Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Heartburn Symptoms Among Women

Heartburn and heart attack are two of a different health condition but usually mistaken as similar because of the same painful sensation in the chest that makes most panic in this article heartburn and its symptoms will be discussed thoroughly to hopefully give everyone a better understanding.

Heartburn or otherwise known as GERD-Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Acid Reflux Disease is brought about by the presence of hydrochloric acid in the stomach that causes one to feel a burning and painful sensation in the chest. While hydrochloric acid is helpful in the food digestion, it may also trigger irritation in the food pipe lining once it is pushed back to the esophagus from the stomach which one feels as heartburn.

Studies and research have found out that women are more prone to digestive problems than men, this is because hormones that is responsible for food digestion changes frequently for women. In relation to this women who have hiatal herna or even pregnant women are highly prone to acid reflux.

Heartburn Symptoms
Heartburn symptoms often occur after meals at dinner time, the pain can be excruciating that it can extend until sleeping hours. Most of those who suffer heartburn symptoms feel the pain running from the end of the throat until the breast bone area while it may last for brief and short periods it can also extend for hours. The symptoms felt will worsen when one bends over, slouches or lie down flat.

The symptoms can irritate one and disturb their sleeping pattern and eating pattern as well. The severity of this condition can be described as a stabbing sensation in one’s chest.

When acid reflux occurs it can get to the throat which gives one a sour taste in the mouth that may even lead to one feel like vomiting. Most women who suffer from heartburn often experience sore throats which can trigger coughing. The pain is unsettling that even swallowing is hard enough. These things can bring quite a discomfort and uneasiness. Some women may even feel full even without eating which leads them to lose their appetite.

Heartburn Remedies for Women
One of the simplest ways to alleviate heartburn symptoms is to drink water. Some women get comfort in chewing gums because of the saliva it produces in the mouth furthermore also because of the bicarbonate in chewing gums that helps neutralize gastric acids secreted by one’s stomach.

On another note, another effective treatment is antacids however these medications may cause certain negative effects like diarrhea and constipation so it is still best to ask your doctor about these medications. As for pregnant women, it is best to avoid antacids as they contain iron, calcium and magnesium and switch to natural remedies to alleviate heartburn.

Although heartburn suffered by women may only pose as minor indigestion, it should not be taken lightly because excess acid inside the esophagus could bring more serious health condition like ulcer and esophageal bleeding. Once these symptoms are felt, immediately seek a doctor for the right treatment.

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