Thursday, March 31, 2011

Relieve the Pain Discover The Natural Cures For Heartburn

People has always relied on natural cures for heartburn when it came to relieving the pain that heartburn causes. Heartburn occurs when acid is pushed up the esophagus and leaves you with a burn feeling in your chest.

Heartburn is caused by several things including eating too much or eating to fast. It can be caused by lying down quickly after eating or by consuming certain foods such as citrus, caffeine or spicy foods. Some people are more susceptible to heartburn including pregnant women, people with diabetes and those with asthma.

A lot of people with general occasional heartburn take over the counter antacids. These medicines which come in liquid, tablet or effervescent forms help neutralize the acid in the stomach and create a layer to block the acid from going into the esophagus. For persistent, chronic or severe cases of heartburn prescription medicines are available.

As with most prescription medicines there are side effects. Some of which include constipation, weakness, bone pain, and tiredness. Some antacids deplete the body of needed minerals such as potassium which can cause severe problems. This has motivated the desire to find natural cures for heartburn.

Useful Natural Remedies

A simple natural cure for heartburn can be found in the garden or grocery store. It is peppermint tea or oil. Peppermint as with most mints has the ability to ease heartburn though a few say it can cause it as well. Peppermint has been used for centuries in Europe as a stomach soother and cure for heartburn while ginger has been used a natural cure for heartburn particularly in Asia. Ginger is known to help with nausea and stomach upset. Care has to be taken with peppermint oil as it is possible that it can raise the blood pressure.

Other herbs known to be natural cures for heartburn include chamomile which is a tried and true favorite. In addition to helping stomach ailments and heartburn chamomile also relaxes the mind and body. This can be a great benefit after a bout of painful heartburn wakes you up in the middle of the night.

Some use plain old baking soda as a natural cure for heartburn. The premise here is that the liquid in your stomach that causes the pain is acidic while baking soda is a substance that acts as a neutralizer. It can help in sudden attacks when you do not feel like rushing out and getting an over the counter antacid.

If you do not get heartburn a lot and there is not much suffering than than you can try a natural cure for heartburn. There are a lot of useful remedies that you can use.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Discover Top Five Acid Reflux Prescription Medications

For some people, finding the right acid reflux prescription medications is something that turns out to be very simple, but for others, there may be some trial and error involved.

This condition is pretty straight forward, and there are many effective treatments and medications. Once you find something that works for you, you will probably have to take it for a few months to heal damage, though sometimes lifestyle changes can work wonders and you might be able to stop sooner. Most medications are of the once-a-day variety, but your doctor will tailor your prescription to your needs.

Here are five of the most common and most used medications for acid reflux.

Prilosec (generic name- omeprazole): You have probably seen commercials for Prilosec on television, and you might think it is an over-the-counter medication. Though there is an OTC form, there is also prescription strength available. This type of medication is a PPI, which stands for ‘proton pump inhibitor.’ This means that the medication is meant to lessen the amount of acid the stomach produces. Less acid production means less acid going up through the weakened stomach valve. This medication can promote healing of damaged tissues in as little as two months. This drug is swallowed whole, and has not been tested on pregnant or nursing moms.

Nexium (generic name- esomeprazole): Like Prilosec, this is a drug that is a PPI. It suppresses the enzymes that produce stomach acid to alleviate the symptoms and damage associated with GERD or gastric reflux. This comes in pill form, but there is an intravenous dose for special cases. This is often taken one hour before a meal, and is swallowed whole for best results. Also like Prilosec, this has not been studied with pregnant and nursing women.

Prevacid (generic name-lansoprazole): This is another of the PPI drugs, and it helps retard acid production while allowing the damaged tissues in the esophagus to properly heal. They can be swallowed, or there are tablets that can be placed under the tongue to dissolve rather than swallowed whole. Intravenous doses are available for those who cannot handle the tablet. This is also not be recommended for women who are pregnant or nursing.

Protonix (generic name- pantoprazole): Protonix is also a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) but is perhaps not as well known as the others. It works in the same manner though, and comes in only pill form at this time. Though this is a treatment for GERD, it is also known to be an effective treatment for ulcers. This pill might be taken in whole form only about 30 minutes before a meal for up to two months to decide if it is effective and if healing has occurred. This can not yet be recommended for pregnant and/or nursing women.

Tagamet (generic name-cimetidine): Though this is often thought of as an over-the-counter medication, it is available in prescription strength for those with persistent and daily heartburn problems. This works to stop acid production, but is different than the PPI variety of drug. It blocks histamines, which are known to stimulate acid production. In most cases, the prescription strength is only needed when there has been damage to the tissues. This is taken in pill form, and there is no research as to whether pregnant or nursing women should take it or not.

As with any type of medication, there is always the possibility that one of these might interact with other medications you may be taking for another condition, so be sure to let both your doctor and your pharmacist know what else you are taking.

You should find relief very quickly with each of these, and if you do not, talk to your doctor. You might need a different dosage of these acid reflux prescription medications, or you may not have acid reflux at all. There are times when other problems can mimic this condition, so if your meds are not working, you should get a second opinion.


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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Discover How You Can Use Licorice For Acid Reflux Pain Relief

If you are suffering from frequent and unrelenting heartburn, you probably would do just about anything for some relief. There are prescription medications that might help, but some people want to find a more natural way to help with the problem. There are some who believe that a variety of lifestyle changes can be made, and that you can take licorice for acid reflux and feel some relief. Licorice root has been used for a long time for many different things with great success. There are some things you should know about it before you begin.

Acid reflux is the result of stomach acid moving up into the esophagus. It can go as high as the mouth, and throat, and can cause problems with sinuses and the respiratory system. The acid can do a lot of damage to these tissues, and you might even experience tooth decay. It is often associated with a burning sensation that can be very hard to manage at times. For some people, the pain is unbearable, and medications are a must in order to stop the pain.

If you have reflux, you can try a few lifestyle modifications. If you are overweight, you may find relief in losing the extra pounds. This extra bulk can be part of the reason that the valve at the top of your stomach meant to contain the acid within is failing.

Smoking will make acid reflux worse, so if you smoke, now is the time to quit. Also, alcohol and drugs like Advil (NSAIDs) and aspirin might also be avoided. A person with reflux should also learn to avoid those foods that seem to make things worse for them, and also it’s a good idea to stop eating three hours before bedtime. A sleeping position with the head and upper body elevated is best.

You might also want to try licorice root to see if it does anything to help you. This is something that is otherwise referred to as DGL (De-Glycyrrhizinated Licorice). There have been some studies that suggest this is just as effective as some medications, and in some cases it worked better. You should discuss this with your doctor before you begin however, because there can be problems.

Even though you might think of licorice roots as a natural remedy, it can still harm you if you are in poor health. Licorice has been known to raise blood pressure if you take the wrong kind. Always have medical help when you try something like this.

There are many people who have said they have found great relief in using licorice for acid reflux. Usual dosages are once a day or if you have a bad case of reflux, you might have to take it twice a day. You may find that using this natural remedy along with a well thought-out meal plan, changes in lifestyle, and a new way of sleeping will help keep your symptoms to a minimum.


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Monday, March 28, 2011

Some Best Home Remedies For Acidity

Acidity refers to a set of symptoms caused by an inequity. More names for acidity are hyperacidity or acid dyspepsia. Acid reflux or Acidity is one of the most normal diseases that cause heart burns in the upper body

Acidity can be a result of inappropriate dietary regimen or stress. It is a problem which when left unattended to, results in peptic ulcer and other complications. It is quite a simple problem when it begins, but it can get out of hand easily if not taken critically. It means the excess secretion of acid by the gastric glands of the stomach.

