Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Beat Heartburn: Lifestyle Changes That Will Get Rid of Heartburn Symptoms Permanently

It is important that you watch what you eat and drink.

While this is one of, if not, the most important steps in managing heartburn, you know that you need to take it further if you really want to change your life. Heartburn can be an inconvenience to many people. And if you feel that your heartburn symptoms do get in the way of how you live your life, it is high time that you regain control of your life. There are ways you can make that can manage and control your heartburn symptoms — better than antacids can.

Watching portion sizes. Fatty meals stay longer in the stomach. And so does larger meals. By simply watching what goes in your plate, you are basically helping yourself by reducing the occurrence of heartburn. You may have a healthy serving of yogurt and fruits, by if you serve them in a large bowl your risk of having a post-dessert heartburn is as high as when you have had a deep fried Cajun chicken.

Moderation is always the key in better managing heartburn. Plus, watching portion sizes for heartburn sufferers is the only way they can have their favorite yet heartburn-inducing food. So if you think of portions in that way, it is win win solution after all.

Eating out, safely. Most of us don’t have the luxury of time to cook. If you are one of the million of urbanistas who often find themselves eating out more than they ever want to, you know that this by-product of working an 8-5 job is not exactly easy for many heartburn sufferers. In fact, finding a good, heartburn-friendly restaurant is a challenge to many.

The key to eating out and not having to regret it later is to really know heartburn-inducing dishes. Heartburn sufferers need not look for specially created restaurants that can cater for their needs. Unlike vegans, heartburn sufferers can enjoy both plant- and animal-based dishes, which makes the process of restaurant hunting so much easier.

The only challenge heartburn sufferers must learn to overcome in a lot of restaurants are, one, high-fat foods and, two, huge portions. We are known worldwide for offering unhealthy foods in unhealthy portions. And you know you can’t be a part of it. When dining out, ask for healthy prepared meals, such as boiled, grilled, and broiled. Choose low-fat options. If the portion can be overwhelming, ask that the half of the dish be brown bag even before it will be served. This will save you from the temptation of finishing it all.

Keeping a journal. Though high-fat and greasy menus are definitely worth taking out of your list of heartburn-safe dishes, it is important that you keep a journal that can tell you exactly what triggers your symptoms and what doesn’t. What triggers your symptoms can be different from what has induced your friend’s. So taking note can save you from a lot of guessing the next time your out picking dishes from a menu.

Make your journal comprehensive, especially if you are discovering what works for you and what doesn’t. Record the time your symptoms have occurred, take note of what your symptoms are, and even the activities you have engaged in before the symptoms kick in. Make the most of your log. It can help you much more than you can imagine.

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