Friday, January 27, 2012

You Can Usually Spot Common Symptoms of Acid Reflux Indigestion

Many ordinary people are not in tune with the differences between indigestion and acid reflux although they are quite distinct. Acid reflux is characterized by acid flowing back (refluxing) from the stomach to the esophagus whilst indigestion is simply food that is poorly broken down and, therefore, incorrectly ingested.

That part of the population known as seniors, silver surfers or plainly old age pensioners are particularly susceptible to acid reflux. Indigestion can strike any adult at various times.

More mature people often rely on traditional over-the-counter medicines as they have always done and automatically resort to chewing antacid lozenges. This is surprising because as the body ages the amount of acid produced is usually less than in younger days.

In truth, there must always be some acid in the stomach to break down the food although the lining of the stomach is especially designed to cope with normal stomach acid. Many over-the-counter medicines operate by shutting down the production of stomach acid which will certainly solve the acid reflux problem; but, at what cost?

It is much better to solve acid reflux and indigestion problems by diet and lifestyle changes which will help in improving the general digestion system. Eating ice cold foods is not a good idea if you have digestive problems. Likewise the excessive intake of grog, colas, chocolate, coffee, large fatty meals and anything containing aspirin is to be frowned upon as is having large snacks late at night.

In certain cases where the pain is quite severe it is probably a good idea to give the stomach a rest for 24 hours and stick to warm liquids. At times like this DGL licorice (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) will assist in healing the damaged stomach linings and alleviate much of the pain and discomfort.

Ultimately, of course, it all boils down to a sensible diet without smoking and using alcohol in moderation. Incorporate an easy-to-manage program of exercises and you're on your way to alleviating indigestion and acid reflux. However, like many things in life the cure is simple to undertake but, unfortunately, not easy to implement by the weak-willed, those lacking in motivation or those folk who are always seeking a magic bullet to mask their own short-comings.

As so often happens, the remedy is in your own hands and you can go a long way towards helping yourself by instituting some basic changes. For instance, losing weight is always a good start as additional pressure from the stomach simply pushes acid from the tummy into the esophagus.

Be careful how you stand as you bend over because this can result in acid going back to the throat. As well, adjust your nocturnal posture so that you are slightly raised around the head and shoulders.
A bit of common sense, can help with many ordinary ailments such as the symptoms of acid reflux indigestion and heartburn.

Discover how the symptoms Of Acid Reflux Indigestion can be cured in ten days using natural remedies without recourse to over-the-counter medication
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