There are many drugs on the acid reflux of counter resources available to help treat acid reflux and symptoms. Some of these acid reflux remedies work very well, and you can usually find a wide variety in any pharmacy or grocery store.
However the majority of people would prefer a natural homeopathic remedy for acid reflux, instead of paying for medicines and drugs. Fortunately, there are a lot of homeopathic for acid reflux are very effective. Like any illness, you must ensure that the condition is diagnosed correctly before deciding on a homeopathic remedy for acid reflux.
Homeopathic for acid reflux: food
Food to eat has a major effect on his acid reflux. Adjust your diet is a healthy, natural and homeopathic remedy for acid reflux that does not take pills or medicines. Any homeopathic remedy acid reflux should incorporate more green salads in their diet. Eat salads regularly can help remedy the acid reflux and salads are ideal for your general nutrition as well.
Avoid fatty foods, such as high meat content of fats, butter, paste, sour cream, ice cream, nuggets of chicken, buffalo wings etc. also is a good idea. If it was fried in oil, it is bad for the acid reflux.
Homeopathic for acid reflux: fruit
Some fruits have proved to be an excellent homeopathic acid reflux because they contain enzymes that help digestion. However, not all the fruit is suitable as a homeopathic remedy for acid reflux and some fruits are acidic and will aggravate acid reflux, rather than the soothing. Fresh papaya and pineapple are two of the best fruits to try. Papaya has a useful effect on the digestion, and pineapple is known to reduce inflammation. The content of the high enzyme in pineapple and papaya also help to remedy acid reflux.
Homeopathic for acid reflux: herbs
Root of chicory is a great homeopathic remedy for the symptoms of acid reflux: just boil the root of chicory in water, lets cool down for a while and then take it as a tea. If you wish, you can even add cinnamon tea, cinnamon is another natural homeopathic remedy for acid reflux, and the two work well together.
Another remedy of herbs homeopathic acid reflux is a tea made of anise and lavender. These herbs make a tea that helps to soothe the stomach. Anise is a homeopathic for problems of digestion remedy, while lavender has always been used by its remedial properties and is an excellent homeopathic remedy for acid reflux as it soothes stomach acid. You can even add honey to drink if you have a little sweeter.
Fennel seeds are also a homeopathic remedy for acid reflux as they help to solve many digestive conditions. Fennel seeds contain an aromatic compound called anethole, that can help suppress stomach spasms. Chew only about half of a teaspoon of fennel seeds after each meal as a homeopathic remedy for acid reflux.
Ginger root is another homeopathic remedy acid reflux as it absorbs the acid in the stomach. Ginger root is also known to calm the nerves. You get some ginger root capsules and has one daily after a meal.
Homeopathic for acid reflux: Apple vinegar
Cider vinegar is a well-known and highly effective homeopathic remedy for acid reflux. But with food and beverages that are themselves acid is not usually recommended for those suffering from acid reflux, cider vinegar is the exception. Only add a teaspoon or two of cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink while dinners.