Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Resources for acid reflux

Acid reflux is an uncomfortable condition to live, because it can cause a variety of painful symptoms such as heartburn, sore throat, cough and regurgitation. There are a lot of remedies for acid reflux, however, so you don't have to suffer unnecessarily. However, like any other disease or acid reflux condition should be diagnosed before deciding on an appeal.
One of the most obvious remedies for acid reflux is set in the eating habits and lifestyle. The foods you eat make a huge difference for the symptoms to the intensity of acid reflux. There are a lot of foods that can help remedy your acid reflux, and one of the best remedies is a tea made of anise and lavender. This combination makes a soft drink, that helps to remedy the acid content of the stomach. If you want to to their drinks than sweet, add a bit of honey. Anise is well known to remedy the acidity and other digestive problems. Lavender has always been used by its remedial properties and is an effective remedy for acid reflux as it reduces the stomach acid.
There are also fruit can act as a remedy for the symptoms of acid reflux because they contain enzymes that help digestion. Pineapple and fresh papaya each day is a great start to a resource of acid reflux. Papaya often helps with digestion and pineapple reduces inflammation and high enzyme content can reduce or remedy the symptoms of acid reflux.
Root of chicory is another natural remedy for acid reflux: just boil the root of chicory in water, lets cool down and take it as a refreshing tea.
Another common remedy for acid reflux is cinnamon. If you suffer from pain of acid reflux, cut a piece of bread is toasted cinnamon could be just the cure for you. You can also add cinnamon to a drink or a plate of breakfast.
Another remedy for acid reflux is eating more salads. Add a salad on a regular basis to the diet is a great resource for the symptoms of acid reflux, and is also the advantage that salads are very healthy!
Limit the amount of coffee and alcohol you drink may also have a corrective effect in your acid reflux. Give up smoking also can be a remedy effective for acid reflux smoke, because smoking can greatly increase the chance of having acid reflux.
There are many resources of accountant and medications available to help treat acid reflux. Many of these stocks of acid reflux counter work very well and you can usually find a wide variety in your pharmacy or you can order online from amazon.com.
In some extreme cases of acid reflux, over the counter medications and home remedies may not be able to stop the symptoms of acid reflux. In this situation, your doctor may suggest prescription medications. Some prescribed medications for acid reflux often blockers of histamine-2 or inhibitors Proton pump, which can help to remedy or even cure the symptoms of acid reflux.

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