Thursday, June 30, 2011

Apple Cider Vinegar For Acid Reflux

 Acid reflux is an uncomfortable disease in which a copy of fluid from the stomach of a person or "backs" in his esophagus. This can cause inflammation in the throat, which may cause symptoms such as sore throat, heartburn, or cough.

Apple vinegar has been considered an excellent home remedy for acid reflux since 1958, when it was mentioned in the book "Folk medicine" by the author DC Jarvis.

Although consume food and beverages that are themselves acid not generally recommended for those suffering from acid reflux, cider vinegar is thought that the exception that proves the rule.

Most supermarkets and grocery stores should have Apple cider vinegar in stock. If not you can order several brands of apple cider vinegar in line (including organic raw apple vinegar) from places like Amazon.

Note Apple vinegar is very effective for some people and may not work for others. The Apple vinegar often depends of the Constitution and genetics until the individual suffering from acid reflux. Fortunately, however, Apple vinegar only costs a few dollars and if you find that the Apple vinegar does not cure all the symptoms, there are other natural and homeopathic resources available.

Take the Apple vinegar as a remedy for acid reflux, simply add a teaspoon or two of cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink while dining. If you want to make it sweeter taste, try to add a bit of honey.
That's all there is that!

Because the Apple cider vinegar is simple treatment for acid reflux, it is one of the most popular home remedies and has been for more than 50 years.

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