Saturday, March 10, 2012

How Obesity Can Cause Acidity

Acidity and obesity may be caused by the same methods: eat food wrong. In addition, obesity can be a heartburn cause alone, even if a person does not eat acidity shooting food.

The reason for this double relationship lies in the form stomach acids and digestive system normally work together in a healthy way. Obesity affects parts of the digestive process in ways that set the scene for Chronicle or cut heartburn.

How does heartburn happen?
Heartburn is a symptom that most people experience at least once. A symptom is something that we believe due to another condition or disease.

The condition that most often causes acidity is acid reflux. Acid reflux is a term that describes the process in which you get the acids of the stomach into the esophagus, irritating the throat and cause the burning sensation we call acidity.

Normally, a muscle at the base of the esophagus where it meets the stomach closes to prevent that acid entering this area. This muscle, known as LES or esophageal sphincter lower, is a rounded muscle which constrains strongly, taking refuge in the throat of the contents of the stomach.

When we experience acidity, this muscle is not working to keep the sealed passageway. This is known as a "them relaxed". The relaxes LES several times a day on their own, reason why some people occasionally feel heartburn. Other triggers can help relax the LES, too, such as alcohol, chocolate and some medical conditions.

In some people, acid reflux is a chronic problem which happens several times a week or more. In their case, they have a condition known as gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Most people will experience acid reflux in her life. It can occur during times of extreme stress when our daily routine is interrupted, it may happen after eating certain foods and acidity can hit by only eating a big meal and getting "too full".

How stomach acidity and overweight that are directly related
Most of us know that food for anyone can lead to being overweight in time. Excess can also cause heartburn. So if a person habitually overeats and becomes overweight, acidity often occur in the process.

Other conditions can cause obesity too, making it much more difficult to lose weight and alleviate some of the symptoms of acid reflux, such as heartburn. Other conditions can also cause heartburn through the side effects of medications. Some people who are overweight due to glandular and joint problems may be prescribed diuretic causing dehydration: another cause of heartburn in some people.

More commonly, however, acidity and overweight are related due to the physiology of the body (how things move in relationship among themselves). When the body is higher than it should be, they also accumulate fatty deposits within the walls of the structures and bodies.

This pushes the separate bodies (or boards) and increases gastric pressure on the body. Increased gastric pressure causes acidity in many people. Displaced bodies can also stretch the them and avoid it closes correctly.

Another common condition is a hernia hiatal where he obtained a little pushed the stomach into the esophagus. This weakens the them and allow the flow of acid into the esophagus.

Medical experts are not positive about all the ways that acidity and overweight are directly linked. But statistics show that there is one much greater chance of heartburn in obese patients and that overweight people are more likely to develop GERD. Consider the possibility of losing weight in addition to our resources of acidity if you suffer from heartburn.

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