Tuesday, April 17, 2012

3 Reasons To Opt For The Natural Cures For Acid Reflux

 If you opt for using some natural cures for acid reflux, there is countless information regarding the disease which has also known as GERD or what is more specifically Gastroesophangeal Reflux Disease.

Patients suffering from this disorder usually complain of having digestive troubles which involve discomforts and pains from the stomach or what is known as the gastric region, all the way up to the reflux and into the esophagus.

Although there are the antacids and other boatloads of OTC medications prescribed by doctors to combat its symptoms, many still find solace in obtaining natural cures for acid reflux instead.

 Here are just a few more things you need to know about such cures:

1. FDA warning on medications' adverse reactions.

Make sure that you take the warning of the FDA seriously regarding the most likely to be encountered side effects of the antacids or oral medications you will be taking. These include the medically referred to pump inhibitors like Nexium, Prisolec, Prevacid which are known to trigger an increase in the risks of acquiring bone fractures especially when they have been sued for a longer duration.

2. Opt for the natural cures to get rid of your discomforts.

Take note that natural cures for acid reflux have been proven to get rid of serious complications that can take place upon ingestion or administration of other medicines. Aside from the fact that they are much easier to use, and cheaper at that; they are also known to provide your body with the protection it requires to keep you in the pink and in good physical shape at all times.

3. Consult your doctor before making any decision regarding your condition.

Last but not the least, make sure that before you embark on getting the natural cure for your acid reflux, go the extra mile of consulting your doctor to ensure proper diagnosis. Then you can right away opt to using the countless natural cures which include taking 2-3 spoons of apple cider vinegar thrice daily. Or chew gums, avoid eating excessive acidic and tomato-based products, drink warm tea and water, eat a lot of ginger upon attacks, no-no to lying down; instead head on for a walk, and a long list of other natural remedies you can find online.

Surely, you will get acid-reflux liberated in no time!

1 comment:

  1. This is really a great and useful news...good to know that all the way up to the reflux and into the esophagus..


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