn.
Next, many experts recommend that you take regular exercise. It’s important however to wait for at least two hours after eating before you do so.

Also try to cut down on cigarettes and alcohol as these are things that lead to the weakening of the esophageal lining, causing reflux of acid into the throat.
Losing weight is also extremely helpful, as you might expect, for a couple of reasons.
An outsized belly adds to abdominal pressure and so pushes the contents of the stomach outwards which leads to Acid Reflux and heartburn.

Also try to wear loose fitting clothing. Tight fitting clothes and tight belts increase the pressure on the abdomen and can force the stomach contents to backwash.
The reason why many people suffer acid reflux for long periods is because that they don’t take lifestyle changes seriously. So remember that the road to a restoration of health includes religiously taking your medications, leading a healthy lifestyle and taking care of your body.
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