The usual signs of heartburn are a burning sensation or pain in the stomach after one to four hours of a meal. The too much secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach causes acidity. Acidity can be a result of improper dietary regimen or stress

The too much secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach causes acidity. Some causes of acidity include Alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, chocolate, citrus, tomato, peppermint, fried and fatty foods, over-eating, stress, some medications, and being overweight. Acid Reflux Disease causes harms to the esophagus as the acidic contents from the stomach, containing acids and pepsin, pushes back to the esophagus since the sphincter develops into weak and can no-more prevent the contents from stomach from gushing back in esophagus

Skipping meals, not eating on time, fried and spicy food, stress, anxiety, insomnia, obesity, pregnancy, smoking, alcohol, and wearing tight clothes can give you hyperacidity and heartburn.

Acidity is a problem that occurs very commonly; so going in for medications every time doesn’t seem to be a very good thought. Some home remedies can be used to treat and prevent acidity.

1) Eat a cup of vanilla ice cream or drink a glass of cold milk to get rid of acidity.

2) Raita prepared with fresh curd, grated cucumber, fresh coriander, tomato is a sure shot remedy in aiding digestion, and helps eliminate acidity.

3) Mint: Fresh mint juice taken every day or fresh mint leaves boiled in a cup of water and sipped slowly after meals also helps to keep the stomach acids at bay

4) Mint juice before meals keeps acidity at bay.

5) Chewing 5-6 basil leaves relieves flatulence and acidity.

6) Half a glass of fresh pineapple juice should be taken after a meal for treating and preventing acidity

7) A piece of jaggery or gur after lunch and dinner prevents acidity

8) A very simple remedy for acidity is thin butter-milk mixed with 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper powder

9) One of the common Home Remedies for Acidity - Onion (pyaz): The juice of onions is an excellent remedy for acidity.

10) Habitual eating habits and a healthy diet can prevent acidity

11) Drink plenty of water (at least 6 to 8 glasses per day) and other fluids to maintain the acid balance in the stomach

12) A sherbet made with kokum and jeera reduces acidity

13) Lemon rind can also be eaten to prevent heartburn

14) A glass of cold milk provides instant relief.

15) Eat almonds to give relief to symptoms of acidity

16) Chew a few holy basil (tulsi) leaves to get relief

17) Bananas, watermelon and cucumber have protective action against the acidity and heart burn

18) Lemon: Juice of one lemon mixed in half glass of water and ½ teaspoon sugar if consumed before meals helps to relieve acidity

19) When suffering from acidity, drink five to eight glass of coconut water a day.

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Acid Reflux and Back Pain Can Be Connected

You may think that there is no logical connection between acid reflux and back pain, and in a way you are right. However, there may be connections that you might not have considered. Acid reflux can have a knock on effect to other parts of your body, but when you think of back pain, you might not think your stomach acid is at fault. The problem is you never know if there is a connection between any two seemingly unrelated conditions unless you really think about it. You have to think of the more indirect reasons in order to take care of your back problems.

Acid reflux happens when the acids from the stomach move up through the esophagus and sometimes all the way into the mouth. The acid is produced in the stomach to aid in digestion, but should be held in the stomach by a small muscular value at the top end of the stomach.

When this valve is not working properly, the acid leaks up and causes pain and discomfort. This can also lead to damage to the soft tissues, which may or may not be repairable. Some people only have this problem once in a while, and over-the-counter medications help. Others have it daily, and must rely on a prescription to make symptoms bearable.

You may wonder how acid reflux might lead to back problems. In a way, it can, but in a very round-about way. Though the acid is not harming your back, the side effects can be. Some acid reflux sufferers find that the only way to gain relief while sleeping is to have their head elevated. Because the valve at the top of the stomach isn’t closing properly, gravity can work against you when you lie down flat to sleep. This means the acid leaks into your esophagus while you sleep. You may wake up many times a night with intense pain in the chest.

To combat this, sufferers try sleeping with their head and upper body elevated. The problems occur if you don’t do this the right way, and the end result is you can hurt your back. It might not happen right away, but back pain start to appear after you do this night after night.

Other suggestions for having a painful back are as a result of eating the foods that cause acid reflux. There is very little information to be found to back this up, but it could be a possibility. When the pain is severe enough, it might radiate into your back. This pain will be associated with other pains though, and will not be something that you feel all the time. If you have chronic back pain, it might be because of your sleeping position and not really the direct result of acid reflux.

If you are experiencing acid reflux and back pain, you should talk to your doctor about what is going on. It might be related, however, if it’s not, you do want to know what is causing your issues. There may be something going on that is totally unrelated to your reflux. If that is the case, you want to get it taken care of incase something else even more serious than acid reflux is going on.

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Acid Reflux Disease Diet 7 Ways to Relieve Symptoms

An acid reflux disease diet can help control the occurrence of acid reflux and decrease the risk of heartburn for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) sufferers. Following a controlled diet is a matter of determining which foods trigger symptoms, and which foods are safe to eat.

Creating a two-week food diary, where you make a record of all the foods you ingest and the symptoms that follow, is the best way to discover the foods to eliminate. After two weeks, you should then present your food diary to your doctor or dietician so he/she can help create a diet plan that is beneficial for you.

Although it is in your best interest to create a food diary, the following are 7 food categories and the related foods you should avoid, or are considered safe to eat in each. The seven categories are:

1. Dairy 2. Meat 3. Grains 4. Vegetables and Fruit 5. Fats and oil 6. Sweets and snacks 7. Beverages

By knowing what you should and shouldn’t eat within each food category is how you create an acid reflux disease diet that effectively relieves symptoms by stopping them before they start.

Foods you should avoid

The following foods should be eliminated or dramatically limited in an acid reflux disease diet, as ingesting them, even in small quantities, can aggravate symptoms and lead to recurring heartburn.

Dairy - Cottage cheese, sour cream, ice cream and ice cream related products (I.E. milk shakes, floats, etc.)
Meat - Buffalo wings, chicken nuggets, ground beef, and marbled steak
Grains - Pasta with marinara sauce, macaroni and cheese
Vegetables & Fruit - Vegetables: raw onion, French fires, mashed potatoes.
Fruits: Citrus fruits and juices which include lemon, lime, lemonade, orange, orange juice, grapefruit and grapefruit juice, cranberry juice, tomato and tomato juice.
Fats and oil - Oily or creamy salad dressings, and essentially all fried or fatty processed Foods.
Sweets and Snacks - Chocolate, doughnuts, butter cookies, brownies, corn chips, and potato chips.
Beverages - Alcohol, regular or decaffeinated coffee and tea, high-sugared drinks such as soda.

Foods considered safe

The following foods are considered safe to eat and shouldn’t aggravate your GERD symptoms; therefore, they can become a regular part of your acid reflux disease diet.

Dairy - Fat-free cream cheese, feta or goat cheese, low-fat soy cheese.
Meat - Extra lean ground beef, London broiled steak, skinless chicken breast, egg whites, imitation eggs, and fish without additional fat.
Grains - Whole grain or white bread, corn bread, oatmeal, bran cereal, white or brown rice
Vegetables & Fruit - Vegetables: broccoli, carrots, cabbage, peas, green beans, and baked potato.
Fruits: banana, fresh or dried apple, apple juice.
Fats and oil - low fat salad dressing
Sweets and Snacks - Pretzels, baked potato chips, graham crackers, rice cakes, fat free cookies, red liquorice, and jelly beans
Beverages - Water

Occasional treats

Last, but not least, the following is a brief list of foods you can occasionally enjoy in your acid reflux disease diet, but should be consumed with discretion and in moderation as they can aggravate symptoms:

Dairy - Yogurt, cheddar or mozzarella cheese
Meat - fired eggs, fried fish, hot dog, ham and tuna salad.
Grains - Granola cereal and muffin.
Vegetables & Fruit - Vegetables: garlic, leeks, and green onions.
Fruits: low-acid orange juice, dried cranberries, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.
Fats and oil - ketchup
Sweets and Snacks - low-fat cookies
Beverages - non-alcoholic drinks and carbonated drinks

Finally, keep in mind that the above food lists are only general guidelines. Some of the foods considered safe to eat for one heartburn sufferer may not be the same for another. Therefore, make sure you keep a food diary to determine what the best acid reflux disease diet is for you, so you can effectively treat and prevent your symptoms.

