Friday, March 30, 2012

Natural Home Remedies For Acid reflux problems

 I have to share some home made remedies for acid reflux that were past for about four generations within my family.

 Acid reflux, also often called heartburn, is when acid inside the stomach travels up to the throat and mixes with all the saliva, creating a burning sensation inside the throat plus a sourness inside the stomach. Simply because acid to alkali levels within the body are normally 20% acid and 80% alkali.

In the event the acid level increases, it affects this enzymatic system within the body and results in a growth in acidity.

Listed below are two fantastic natural home remedies for acid reflux which will help keep acid reflux away or treat it in case you have it.

The common potato can be a natural alkaline. Its full of potassium salt that may be accustomed to restrict the acidity. You’ll be able to naturally treat or keep acid reflux away by regularly eating roasted or boiled potatoes. They must be roasted or boiled to insure the fact that potassium salt is not lost in the cooking process.

Another common food that contains potassium may be the common lemon. Simply drinking a glass of warm water with a lemon about forth-five minutes before an evening meal will be the digestion on the meal.

Having acid reflux is extremely uncomfortable which enables it to be debilitating. My hope is the fact most of these remedies will help someone avoid getting heartburn or treat it should they have diabetes already. Do not forget that the most beneficial treatment for anything is to be proactive and consume the right foods that help to help keep your body balanced.

This is not to mention that each heartburn is caused by unhealthy diet regime. There are actually individuals who definitely are truly affected by gerd for causes rather than an awful diet. In case you go with this category, and therefore are actually the sufferer of the overactive stomach, well then, your playing hardly any other option instead of treat your complaint with all the remedies on hand.

 If you can’t make this happen, you may trust jeopardy of contracting various additional medical problems due to your excessive stomach acid.


  1. I had one yesterday and i felt like calling an ambulance. I vomited 4 times and after that i felt better. I tried taking salt+ lemon mix water. It reduce the uncomfortable situation for a while but not long enough.need some quick remedy.

  2. I heard baking soda or apple cider vinegar works well for some people, although i have not tried it et.
    Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux

  3. At Angel....Get to a doctor. What you are explaining is one of the symptoms of Esophageal cancer


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