Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Acid Reflux - Types and Methods of Treatment For Acid Reflux

 A cure for acid reflux can range from over-the-counter medications, herbal remedies and natural treatments that people have come to know today.

Heartburn treatment may vary from person to person, depending on the severity of the disease and body condition of the people. Unfortunately, not one for all. Adopt lifestyle changes may be sufficient to control the pain and discomfort suffered by some people.

The first cure for heartburn is to avoid foods that cause acid reflux. Other lifestyle changes include avoiding overeating, consumption of alcohol, coffee and tobacco. An obese person may lose the excess pounds as part of the plan of treatment of heartburn.

The GERD symptoms may be worsened during the night due to the position of lying when he is sleeping. To counter this, trying to raise the upper part of the body by a 8 inches while you sleep. As an alternative, consider the use of a pillow of heartburn.

Taking prescribed medications it might be necessary depending on the severity. This is when lifestyle changes aren't enough. The most common over-the-counter acid reflux cures are blockers and antacid H2.
Antacids are based on the principle of reduction of the amount of acid that accumulates in the stomach, while H2-blockers inhibit the secretion of acid in the stomach. When reduces the acidity in the stomach, will reduce the occurrence of heartburn.

Harmful side effects, can produce so make sure you consult a doctor before taking these medicines. Other treatment herbal acidity, such as tea herbs, cinnamon, pineapple, grapefruit and chicory root tea have fewer side effects and they are becoming popular. Some people use medicines homeopathic cure GERD such as vinegar. Always use alternative medicines with caution.

Surgery is for those who don't want to rely on medication indefinitely, or if medications are ineffective. A surgical operation is available that it can be carried out to strengthen the barrier between the esophagus and the stomach, avoiding happen altogether.

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