By Kathryn Whittaker. Sign up for a free newsletter at that has proven methods for tackling Acid Reflux, Heartburn and GERD head-on and discover more about acid reflux. In the newsletter you’ll also find more about the different kinds of acid reflux help and what to do if you have severe heartburn.

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Friday, March 25, 2011

There a link between gastric reflux and Fibromyalgia

There are many people who suffer with fibromyalgia, although there are still some doctors who refuse to say that this is a real condition. This is something that is closely linked to chronic fatigue syndrome and can leave a person feels pain, sick and tired all the time with some people who wonder if they are related to gastric reflux and fibromyalgia.

The cause of fibromyalgia seems to be lack of deep sleep cycles. Without these periods of deep sleep, the body cannot be supposed that to do while you sleep. This is when the mind reorganizes itself, and also the body heals from the rigors of your day. If it cannot happen that you can no doubt imagine what someone with fibromyalgia may have a lot of problems.

Gastric reflux (GERD) is something that seems to be most common. The stomach produces acids to help digest food. If this acid is produced in places in the body where it should not, pain and burning result. A person with gastric reflux knows well.

There is a ring of muscles in the upper part of the stomach. When this ring is not closed correctly, you can upload the acid in the esophagus and throat and mouth. Although it cannot be said that this is the cause of fibromyalgia, of course, you can see how this could be worse for someone who has the condition.

Because a person with fibromyalgia already raises several times a night, gastric reflux will cause this to happen even more. If a person was receiving any amount of deep sleep at all, reflux probably has removed it completely. He would have reason get gastric reflux under control can help with sleep, although certainly not someone complete relief from fibromyalgia. You can improve things a bit though.

If you have heartburn episodes, talk to your doctor about put it under control to see if it helps with your sleep patterns or not. There are different medications that can test and also some natural remedies that your doctor might say you can test whether they are safe for you.

There are also some things you can do at home if you think gastric reflux and Fibromyalgia are keeping it at night. You can change its position to sleep to see if it stops acid stomach escape from his stomach. You should also avoid things that are known to cause flare ups of reflux. These things could be citrus, alcohol, spicy foods, and some other elements you'll bother.

Ask your doctor about that on - the - over-the-counter medications may worsen your gastric reflux and remember to take your recipes as recommended. Although this will not solve the problem, it could offer some small measure of relief. Anyone with gastric reflux and Fibromyalgia will tell you that every little bit helps to.

By Kathryn Whittaker. Sign up for a free newsletter at proven methods for coping with GERD, heartburn and reflux of acid against the wall and discover more about acid reflux. The bulletin will also find more information about the different types of help of reflux acid and what to do if you have severe heartburn.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Acid Reflux Disease: Diagnosing

Acid reflux is nothing to mess with. Unfortunately, a lot of people just think they have bad indigestion and grab a tums. If you have bad heartburn on a regular basis, see a doctor.

There's numerous tests that your doctor may perform in order to diagnose you with Acid Reflux Disease such as:
EndoscopyX-Ray of the esophagusThroat and larynx examinationEsophageal acid testingEsophageal motility testingGastric emptying studiesAcid perfusion test
Whatever it may take, being diagnosed with Acid Reflux Disease and having it treated is of the utmost performance. The next post will talk about a guide to stopping Acid Reflux Disease once and for all.

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Acid Reflux Disease: Treatment

With Acid Reflux Disease, it is possible to aspirate stomach contents into the lungs and develop pneumonia. In a severe case, you could actually suffocate.
Over time, the acid from the stomach can erode the esophagus. Eventually there could be a massive bleed out.
As you can see, Acid Reflux Disease is absolutely nothing to mess with and if there's a way to control it, thinking twice about purchasing what you need to help you is not an option.
I have struggled with Acid Reflux Disease for three years. I was on the verge of one of those massive bleed outs a couple of months ago until I came across a guide designed to teach me everything I need to know about Acid Reflux Disease and how to identify it and save myself from possible DEATH! This guide teaches eight surprising foods you should avoid, diet tips, common myths, and so much more.

Don't waste another day. A few dollars out of your wallet completely beats bleeding of the esophagus. Never barely survive through another sleepless night propped up on pillows again, EVER!

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Discover Some Simple Homemade Solutions For Heartburn

If you’re looking for a quick fix, there are some acid reflux home remedies that could help you put out that fire.
Ginger is believed to help reduce acid secretion so you can try sprinkling ginger in a glass of water or buy it in tea form.

Eating papayas may help relieve the pain because the tropical fruit has an enzyme that can neutralize stomach acid.

Another suggestion is mixing a half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water and drink it.
Dr. Jennifer Christie says, “It’s counter-intuitive to think something acidic could decrease acid and decrease symptoms of heartburn. However, a number of people have tried it and found that it works, but the results are variable.”

Also make gravity work for you and sit upright or stand. This way the acid is more likely to stay in your stomach and not travel up your esophagus.
And stay away from carbonated drinks. All those bubbles can expand your stomach and make your heartburn worse.

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Herbal Tea Home Remedy For Acid Reflux

 There are many things that cause problems for those who have GERD (otherwise known as acid reflux). There are some things you can’t eat, and some that you should.

There are times when this can be very confusing, and many don’t want to rely on medications to make all foods tolerable. If you want a home remedy for acid reflux, there are things you can try.

One of these things is drinking herbal teas. Some of them will help, and some might make matters worse, so you should know which to have and which to avoid.

When choosing herbal teas, there is one important thing to think about when you are choosing what you want to try. Caffeine is a known trigger for acid reflux and it should be avoided. That means that any herbal teas that you try must be caffeine-free. Though you can get decaffeinated coffee to drink, even that is known to aggravate GERD and should be avoided. This makes decaffeinated herbal teas the best choice when you seek a hot and soothing drink. Some of them might even help with some of your symptoms of acid reflux.

Many suggest that ginger can help sooth acid reflux symptoms, and if you can find it in a tea, a cup after a meal might help your stomach settle down for the night. You can mix peppermint with aniseed and lavender for a great tasting and soothing blend. You should boil a few cups of water and a teaspoon of your herbal mix, then drain the herbs after sitting for about ten minutes. If you boil this tea and want to have it sweetened, you might try honey instead of sugar or artificial sweetener.

Chicory Root can also be used to make a great herbal tea. You boil a few cups of this and then let sit for a while. You can then drink the tea with honey if you wish. Marshmallow tea might also help. This is not tea made from the marshmallows in your cupboard as the name might suggest, but from a root by the same name. This is known to soothe the digestive system. Another popular type of tea is Chamomile. This is also known to help soothe the symptoms of acid reflux.

You can make many of these on your own, but you can also find them in natural food stores or special sections of your grocery store. Any of these teas might help you feel better, but you won’t know until you try them.

However, it is important that you talk with your doctor before you try them, as some can have side effects that you need to know about, and they might also mix badly with any prescription drugs that you might be taking for your acid reflux or for any other reason. You usually will not have any problems with this type of home remedy for acid reflux, but you don’t want to take a chance with your health.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Acid Reflux Diet And Getting Rid Of Heartburn

Acid reflux diet is to someone with heartburn, like a low-fat diet is to someone who is overweight. They are special diets for conditions that you want to get rid of, and do so naturally through life style changes. In the case of reflux and heartburn, the foods that you eat are of the primary reasons that you have the problem.

Therefore, your acid reflux diet will be based on what foods trigger heartburn and what foods can reduce heartburn - below is a discussion for understand what acid reflux and heartburn is, along with acid reflux diet tips for controlling and getting rid of it.

