Thursday, June 14, 2012

Acid Reflux Causes and Remedies - The Problem With Conventional Medication

Every day, millions of people suffer from acid reflux and heartburn. While acid reflux causes are well known, the remedies that are most popular, can actually create further problems and produce adverse, sometimes harmful side effects. Isn't that strange?

Furthermore, the most common form of treatment for heartburn, the antacid tablet, if taken regularly, can be the main reason why heartburn develops into a much more serious condition.

 Antacids, while effective in bringing fast relief are only masking the causes of the problem. If these are allowed to continue then over time, simple heartburn can develop into conditions such GERD, Esophagitis and Barretts Esophagus, which are certainly more serious and potentially dangerous.

When these conditions are diagnosed then you will normally be prescribed some drug based medication such as H2 blockers or Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI). These are known as acid suppressors because they act by slowing down the production of stomach acid. But this approach has it's own drawbacks because stomach acid is a necessary requirement for the effective digestion and assimilation of food.

The main problem with conventional medication is that it is not the acid reflux causes that are dealt with only the symptoms. Consequently, your heartburn symptoms are simply masked while the underlying causes go untreated. All conventional treatment is temporary and once you stop taking the medication, back comes your heartburn.

There is another cause for concern with all drug based medication and that is the potentially harmful side effects that many of them are known to cause. This is the reason why many people are seeking alternative remedies for their problems and heartburn in particular.

So having painted a rather bleak picture, where acid reflux causes go untreated and your heartburn continues unchecked, is there any hope for those who would prefer to take control over their problem? Fortunately there is.

The alternative way to treat the acid reflux causes of your problem is to take a holistic approach where the problem is treated as a whole and all the factors that cause it are dealt with. In other words it is the "whole person" that is treated and not just his/her symptoms.

Alternative natural remedies, which have proven to be as effective as conventional medicines are a safer option because they have no side effects. These treatments are also far less expensive than drug based medication.

There is even better news. Holistic treatment, unlike conventional treatment, can actually cure your condition. Yes, a revolutionary new course of treatment has been developed which, in a unique 5 stage program, effectively treats all acid reflux causes so that total and permanent heartburn relief is achieved.
Are you interested? Then discover why thousands of former sufferers are now living completely heartburn-free lives.

Most conventional treatments for acid reflux and heartburn are temporary because they treat the symptoms and not the root cause of the problem. So, if you want to successfully and permanently rid yourself of your heartburn then you must address all the factors that contribute to the problem i.e. you must treat it holistically.
A revolutionary new program does exactly that and in 5 unique steps shows you how to permanently cure your acid reflux and heartburn.

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