Sunday, April 29, 2012

Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux

In this age where there are pills, drugs, and medications for just about any disease or condition that can think, people are beginning to cures natural for a variety of diseases.

Fortunately for people who suffer from acid reflux, there is a wide range of natural remedies at their disposal.

These natural remedies for acid reflux tend to be very effective, although sometimes it will have to look a little to find the ingredients you need. As all medical conditions, make sure that you will get a diagnosis for acid reflux is the first step to finding a cure.

To find a natural cure for acid reflux, first thing to consider is the diet. The foods they eat have a huge effect on your acid reflux, and this effect can be good or bad. Add some natural foods to your diet every day is a great natural cure for acid reflux, and does not take drugs. Any natural cures for acid reflux should incorporate eat green salads. Salads can provide a natural cure for acid reflux because it helps in digestion and tend to contain lots of fiber, as well as being naturally healthy too!

However, some foods have a bad effect on your acid reflux. For this reason should be sought to avoid high meat content of fats, butter, paste, sour cream, ice cream and almost anything that is fried in oil. If it is a fatty food, most likely will be bad for those suffering from acid reflux.

A natural remedy for acid reflux is Apple vinegar, which has been a natural cure for acid reflux as it was written above in the "Folk medicine" book by the author DC Jarvis, in 1958. You have drinks that are acid is not usually a good plan for people with acid reflux, but Apple vinegar is an exception. Add a teaspoon or two of cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink with dinner.

Another natural cure for acid reflux is tea made of anise and lavender. Anise is a natural cure for many different digestive complaints, while lavender has always been used as a natural remedy for acid reflux calms stomach acid. If you prefer that their drinks to be sweeter, try to add a teaspoon of honey. Some people add Mint to this type of tea, but that is not recommended as a mint, it can actually exacerbate your acid reflux, rather than cure it.

Fennel seeds are also a good natural cure for acid reflux and fennel help heal many digestive problems. Fennel seeds contain an aromatic Anethole name composed, known for helping to suppress stomach spasms. Chew only about half of a teaspoon of fennel seeds after each meal as a natural acid reflux cure.

The ingredients listed for these natural remedies for acid reflux often can be found at any supermarket or food store, or you can easily order online through amazon here..

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