Reflux And Heartburn

We weren't born with heartburn - my mother was, but not me:).

There are varying thoughts and questions for why one person will get heartburn and another person won't, including those about the severity, where one person will have an occasional episode of heartburn, and for another person this becomes a persistent and chronic condition or disease.

What is clear though is what is happening when reflux occurs, and that diet is a primary cause. Based on this understanding, you will have the ability to follow an acid reflux diet developed to avoid and eliminate what are known as acid reflux trigger foods, and that are causing the reflux and heartburn to occur.

So, what is acid reflux and heartburn? To begin with, this is a digestive condition that has nothing to do with the heart. When you eat food it goes down through the esophagus and enters the stomach through the lower esophageal sphincter [LES]. This is a valve that opens to allow the food into the stomach, and then closes to keep it there. Once the food is in the stomach it goes through the digestion process, where acids and enzymes are produced in the stomach to break down the food and turn it into nutrients.

In most cases there isn't more acid produced than needed for digestion, along with the acid remaining in the stomach while it is being used. However, for some people the LES does not function properly, and will not remain closed during digestion. As a result, there is acid reflux where the stomach acid goes back up into the esophagus and causes heartburn. This is especially problematic if you are also creating excess acid, and over time the problem will worsen and become more frequent.

Your acid reflux diet is very important for controlling this for the following reasons (1) some foods create more stomach acid (2) some foods need more stomach acid for digestion (3) some foods have a tendency to relax the LES, which further allows the excess acid to reflux back into the esophagus.

Acid Reflux Diet Tips - Foods To Avoid

There are foods that either have more acid content, or create more stomach acid content - you will want to stay away from these if you are having heartburn problems. The citrus fruits and juices that like oranges and grapefruits are highly acidic. And tomatoes, which are used in so many things like soups and sauces [and that ketchup you are pouring on those French fries - these are both acid reflux trigger foods] are also highly.

And then of course, there are the foods that are very spicy, like those with hot peppers, chilies, and garlic in them. These foods are also highly acidic, and again foods to avoid.

Some people think that liquids are not a problem because they aren't solid foods; this is not the case, and there are liquids that are of the most problematic for those with heartburn. The alcoholic drinks very much increase stomach acid, with beer being especially bad considering that it has been shown to even double the acid in your stomach in as little as an hour.

Besides alcohol, you will want to stay away from carbonated drinks and caffeinated drinks including coffee, as these also increase stomach acid. Going to the decaffeinated types really isn't a solution - there is acid coming from the coffee itself, and carbonation is a trigger for acid reflux.

Foods with high fat content are a very big problem because they are much harder to digest, and thus (1) will have to produce more stomach acid for digestion (2) will take longer to digest, which will keep the acid in your stomach longer and give it more opportunity to reflux back into your esophagus.

Stay away from the foods themselves, foods like fatty meats, butter, whole milk, and dairy products. But also understand the fat content being used in your food preparation. You don't want to be using vegetable oils, and you don't want to be eating deep fried foods - good-bye fast food restaurants.

And then there is desert, which is usually full of fat and oils. And then there is my favorite, which is chocolate and anything with chocolate in it. As mentioned above, of the biggest reasons for reflux and heartburn is the opening of the LES while all this acid is in your stomach; unfortunately chocolate is one of those foods that are known to relax the LES and allow this to happen.

You can tell from these foods being listed as acid reflux trigger foods, and foods to avoid, that your acid reflux diet will include eliminating a lot of your most favorite foods. There is no doubt about this, and obviously tradeoffs will have to be made - would you rather get rid of the reflux and heartburn, or would you rather keep eating the foods that are causing it because you like them?

Something to keep in mind though as an additional benefit is the fact that many of these foods you like so much really aren't very healthy in general. So while you are eliminating foods for your acid reflux diet, you will also be improving your general health by eating better.

Acid Reflux Diet Tips - Foods To Eat More Of

Your acid reflux diet is not about only avoiding foods, there are foods that you want to eat more of because they will help dissolve stomach acids, and as a result reduce or eliminate heartburn. Everyone who has acid reflux and heartburn should buy a good acid reflux cookbook and guide. Besides learning more from the experts about foods to avoid, you also want to know which foods to eat more.

Foods that are especially known to neutralize stomach acids are (1) fruits like apples, bananas, and papaya (2) vegetables like broccoli, peas, green beans, and green cabbage.

Also, foods made from grains like bread and cereals [stay away from those with lots of white processed flour and sugar]have a tendency to help neutralize the acid in the stomach, as does the foods like pasta and rice which are high in complex carbohydrates.

And drink lots of water. Besides being so healthy for you in general, water can help dilute the acid in your stomach, while also 'pushing down' the acid that has refluxed into your esophagus - both of these characteristics will be very beneficial for reducing heartburn.

Heartburn Getting Worse

These acid reflux diet tips should help someone with minor heartburn problems to eliminate them, and even help someone with very bad acid reflux and heartburn to reduce the severity and make it less frequent. But be smart about this; you could have acid reflux disease, or what is known as GERDS. If you are have problems to the extent that they are occurring daily and even affecting your overall life, they can't be ignored. Left untreated, GERDS can progress into many health problems, including esophageal cancer.

So start with these acid reflux diet tips, and see if they will control and get rid of your heartburn. But if these and/or some of the other programs and recommendations mentioned throughout this site are not helping you, then it is time to consult with your doctor and see what other remedies that are available.

Acid reflux diet changes can help get rid of your heartburn and acid reflux problems. To learn more about this, and see a number of acid reflux diet books and remedies, come to

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Acid Reflux Treatment Review - What Can Stop The Burning?

If you have ever tried to get to sleep at night, but were unable to sleep due to a burning feeling in your chest or throat, then you have probably experienced acid reflux. Acid reflux commonly occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter doesn't close properly and stomach contents leak back into the esophagus. This is what is referred to as reflux.

Acid reflux usually feels like a burning pain in the chest that can move up to the throat. It often feels as if food is coming back into the mouth and leaving an acidic taste. Often acid reflux is worse after eating and can be worse when lying down.

About 25 million adults suffer acid reflux daily. Over 60 million experience heartburn at least once a month. Acid reflux treatment can help manage the condition, but not all acid reflux treatments are created equal. Finding a reflux treatment that works can be tricky, and deciding on a course of treatment should be discussed with your doctor. Often the treatment will depend on the severity and frequency of symptoms.

Medications are common in acid reflux treatment. The simplest of medications for acid reflux treatment are the antacids, which can be bought over the counter. Antacids are usually the first drugs recommended for acid reflux treatment. The antacids neutralize stomach acid so the reflux contains no acid to burn the esophagus. The main drawback of antacids in acid reflux treatment is that they empty quickly from the stomach and then the acid returns. Common over-the-counter antacids for acid reflux treatment are Tums, Rolaids, Maalox, Mylanta, Alka-Seltzer, and Milk of Magnesium.

A foaming agent is another acid reflux treatment available as Gaviscon. This works by covering the stomach contents with foam to prevent reflux. The foaming agent is an acid reflux treatment that is usually used along with another treatment method to be the most effective.

Histamine antagonists, known as H2 Blockers help to stop acid production. This acid reflux treatment prevents histamine from stimulating acid producing cells. The receptor they block is known as the histamine type two receptor. The H2 antagonists should be taken thirty minutes before meals to be an effective acid reflux treatment. The H2 blockers relieve the symptoms of acid reflux, but do not heal the inflammation of the esophagus that often accompanies acid reflux. The H2 blocking drugs are available both by prescription, and over-the-counter. The over-the-counter versions have lower dosages than those available by prescription. Common brand names for the H2 blockers are Tagamet, Zantac, Axid, and Pepcid.

