Friday, September 16, 2011

Home of the heartburn relief – 7 remedies that work

Family solidarity is something that we often look forward to especially during the weekends. Part of our weekly celebration is to have food in abundance. We seem to be to compensate for the quick and easy, meal that we had to face during the busy days of the week.

As we are carried away with all the enthusiasm to our food, address us our meals with great speed and enthusiasm. No matter if its too oily or spicy, or we already have guzzled too many bottles of soft drinks and alcohol.

Click here to discover how you can get rid of your acid reflux naturally.

We always have a home heartburn remedy in the case of repeated as they bring another series of attacks of stomach. Here are some home remedies, you might find useful in cases where a weekend of celebration turns into another episode of pain of gas and indigestion.

1. Ginger: chew a little ginger or boil this and that drinking tea.

2 Papaya: eat a serving of papaya, because it contains digestive enzymes that accelerates the process digestive, useful in the removal of heartburn.

3 Potatoes: Place washed potatoes in a blender and drink after juice. Don't try the skin and try to add juice to vary the taste.

4. Water: consume large amounts of water immediately after the first sign of symptoms.

5 Chamomile: drinking Chamomile tea in order to ease the irritation esophagus.

6 Licorice: it's also good in the treatment of esophagus apart from heartburn and stomach ulcers.

7 Aloe Vera: drink aloe Vera juice since it is good in the intestinal tract of healing.

Nevertheless, you should not treat these mild heartburn attacks, because your indigestion may be more than a regular reflux. Chest pain caused by acidic juices which have spilled out of your stomach.

What caused these gastric acids from your stomach is an important issue, because it may mean that your lower esophageal sphincter does not function correctly. If this is the case, then you will have to pay more attention to your diet.

Remember, heartburn or GERD may easily reproduce and can cause other complications of the esophagus. The frequency of acid from the stomach into your esophagus is likely to cause damage to trim; Unlike the stomach, your esophagus is not strong enough to withstand the combustion properties of acid.

Now if you just a victim of occasional heartburn, you may be eating your food at a very rapid pace, especially if you eat empty stomach. Take time to chew and ventilating your food, in fact, give time to your gut to work at a steady speed.

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