Friday, February 24, 2012

The Awesomely Legendary Guide To Achieving Heartburn Cure And Soothing That Pain For Good!

Heartburn is described as a burning sensation that can be felt in the chest specifically at the lower sternum. It is a reflux of digestive acid that skyrockets into the lower esophagus, and when that happens, a shooting, intense pain results, sort of akin to a burning feeling near the heart area.

There are other alternative terms for heartburn, such as GERD, acid reflux, cardialgia or pyrosis.
Statistically, 60 million of Americans suffer from this heartburn condition and needless to say its never pleasant when it occurs. That’s why this article is written. We want to help everybody lucky enough to read this article in finding a means for ameliorating heartburn, and eventually discovering the heartburn cure that works the best. But we want to do so in a way that is easy to understand, and none too protracted. Heartburn cures discussed with pith – that is what we strive to bring you.
Let’s get to the meat.

Its already know that some substances can cause heartburn. Your goal here is to find that heartburn cure by avoiding AND evading the known triggers of heartburn. Pretty neat huh!
So what are these “triggers” that would often cause heartburn? Alrigh then, we now present to you…the Top Five! Drum roll please….

Caffeine. No surprises here, coffee and all its derivatives is still on top, and caffeine also includes tea, cola or even chocolate in some cases. As a result of the esophagus sphincter muscle relaxing, digestive acids flow backwards which would inevitably lead to heartburn.

Food with High Fat and Oil Content. These foods make digestion more difficult due to the special enzymes required to digest them properly. The problem with longer digestion, foods begin to pile up in the stomach increasing pressure to the sphincter of the esophagus and eventually give way. Ah, those good old friends of ours, digestive acids, burning our esophagus like Nero burned Rome.

Tomato. Tomatoes and tomato byproducts are another leading heartburn trigger. This is a specific food or food group that could also relax the esophagus muscles’ sphincter.

Cigarettes. Not a food per se, but the nicotine and other chemicals from cigarettes tend to weaken the lower esophagus’ sphincter muscle – another reason to quit!

Alcohol. Booze can cause the sphincter muscle of the esophagus to relax as well – now that’s not the kind of relaxation you originally sought from the bottle, admit it!

Okay, that wasn’t too long, was it? Now we’ve got a special bonus for you – what things can you do to facilitate heartburn cure?

You should try to eat high fiber diets. You might also want to try ginger tea, ginger ale and other herbal supplements – very much the big hit with health-conscious individuals nowadays. Drinking lots of water also provides heartburn cure. Even your own saliva can help. Consider that it reduces acid content by fifty percent! Since chewing gum helps produce more saliva, it can be especially helpful in curing heartburn.
However, take note these are just suggestions.

It’s best to ask you’re physician before trying anything.

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