Another acid reflux treatment medication are the Proton Pump Inhibitors. These drugs are only available by prescription, and are more effective than the H2 Blockers. The Proton Pump Inhibitors both block the secretion of acid into the stomach, and protect the esophagus from acid so the inflammation heals. Some doctors recommend the use of both an H2 Blocker and a Proton Pump Inhibitor taken at bedtime. The common brand names of Proton Pump Inhibitors in acid reflux treatment include Prevacid, Aciphex, Prilosec, and Nexium.

Recently, an implant was approved by the FDA as an acid reflux treatment for those who don't respond well enough to medication, but who want to avoid surgery. The implant is called Enteryx, and is a spongy solution that strengthens the Lower Esophageal Sphincter to keep the stomach acid from refluxing into the esophagus. The implant is injected during an endoscopy.

Many people prefer to use natural treatments over medications. Herbal treatments are another common acid reflux treatment. There are many available herbal treatments, but not all may work equally well. It does take longer to see results with herbs for acid reflux treatment. It may take up to two months to know whether a particular herb is having a therapeutic effect.

Herbs that decrease stomach acid in acid reflux treatment include slippery elm, flax, licorice, calendula, wild yam and meadowsweet. Care is needed in using licorice in those with high blood pressure and heart disease as it can worsen the condition.

Other herbs are known for relieving indigestion that can lead to acid reflux. One of these herbs is chamomile. It has been used for centuries for its calming properties. It is believed to lead to lower stomach acid because of its high calcium content.

Ginger can help with digestion and nausea. Peppermint is also good for digestion, and when used as a drop on the tongue can help with heartburn.

Lavender is known for reducing stomach acid and is a popular acid reflux treatment. Lavender is a popular herb and is known for healing properties over the entire body.

Digestive enzymes seem to be gaining in popularity for their ability to aid in the digestive process. Undigested food, especially protein can lead to acid reflux. Digestive enzymes used as acid reflux treatment can ensure the stomach has enough hydrochloric acid to digest the protein that can lead to acid reflux if left undigested. An enzyme supplement containing betain or pepsin, or papaya should be taken with meals to ensure proper digestion of protein.

Pineapples and lemons can also be used for acid reflux treatment. Pineapples support digestion, and have a high level of the enzyme bromelain, that helps prevent acid reflux.

Lemons dipped in salt can also prevent acid reflux.

Acid reflux treatment also depends greatly on diet. There are many foods known to trigger acid reflux. While not all foods will affect everyone in the same way, certain foods have a higher incidence of acid reflux symptoms. Foods that should generally be avoided include peppermint, chocolate, alcohol, caffeine, carbonated beverages, citrus juices, and tomato products. The affect of these foods may be mild to severe depending on the acid reflux sufferer. Others will find they have no problems with the foods listed, but will have problems with other foods. A good way to detect a connection with foods and acid reflux would be to keep a food journal for 2-3 weeks. Write down everything eaten and any symptoms experienced. Smaller, more frequent meals can also go a long way in relieving the symptoms of acid reflux.

Millions of adults suffer with acid reflux on a daily basis. Acid reflux is common but it is not a trivial problem. Acid reflux can greatly impact a person's quality of life. Fortunately, a wide variety of acid reflux treatments are available. With the vast array of prescription, over-the-counter, herbal remedies, natural treatments and diet and lifestyle changes, acid reflux can be treated successfully in most people.

Mariel Wineberg is a freelance writer specializing in the areas of nutrition and autism. For more information on more acid reflux treatments please visit,

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Heartburn Remedies From Fitness Gurus

Posted by SolaceRose 16 Jun, 2010

There is a wealth of knowledge out there about how to effectively remedy heartburn without side effect, unfortunately only some of this information is true.  You will not need professional doctor’s advice in most cases for heartburn treatment but if the pain is immense you may be experiencing a more serious problem than heartburn and should get this checked out by a professional.

Heartburn is a buildup of digestive acids that may violently bounce around your stomache from either a large meal or exercise after eating.  This digestive acid while it will not hurt the stomache can do substancial damage to your esophagus lining and if untreated deal permanent damage to your esophagus as well as the pain and burn it gives.

In most cases you will want to look into antacids for instant treatment, but if you notice heartburn even after small meals and a healthy style it may be genetic.  In this case you will want to look into over the counter medications that will block your stomach acid from forming, in particular Zantac and Tagamet are good choices.

Always first attempt natural heartburn remedies.  A few ounces of vinegar swallowed may offset the digestive acid build up and temporarily cure your heartburn.  Smaller meals and a healthy exercise filled lifestyle are recommended to pursue as well.  Do you have heartburn disruptions in bed?  Try sleeping on your left side, studies show you can lessen heartburn effects because of your inner body linings sleeping on your left side works.

Armed with this knowledge you now know steps to cure and prevent heartburn with natural remedies a fitness guru recommends.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How to Manage Severe Heartburn

Heartburn sufferers are advised to: One, lose weight, two, regularly take their antacids, three, avoid foods that trigger heartburn, and, four, plan their menu around a low-acid diet. When religiously followed, such guideline should save others from the nagging pain of heartburn. But for others managing heartburn isn’t exactly that easy.

In spite following your doctor’s advice down to the last letter, you may wonder why you still suffer from heartburn. Here are some reasons why:

Eating more than what you need. And we’re not talking about what you can handle. I know a lot of people who feel that they need to reward themselves for eating right, that is, heartburn-safe foods. Though there is nothing wrong with this concept, rewarding yourself by eating too much of a good thing isn’t exactly healthy. A full stomach adds unnecessary pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which, in return, opens up allowing stomach contents back up the esophagus.

Managing heartburn not only requires eating right but also doing it right. Eating five – even six – smaller meals during the day is more recommended than having three large ones.

Trying new foods. Do you often find yourself hopping from one resto to another every night? Your palate may be having a blast but chances are you aren’t. Heartburn is one thing that you may expect after a night of trying out one signature dish after another.

But heartburn should not stop you from doing what you love most. Keeping a food diary can help you determine which food you need to eating and which resto you need to stop patronizing. Here you need to list what food you eat and when you eat it. One thing you could not afford to leave out: Whether you have had heartburn afterward. Try to see a pattern. If you have heartburn repeatedly after eating one of the foods on your list, you may want to avoid such for a week or so and see if your condition improves.

Not knowing your real condition. The most important question you can ask your doctor is what causes your heartburn. You may eat healthy, take antacids as prescribed by your doctor, and steadily make necessary changes in your lifestyle, but not treating what really causes the burn is like throwing everything that you have worked for straight to the bin.

See your doctor so you can rule out other conditions that may cause heartburn like hiatal hernia and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Not sleeping right. If you have been awakened by heartburn at night, you may want to check some bedtime habits before you hit the sack: It could be that you are lying too flat or immediately dozing off after eating. For a heartburn-free sleep, you may want to: (1) Schedule dinner at least two hours before bedtime, (2) sleep on your left as studies show that sleeping on the left side actually reduces the occurrence of heartburn, and (3) elevate the head of the bed.

If you are still having difficulty managing your heartburn, you may want to visit your doctor and ask for your condition to be re-assessed. If you are already taking a proton pump inhibitor, you may need a new medication to better control your condition. Together you can formulate and decide on a more effective treatment plan that can truly work you.

View the original article here

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Acid Reflux Disease: What Is It?

Acid Reflux Disease, or GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease, is a condition in which liquid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus. This stomach liquid has the potential to inflame the lining of the esophagus, and in some cases may damage it.

The liquid usually consists of acid and pepsin produced by the stomach. In the case of Acid Reflux Disease, acid is the main killer of the regurgitated liquid. Pepsin and bile have a small role, but the acid from Acid Reflux Disease is the star of the show when it comes to damaging the esophagus. That's why it's the first word in this disease!

