Saturday, March 3, 2012

Does Apple Cider Vinegar Relieve Heartburn?

Natural apple cider vinegar works and helps relieve heartburn. They theorize that heartburn occurs because there are not enough stomach acid, and taking apple cider vinegar brings the acid stomach level, allowing that the stomach digesting food properly and causing acidity to calm down. However, another State of people that reduce stomach acid is not the cause of the heartburn.

Apple Cider vinegar is very acidic and can irritate or damage the lining of the digestive tract. Rather than relieve heartburn, you can actually make worse. If you are considering using as a treatment apple cider vinegar for heartburn, it is important that you talk to your doctor first.

While some people have used Apple Cider vinegar to treat its acidity, it is important to note that there has been no clinical trials to support the effect of the cider vinegar in acidity.

You can also relieve heartburn making wise decisions in the food you eat. One of the main triggers of acidity is the food that we eat. Because we all have to eat, we need ways to prevent food causing acidity.

The Following Suggestions are Useful:

Avoid foods and drinks that weaken the muscle them
These foods include chocolate, mint, drinks with caffeine, alcohol, fatty foods, and fatty or fried foods.

Avoid foods and drinks that can irritate the esophagus
These include citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes and tomato, chilies and pepper products.

Eat smaller, more frequent meals
Eat large meals increases pressure in the stomach and muscle against them. It is better to eat five or six small meals instead of three large. And remember not to eat too fast. Quell the fork or spoon between bites can help you to do so.

Do not drink alcohol
Drinking alcohol before, during or after meals may worsen heartburn because alcohol weakens muscle them.

1 comment:

  1. I have hear this heartburn remedy but not sure how it works as I understand heartburn is caused by the stomach acid going back up into the oesophagus so not sure how taking more acid helps?


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