Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Is it Possible to Obtain Acidity From Drinking Water?

 In general, drinking plenty of water helps in the digestion of the contents of the stomach and is beneficial for people who suffer from symptoms of heartburn. However, the water can also fill the stomach and cause regurgitation or pressure that causes heartburn. It is better to drink small amounts of water, especially before going to bed when the stomach acids will be its worst.

Acidity that occurs as a result of drinking water can be a dangerous symptom. Water is a necessary part of a healthy lifestyle. If you are doing wrong, it is better to get to the bottom of the problem.

The big problem with the water and the acidity is to drink water mixed with acids of the stomach. If they are subject to acid reflux or you have reflux gastro (GERD), the water in the stomach may cause heartburn anyway. If you have a problem with a weak lower esophageal sphincter (LES), the problem may be even more annoying because this muscle is designed to keep the contents of the stomach from entering the esophagus. (The reason that we feel acidity in the first place).

Drinking water really becomes a problem if you have a hiatus hernia. Hiatal hernia is a term that describes a condition in which part of the stomach is forcing his way into the upper part of this area near the esophagus. If you have symptoms of chronic heartburn really because the hiatal hernia, surgery may be needed to relieve their symptoms.

How to avoid or treat heartburn caused by drinking water

As mentioned above, try to avoid drinking a large amount of water right before bedtime. The stomach acids are produced while you sleep and lying down also increases gastric pressure. Gastric pressure may cause heartburn pushing the contents of the stomach into the esophagus. The reason for the gastric when lying down pressure is that change of bodies inside the cavity and apply pressure on the digestive organs like the stomach. The same applies when we have folded envelope or tight clothing.

Other things you can try include adding a small amount of natural cider to the water that take it. This can help reduce levels of pH in the stomach and prevent the reaction of acids in the stomach that can cause heartburn.
Also, weight loss can prevent many causes of heartburn, including water. Obesity is another way that gastric pressure leads to acidity. It also causes most stomach acid production.

Sometimes water is only filled the stomach and causes heartburn triggers real access to the closest to the esophagus.

Take an antacid to drink water. Antacids work to neutralize the acids of the stomach and help prevent that to be so volatile. Over the counter medications such as Maalox and even baking soda can help neutralize stomach acid.

Inhibitors Proton pump to help prevent to be secreted in the stomach acid now also available in envelope counter varieties. Medicines as Zantac 75, AC Pepcid and Axid AR are proving to be very effective for many people.

Remember that water is not the enemy here, esophageal acid and weak of stomach muscles is the problem. Try to deal with the production of acid in the stomach and the ways in which the acid reacts with food and beverages consumed.

If you're fighting against stomach acidity then of drinking water and do not you ever eaten anything, try to eat solid food will not compensate for its acidity. If they have eaten, may experience heartburn due to an offensive food.

Try to eat a few almonds or chewing gum to help the production of saliva and induce swallowing to keep acids where they belong.


  1. Very interesting! I have been fighting acid reflux for over two years. Since becoming a raw vegan I have almost eliminated my symptoms. However, If at anytime I drink plain water within 3-4 hours of eating anything I still get very strong heartburn no matter what I eat. My goal is typically to hydrate before I eat and eat as many raw high water content fruits as possible so that I do not have to drink water during the day. I do drink about 1.5 liters every morning on an empty stomach with usually no symptoms. I have been experimenting with mixing things like fresh orange juice to my water and I do not get the heartburn. It seems that drinking plain water tells my stomach that it needs to produce More acid, thus the heartburn, versus drinking a liquid such as orange juice with the citric acid tells my stomach that it does not need to produce as much since the acidity is already there. I am not sure if this reasoning is correct, but it is my best guess after 2 years of experimenting with myself. Anybody with any wisdom or advice, please comment as I would love to heart.

  2. http://acidrefluxtruth.org/

  3. This is probably a n informative article, but it is very hard to understand. This is not written in English. A good translator would help.

  4. Whoever wrote this does not speak English as their first language. It does not make much sense. Water dilutes stomach acid, and is necessary for singing & to prevent reflux. If someone has reflux or GERD, weight loss, not eating right before bedtime, and avoiding acid forming foods or drinks makes more sense.


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