Acid Reflux Disease may last a lifetime and is labeled as a chronic condition. If there is damage to the esophagus, then you have two chronic conditions. Treatment for Acid Reflux Disease will help drastically, but MUST BE continued indefinitely.

Regurgitation of the stomach's liquid occurs just as much in those that do not suffer from Acid Reflux Disease as it does with those that do. However, the regurgitated liquid of those that do no suffer often contains more acid and resides in the esophagus much longer than those without Acid Reflux Disease.

Automatic bodily functions are constantly protecting itself from the effects of Acid Reflux Disease. When sitting up, regurgitated stomach liquid often flows back down into the stomach due to gravity. Also, while awake, humans repeatedly swallow, reflux or not. These swallows take regurgitated liquid back down into the pits of the stomach. The bicarbonated saliva also neutralizes this acid during the same process. These processes are important to prevent damage to the esophagus.

Not everyone is susceptible to Acid Reflux Disease. Certain conditions within one's body makes it easier for one to develop the disease. In pregnancy, rising hormone levels cause reflux when pressure in the lower esophagus is lowered and the growing fetus exherts pressure on the abdomen.

Both of these would increase the risk of developing Acid Reflux Disease, especially those with diseases that weaken muscles in the esophagus. They are all prone to Acid Reflux Disease.

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The Mindbody Prescription: Healing the Body, Healing the Pain

Dr. John Sarno caused quite a ruckus back in 1990 when he suggested that back pain is all in the head. In his bestselling book, Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection, he claimed that backaches, slipped discs, headaches, and other chronic pains are due to suppressed anger, and that once the cause of the anger is addressed, the pain will vanish. Relieved readers call this book "liberating" and say "it sounds too good to be true, but it is true." Sarno has returned with The Mindbody Prescription, in which he explains how emotions including guilt, anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem can stimulate the brain to manufacture physical symptoms including fibromyalgia, repetitive strain injuries, migraine headaches, hay fever, colitis, ulcers, and even acne. If these psychosomatic problems all sound a little Freudian, what with the repression of emotions in the unconscious, it's because Sarno unapologetically borrows from Freud for the basis of his theory and cites childhood trauma as a major source of emotional problems. He also says that his program is a "talking cure" of sorts, since patients must be convinced their pain is rooted in their emotions before healing can begin.
The book reads a bit like psychology text, with Sarno quoting from psychoanalytic theorists including Heinz Kohut and Graeme Taylor and the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition). Sarno walks through the neurophysiology of mindbody disorders, lists the symptoms of dozens of disorders that he believes are emotion-based, and offers a basic program for overcoming psychosomatic pain and illness. His recovery plan includes meditation and sometimes psychotherapy, including behavior modification, and stopping any medication or physical therapy. While Sarno's ideas seem radical, they were commonly implemented earlier in the 20th century, when psychoanalysis was at its peak of popularity, and they promise to become more accepted in our current era of alternative medical therapies and anger management. --Erica Jorgensen

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Prilosec OTC Acid Reducer, Delayed-Release Tablets

Nutramigen with Enflora LGG* is a proven hypoallergenic infant formula specially designed to manage colic due to cow's milk protein allergy with the Power of Two: extensively hydrolyzed protein to reduce babies' allergen exposure and the probiotic LGG to help strengthen their intestinal barrier. Both parts of the Power of Two work together to manage colic due to cow's milk protein allergy, often within 48 hours (studied before the addition of DHA, ARA and LGG). For babies with allergies to the cow's milk protein found in regular infant formula, Nutramigen is a trusted and nutritionally balanced alternative for a baby's first 12 months.

callout box top
Nutramigen with Enflora LGG
At a Glance:
  • Manages cow's milk protein allergy with the Power of Two: extensively broken-down protein to reduce allergen exposure and the probiotic LGG to help strengthen the intestinal barrier

  • Effectively manages colic** FAST, often within 48 hours***

  • Over 65 years of proven performance and 23 peer-reviewed studies

  • Promotes digestive health within one week of use

  • Has an extensively studied probiotic for allergy management

  • Developed by Mead Johnson, a leading provider of science-based pediatric nutrition products for over 100 years
callout box bottom
Enfamil Nutramigen with Enflora LGG 12.6-Ounce Powder

Nutramigen with Enflora LGG* is specially designed to manage colic.**

Nutramigen Baby Shot

For infants with cow's milk protein allergy, its whole proteins are extensively broken down to avoid an allergic response.
View larger.

Nutramigen Baby Shot

With the Power of Two, it also has an extensively studied probiotic for allergy management. View larger.
An Enfamil Formula to Help Meet Your Baby's Needs
If your baby's having a hard time with his or her feedings, it's probably because their little digestive system is still developing and may need some additional TLC. Fortunately, there's an Enfamil® formula designed to help meet these feeding needs.

For babies with mild feeding concerns like fussiness, gas, or spit up, and for babies who may be experiencing cow's milk and food protein allergies, Enfamil offers a selection of formulas to meet these needs. These formulas are formulated with Enfamil's blend of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and ARA (arachidonic acid), nutrients found in breast milk that help in the development of a baby's brain, eyes, and immune system. Whatever your baby's feeding need, there's an Enfamil formula to help.

A Specialty Formula for Babies with Milk Protein Allergy
If your baby experiences excessive crying or appears colicky, this may be due to the regular infant formula they are drinking. Your baby could have an allergy or sensitivity to the cow's milk protein found in that formula. Nutramigen® with Enflora� LGG®* has been specially designed to ease a baby's allergy towards a cow's milk based formula, so your baby can grow strong on the outside--and feel good on the inside. Ask your baby's doctor if this formula is right for your baby.

The Story Behind the Allergy
What causes a milk protein allergy or sensitivity? A baby's intestine is naturally immature at birth. As your baby feeds, whole proteins are digested and absorbed into the intestine. But occasionally, larger proteins can slip through the immature intestinal barrier.

In infants with a cow's milk protein allergy, these proteins are misrecognized as a foreign body, or antigen, which leads to an immune response, eventually causing the intestine to become inflamed. Prolonged inflammation allows for an increased transfer of antigens, causing more inflammation and discomfort for a baby.

Manage Cow's Milk Protein Allergy with the Power of Two
Formulas like this one, designed for infants with cow's milk protein allergy, use whole proteins that are extensively broken down to reduce allergen exposure and avoid an allergic response.

With the Power of Two, this formula not only has these broken-down proteins--it also has a probiotic that helps strengthen the intestinal barrier. Using the Power of Two, Nutramigen effectively manages colic due to a cow's milk protein allergy fast, often within 48 hours.

Recommended and Trusted
With over 65 years of proven performance, Nutramigen has long been recommended by doctors and trusted by mom to effectively manage cow's milk protein allergy. Now, with the Power of Two, it also has an extensively studied probiotic for allergy management.

Enfamil: Inspired by Mom
With over a century of innovation behind it, Mead Johnson strives to be the world's leading provider of science-based pediatric nutrition products. They are dedicated to helping provide infants and children with the best start in life.

Over the years, Mead Johnson has produced an impressive array of infant formula, vitamin, and specialty nutritional innovations including Enfamil, their leading product today. With over a century of trust, Enfamil has undergone several significant formulations--each one designed to bring it nutritionally closer to breast milk than it was before.

What's in the Box
Nutramigen with Enflora LGG 12.6-Ounce Powder.

* LGG is a registered trademark of Valio LTD
** Due to cow's milk protein allergy
*** Studied without DHA, ARA, and LGG
Information current as of November 19, 2010.

