Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Remedy for acid reflux - strip antacids and drugs and go Natural

This describes you? Appearing after an antacid antacid! Taking medicines prescribed by the doctor to stop the heartburn! He placed his head with 5 pillows when you go to bed! And that uncomfortable burning sensation in the throat that makes regularly. Check if your breath smells of stomach acid! And this list could continue.
They are living a nightmare but you don't have to live in misery. Thousands of people are discovering that the simple remedies use hundreds of years ago are more effective than any medicine. Are you ready to put antacids and medications in the trash?
Willing to try out a remedy for acid reflux that works naturally to heal the esophagus and the lower esophageal sphincter (LES)?

Prevention is the best medicine
Acknowledge him! Sometimes our grandparents were right. I remember that my grandfather always say that prevention is the best medicine. And when it comes to their health, prevent illness is always the best way to stay healthy. The problem comes when life happens to be occupied and we put our health and the prevention of health on the back burner.
But with acid reflux you have to work continuously to prevent outbreaks because a weak and damaged esophagus lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is the perfect combination for Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD). And if your doctor has not explained, the LES is the muscle flap that keeps the food in his stomach and stomach acid. In other words, a strong equals LES no problem of reflux.
Unfortunately with this disease, more damage to occur in the esophagus and LES; outbreaks that more experience.
Are they living a life that is contributing to your problem of reflux? It could be and still fail to grasp.
9 Tips to prevent acid reflux
Doctor of natural medicine health our company recommends 9 prevention tips to maintain your healthy esophagus and you them strong. Following these tips and try our 4 natural remedies, you are in your way of being free of acid for life!
1. Soft foods allow heal them! Eat soft foods, allow its heal them and recover from damage from reflux. If you have a choice, always go smoother. For example, choose bars of chewy granola bars of crunchy granola.
2. Avoid spicy food and acids! These types of foods also aggravate the them and allow the muscle flap flight food and stomach acid.
3. Avoid alcohol and soft drinks! First time you start your treatment of prevention, would be a good idea to take a fast month of alcohol, bear, and soft drinks. A great substitute would be water or natural fruit juices. You will also feel a ton more healthy.
4. Smoking is still bad! There is no benefit to smoking. You should try to quit smoking because the chemicals in cigarette smoke cause them to relax, allowing the gas and acid Leach to the esophagus.
5. Coffee! It should limit their consumption of coffee in a cup per day. The acids in the coffee irritate the esophagus contributing for reflux.
6. Drink water after every meal! You must start the habit of drinking from a tall glass of water after every meal. The water will clean will keep clean the flap them, creating a tight closure. The allowed no gas and food to the esophagus.
7. Honey! He has shown a teaspoon of honey to cure the esophagus also being a natural remedy for acid reflux during an outbreak. If it is good enough for the Egyptians; It might be good enough for us. It could also take a spoonful before bedtime.
8. Chew your food thoroughly! Chewing food carefully, you can earn more soft food that will benefit one them reinforced. It is also a great way to weight loss to allow his body to know that you are full faster.
9. Diary! A journal of food for a month and find out when there are attacks and then what food or meals. I've had hundreds of customers discover an outbreak occurs after the more common foods. Knowing the cause it can eliminate the problem.
More than a remedy for acid reflux
Start your treatment of acid reflux with these 9 tips for prevention.

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