Friday, March 25, 2011

There a link between gastric reflux and Fibromyalgia

There are many people who suffer with fibromyalgia, although there are still some doctors who refuse to say that this is a real condition. This is something that is closely linked to chronic fatigue syndrome and can leave a person feels pain, sick and tired all the time with some people who wonder if they are related to gastric reflux and fibromyalgia.

The cause of fibromyalgia seems to be lack of deep sleep cycles. Without these periods of deep sleep, the body cannot be supposed that to do while you sleep. This is when the mind reorganizes itself, and also the body heals from the rigors of your day. If it cannot happen that you can no doubt imagine what someone with fibromyalgia may have a lot of problems.

Gastric reflux (GERD) is something that seems to be most common. The stomach produces acids to help digest food. If this acid is produced in places in the body where it should not, pain and burning result. A person with gastric reflux knows well.

There is a ring of muscles in the upper part of the stomach. When this ring is not closed correctly, you can upload the acid in the esophagus and throat and mouth. Although it cannot be said that this is the cause of fibromyalgia, of course, you can see how this could be worse for someone who has the condition.

Because a person with fibromyalgia already raises several times a night, gastric reflux will cause this to happen even more. If a person was receiving any amount of deep sleep at all, reflux probably has removed it completely. He would have reason get gastric reflux under control can help with sleep, although certainly not someone complete relief from fibromyalgia. You can improve things a bit though.

If you have heartburn episodes, talk to your doctor about put it under control to see if it helps with your sleep patterns or not. There are different medications that can test and also some natural remedies that your doctor might say you can test whether they are safe for you.

There are also some things you can do at home if you think gastric reflux and Fibromyalgia are keeping it at night. You can change its position to sleep to see if it stops acid stomach escape from his stomach. You should also avoid things that are known to cause flare ups of reflux. These things could be citrus, alcohol, spicy foods, and some other elements you'll bother.

Ask your doctor about that on - the - over-the-counter medications may worsen your gastric reflux and remember to take your recipes as recommended. Although this will not solve the problem, it could offer some small measure of relief. Anyone with gastric reflux and Fibromyalgia will tell you that every little bit helps to.

By Kathryn Whittaker. Sign up for a free newsletter at proven methods for coping with GERD, heartburn and reflux of acid against the wall and discover more about acid reflux. The bulletin will also find more information about the different types of help of reflux acid and what to do if you have severe heartburn.

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