Enfamil LogoMead Johnson is proud to have a full line of infant formulas to meet the needs of babies
For Newborns For Most Infants For Fussiness and Gas
Enfamil PREMIUM Newborn
Enfamil PREMIUM Newborn
Enfamil PREMIUM Infant
Enfamil PREMIUM Infant
Enfamil Gentlease
Enfamil Gentlease
For Colic/Allergy* For Spit Up For Soy Preference
Nutramigen with Enflora LGG
Nutramigen with Enflora LGG
Enfamil A.R.
Enfamil A.R.
Enfamil ProSobee
Enfamil ProSobee
For Toddlers
Enfagrow PREMIUM Toddler
For Most Toddlers
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Enfagrow Gentlease
For Fussiness and Gas
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* Due to cow's milk protein allergy

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Friday, March 11, 2011

Prevacid 24HR Capsules

Lansoprazole delayed-release capsules 15 mg / acid reducer
May take 1 to 4 days for full effect, although some people get complete relief of symptoms within 24 hours
Clinically Proven To Treat Frequent Heartburn
Sodium Free
14 Capsules
One 14-Day Course of Treatment
Questions or comments? Call 1-800-452-0051
Prevacid® is a registered trademark of Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc., and is used under license.

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Acid Reflux Disease: Causes and Symptoms

There may be multiple causes of Acid Reflux Disease such as esophageal sphincter, hiatal hernias, esophageal contractions, and emptying of the stomach.

The lower esophageal sphincter is the most important in preventing Acid Reflux Disease. The LES closes off the passage of the esophagus into the stomach and prevents regurgitation of stomach liquids. The only time it may open is when food or saliva is passing from the esophagus into the stomach.

However, those diagnosed with Acid Reflux Disease have had noticeable abnormalities in the LES. One of these being weak contraction of the LES and the second being abnormal relaxations.

They do not accompany swallows and may last up to several minutes, allowing for acid reflux to occur more easily and may be a major contributing factor to Acid Reflux Disease.

However, a majority of patients with Acid Reflux Disease have hiatal hernias. Yet, it's not necessary to have a hiatal hernia in order to have Acid Reflux Disease. Many even have these hernias but not Acid Reflux Disease. Hiatal hernias contribute to Acid Reflux Disease in a number of ways. If you're having problems with acid refluxing, then I suggest asking your doctor to examine you for a hiatal hernia.

Another cause may be when esophageal contractions are defective and regurgitated acid is not pushed back into the stomach, which is usually responsible for pushing food, saliva, and whatever else is in the esophagus into the stomach.

20% of patients with Acid Reflux suffer because of stomachs that empty abnormally slow after a meal, prolonging the period of time in which reflux may occur, thus contributing to Acid Reflux Disease.
Symtpoms of Acid Reflux Disease include heartburn, regurgitation, and nausea.

Complications may include ulcers, strictures, asthma, throat, larynx, and long inflammation, among others.

View the original article here

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Reflux Remedy Revolution!

Acid Reflux and Heartburn Ebook,  Overhaul from legendary Dave Nayavich!

Check it out!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Stop Heartburn Fast

 Learn how to stop heartburn, acid reflux and related conditions.

Check it out!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux

Because prescription medications can sometimes have unwanted side effects, many people look for natural cures for acid reflux. In addition, most prescription medications were not designed to be taken for long periods of time, possibly while a person makes dietary and lifestyle changes which can be natural remedies for acid reflux. Herbal remedies for acid reflux are based on what herbalists know of traditional medicine and traditional medicinal plants. Some of these are common food herbs, which pose no danger for long-term use, but their effectiveness as natural cures for acid reflux has not been proven.

If you have been diagnosed with acid reflux, it is important to see your doctor regularly, even if you feel that your symptoms are under control. And you should let your doctor know about any botanical or herbal remedies for acid reflux that you may be using. It is important to see your doctor regularly, because stomach acid can damage the esophagus and lead to more serious conditions including cancer of the esophagus. If you are relying on natural cures for acid reflux and you become hoarse in the morning, develop a cough, or feel a need to clear your throat frequently, these may be symptoms of silent acid reflux. Silent acid reflux is the term used to describe acid reflux that affects the voice box and the vocal cords, but does not cause heartburn symptoms. So even if natural remedies for acid reflux keep your heartburn under control, you should still see your doctor regularly and report new or different symptoms.

Herbal remedies for acid reflux include chamomile, meadowsweet, slippery elm, cancer bush, fennel, catnip, angelica root, gentian root, ginger root and other botanicals, including aloe. Slippery elm was used historically by native peoples to treat stomach upset, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn and other digestive complaints. Fennel and gingerroot were also common "folk remedies" for the relief of indigestion. Modern herbalists have found that a combination of several of the herbs that had been used for indigestion could be effective natural remedies for acid reflux. Some may call them natural cures for acid reflux, but long-term relief of acid reflux is best accomplished by changes in lifestyle and eating habits.

For example smoking relaxes the sphincter muscles that normally prevent stomach acid from reaching the esophagus. It also dries out saliva in the mouth and throat, which normally would neutralize some of the stomach acid and begin the digestive process. If you use herbal remedies for acid reflux and you do not stop using tobacco products, then you may still have acid reflux and you are still at risk of developing esophageal cancer. The major risk factors for developing esophageal cancer include acid reflux, smoking and alcoholism.
This brings up another lifestyle change that is recommended for long-term control and relief of acid reflux. Reducing or eliminating alcohol consumption can reduce acid reflux. In particular, alcohol consumption in the evening is believed to lead to more symptoms of night time acid reflux, as well as other health problems. While some argue that a glass of red wine has many health benefits, this is a 4 ounce glass, before a meal, and for those who suffer from acid reflux, even this may be a problem

. Alcohol increases stomach acid. Prescription and natural remedies for acid reflux are geared towards reducing or preventing excess stomach acid. It just does not make sense to continue to drink alcohol when you have been diagnosed with acid reflux.

Changing your eating habits may be natural cures for acid reflux. If you normally eat a large meal late in the evening, less than three hours before bedtime, then you are more likely to suffer from nighttime heartburn or other acid reflux symptoms like coughing. This is because acid is traveling up out of the stomach and into the throat. Raising the head of the bed is also considered one of the natural remedies for acid reflux symptoms that occur at night. Gravity helps keep the acid in the stomach, but eating your last meal earlier and making it a smaller meal may prevent nighttime acid reflux.

Finally, weight loss should be mentioned as one of the natural cures for acid reflux. If you are currently at your ideal weight then you may not need to read this section. Overweight and obese people are much more likely to suffer from acid reflux, including nighttime acid reflux.

Trying herbal remedies for acid reflux control and making no effort to lose the extra pounds will undoubtedly be disappointing. Using prescription and/or natural remedies for acid reflux while you are trying to lose weight makes sense. Avoiding fried and fatty foods is often recommended for people who suffer acid reflux. If you avoid these and eat several small meals during the day then you may naturally lose weight and naturally cure acid reflux. 

Eating several small meals every couple of hours is often recommended by diet doctors, because it increases your metabolism and keeps blood sugar levels stable, so you don't feel sleepy after a meal, don't feel a need to lie down and stomach acid is less likely to travel back up into the esophagus.

Patsy Hamilton has more than twenty years experience as a healthcare professional and currently writes informational articles for the Digestive Disorders Guide. Read more at

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Different ways to stop heartburn

You're thinking about ways to stop heartburn? Well, take a bite of that piece of pizza or go to their favorite restaurant buffet, learn some valuable ways to defeat the heartburn.

Acid Reflux disease affects 15 million Americans every day. Big problem is not when people experience heartburn from time to time, is when a person feels symptoms more consistently (two or more days a week). People sometimes about mira symptoms thinking maybe is something that have eaten.

This is certainly true in some cases, but if you continue experiencing heartburn symptoms to test different OTC treatments, then your body is trying to tell you something that I think you should take seriously into account.
There is a small muscular ring at the junction of the esophagus and stomach. This is called the LES (lower esophageal sphincter). This ring is suppose to keep food and stomach acid in the stomach.

If the them is weak or relaxed, then liquid food and stomach acid will travel to the esophagus. As a result, a burning sensation you feel bad. That burning sensation that you think that you commonly known as heartburn.
I am sure has heard and read much of this before, but good, rather than read, the more learn, right?

