Saturday, March 17, 2012

What is Acidity

Heartburn is caused primarily due to a stomach reflux that causes stomach acids produce from the stomach. This action causes acute pain in parts of the body such as the breast, throat and back.

Many people confuse the acidity with a stomach ache, therefore requires enough knowledge to be able to differentiate between them. This article will help to know exactly what acidity is and the various symptoms associated with it.

People experiencing heartburn report suddenly experienced a sharp pain or a similar to a cramping feeling. The chest pains much and the sternum experiencing strong pressure until the harsh stomach acidity which tends to be a couple of hours.

A sour feeling takes over the Gorge, and this is due to acid reflux. It shows a strong stinging sensation in the throat which can be attributed to the heartburn. This sour sensation may be perceived in the mouth too with an overwhelming sense of nausea. It would also seem that the food is accumulated and stuck in the throat, which is only a feeling and not true.

You may experience chest pain while performing actions such as bending or lying down. Foods can be very difficult due to the difficulty in swallowing it. It would appear that chewing takes long time and swallow is very hard, because it is one of the sensations more common people feel during the heartburn. Pain that began in the sternum slowly begins to spread in the neck and throat and increases as time passes or you notice a burning sensation in the chest and may spread to the esophagus and throat. People waiting to learn of what acidity as it should be aware of all these sensations.

Many people tend to ignore these feelings or associated with a common stomach that can be dangerous in the long term pain. If not given proper medication to cure heartburn, then, can lead to several other diseases also. Therefore, learn to recognize what acidity as it is a very important step in the identification of factors and causes of heartburn. Although many people are experiencing one or more of these feelings and the pain of a regular or daily, very few of them to a doctor. This has to change because without proper medication, it is difficult to cure heartburn.

Thus, the basic sense of acidity comprises much pain in one or all three zones of esophagus, chest and back and is maintained over a long period of time. If this happens in a coherent manner, should not be neglected as a stomach problem typical ache or indigestion, but on the other hand pain and feelings must be analyzed correctly and if all the signs are directed toward a heartburn, then it is necessary to immediately query and the person concerned must follow procedures and medications.

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