If you want to learn some easy ways to stop heartburn then here are some ways to hope it will be useful.
Smoking - I am sure that is easier said that doing so simply quit. However, smoking relaxes your lower esophageal sphincter. When this happens acid from the stomach to slip into your esophagus.

Create a food diary and pay close attention to certain foods such as chocolate, milk, soft drinks, fruit and vegetables that are high in acid such as oranges and tomatoes. Spicy foods can also irritate the esophagus causing heartburn. Drink more water – some may feel that there is no sugary or strong taste with water. Water is not only a benefit for the kidneys, they also help neutralizes stomach acid.

An important thing to consider is that you can have a more serious illness, especially if you have heartburn more than twice a week. If the esophagus is damaged as mine was, then you may need surgery to repair it.

There are some other things that may try to stop heartburn as cucumber juice. (Freshly squeezed) cucumber juice can help stop the heartburn. Try to exercise a little more to lose some weight.

If you were to lose 10 pounds which would help alleviate the pressure of your them. Herbs like aloe vera, Agrimonia Angélica, fennel, garlic, gentian, etc., can help treat the symptoms of acid reflux.

While not always refers to treatment of homeopathy is very good for heartburn. Arsenicum album ? for heartburn accompanied by anxiety, chills and thirst, cramping abdominal.

Nux Vomica ? for heartburn caused by fats or sour foods. ? for the heartburn caused by eating too much or sulphur belching accompanied.

Supplements nutrition, probiotics, agencies based on soil and reducing stress are other four way stop heartburn. The best kind of nutritional supplements can prove are digestive enzymes and calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate should take every 2 to 3 hrs. unto the ends of the symptoms.
Acidophilus and Bifidobacteria, are probiotics that they can also be useful, as fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and agencies based on the ground can.

Now, FOS is a type of natural carbohydrates of microorganism that serves as a fertilizer agent that helps Bifidobacteria to thrive in the large intestine, which helps protect against harmful bacteria.
Agencies based on soil detoxifies your gastrointestinal tract while eliminates the moulds, fungi, parasites, viruses and yeast. With high prices of gas and foreclosures all everywhere, is very difficult to not be stressful.
The good news is that there are some techniques for reducing stress can perhaps help you to stop your heartburn.

There are people who practice holistic health. Help your patients reduce stress using various techniques of medicine between mind and body, such as: Hypnotherapy Biofeedback relaxation exercises

I hope that some of these tips will help in your fight to stop the heartburn. They have a wonderful day and a better tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Learn How To Cure Your Heartburn And Acid Reflux At Home

A home is not a mere shelter with four walls. If you peep into your kitchen, you’ll find it a storehouse of medicines. After reading this article, you’ll learn how to use them to cure your heartburn at home.
You probably have ginger, almond, fennel and milk etc in your kitchen. All these have great healing properties and can cure your heartburn quite easily. Let’s know how they cure!

Ginger is a well known natural digestive aid from ancient times. It not only produces digestive enzymes but also tones the muscles of the digestive tract. Ginger can also neutralize stomach acid. As heartburn is reflux of gastric acid, ginger is a very good home remedy.

You can eat a small quantity of raw ginger or you can make ginger tea. This will definitely relieve your heartburn pain.

Almonds are a part of every kitchen. Different almond snacks are also available in local stores. Eat good number of almonds whenever symptoms of acid reflux exist. As almonds are oily, sweet almonds give you immediate relief from heartburn. Therefore, peel and eat six or eight Almonds and cure your acid reflux at home.

Fennel is a sweet and aromatic herb that relieves digestive problems. Its leaves, stems, roots, seeds and oil are used for medical purposes. They are very good for your digestive tract and help in curing gas, indigestion and heartburn. You can also make fennel tea at home to ease your heartburn.

You can also try a few tips at home (given below) and ease your heartburn.

* Chew a few basil leaves to get relief from burning and gas
* Have a piece of jaggery (gur) in your mouth and slowly suck it. Repeat it every hour till your acidity reduces
* Take a of clove and suck on it slowly
* Keep a small piece of harad (chebulic myrobalan) in your mouth and chew it after every meal
* Eat watermelon, banana or cucumber every day
* Drink a glass of cold milk for fast relief of heartburn and acidity
* Drink coconut water 4-5 times a day
* Drink fresh mint juice slowly after meals
* Daily drink 1 tsp juice of chebulic myrobalan mixed with 1 tsp of Indian gooseberry juice
* Maintain an upright posture for some time after food
* Use a high pillow for elevation when you Sleep

All these acid reflux home cures replace powerful prescription medicines and commercial remedies to cure your heartburn. The advantages of these home cures are having no side effects, cost free and readily available in your home. Therefore, try these and cure your heartburn and acid reflux at home.

View the original article here

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Discover Top Five Acid Reflux Prescription Medications

For some people, finding the right acid reflux prescription medications is something that turns out to be very simple, but for others, there may be some trial and error involved.

This condition is pretty straight forward, and there are many effective treatments and medications for acid reflux... Once you find something that works for you, you will probably have to take it for a few months to heal damage, though sometimes lifestyle changes can work wonders and you might be able to stop sooner. Most medications are of the once-a-day variety, but your doctor will tailor your prescription to your needs.

Here are five of the most common and most used medications for acid reflux.

Prilosec (generic name- omeprazole): You have probably seen commercials for Prilosec on television, and you might think it is an over-the-counter medication. Though there is an OTC form, there is also prescription strength available. This type of medication is a PPI, which stands for ‘proton pump inhibitor.’ This means that the medication is meant to lessen the amount of acid the stomach produces. Less acid production means less acid going up through the weakened stomach valve. This medication can promote healing of damaged tissues in as little as two months. This drug is swallowed whole, and has not been tested on pregnant or nursing moms.

Nexium (generic name- esomeprazole): Like Prilosec, this is a drug that is a PPI. It suppresses the enzymes that produce stomach acid to alleviate the symptoms and damage associated with GERD or gastric reflux. This comes in pill form, but there is an intravenous dose for special cases. This is often taken one hour before a meal, and is swallowed whole for best results. Also like Prilosec, this has not been studied with pregnant and nursing women.
Prevacid (generic name-lansoprazole): This is another of the PPI drugs, and it helps retard acid production while allowing the damaged tissues in the esophagus to properly heal. They can be swallowed, or there are tablets that can be placed under the tongue to dissolve rather than swallowed whole. Intravenous doses are available for those who cannot handle the tablet. This is also not be recommended for women who are pregnant or nursing.

Protonix (generic name- pantoprazole): Protonix is also a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) but is perhaps not as well known as the others. It works in the same manner though, and comes in only pill form at this time. Though this is a treatment for GERD, it is also known to be an effective treatment for ulcers. This pill might be taken in whole form only about 30 minutes before a meal for up to two months to decide if it is effective and if healing has occurred. This can not yet be recommended for pregnant and/or nursing women.

Tagamet (generic name-cimetidine): Though this is often thought of as an over-the-counter medication, it is available in prescription strength for those with persistent and daily heartburn problems. This works to stop acid production, but is different than the PPI variety of drug. It blocks histamines, which are known to stimulate acid production. In most cases, the prescription strength is only needed when there has been damage to the tissues. This is taken in pill form, and there is no research as to whether pregnant or nursing women should take it or not.

As with any type of medication, there is always the possibility that one of these might interact with other medications you may be taking for another condition, so be sure to let both your doctor and your pharmacist know what else you are taking.

You should find acid reflux relief very quickly with each of these, and if you do not, talk to your doctor. You might need a different dosage of these acid reflux prescription medications, or you may not have acid reflux at all. There are times when other problems can mimic this condition, so if your meds are not working, you should get a second opinion.

View the original article here
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