Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Acid Reflux drugs side effects - know their bad consequences

Discomfort is experienced by a patient of acid reflux. The presence of this heartburn depends on the food we take in mainly. The person obviously wants an end to the State as soon as possible the time.
The natural means relief acid reflux usually takes time, so drugs have been developed to address the problem more quickly. Information from across the world, acid reflux of the side effects are severe and may develop more serious illness.

Over-the-counter or prescribed by the physician, acid reflux drugs are available in pharmacies. Antacids, for example, are ideal for indication of mild acid reflux. Maalox, Riopan, Rolaids, Alka-Seltzer and Mylanta are usually the first treatment that the patient has in mind. Most brands sold in the market is composed of three basic salts-aluminum, calcium, and magnesium combined with bicarbonate or hydroxide ions which can compensate for the level of acid in the stomach.

Although these antacids are very mild, it has side effects. The victim of acid reflux may experience constipation, nausea, diarrhea or headache. Antacids as Tutrakax, Alka-2 and Tums have more severe side effects. They can increase the amount of calcium in the blood that can lead to renal dysfunction. Alternagel and Amphogel can cause constipation, while milk of magnesia can lead to diarrhea.
Some drugs for acid reflux are long. These drugs are grouped into two. The family of H2 Blocker and Proton pump inhibitors or PPI. Nizatidine (Axid), ranitidine (Zantac), famotidine (Pepcid) and cimetidine (Tagamet) belongs to the family of H2 blocker. This set of drugs have side effects such as the severe itching, fever, hallucinations, painful or enlarged breasts, confusion, rash and impotence.
LANSOPRAZOLE (Prevacid), omeprazole (Prisolec, Prisolec OTC), rabrepazole (Aciphex), pantropazole (Protonix, Pantoloc) and esomeprazole (Nexium) belongs to the second group. While these drugs have very less opportunity to give the patient a diarrhea, it has many side effects. Some of these include the pain rash, muscle and joint, constipation, itching, swelling, ankle pain abdominal, blurred vision and dizziness.
Two PPI and H2 blockers decrease the level of gastric acid relief acid reflux. If the amount of gastric acid will go by decreasing, increases the growth of bacteria in the stomach.

This is because the gastric acid manages the bacteria inside. Even if these bacteria are not dangerous, they can climb and eventually enters the upper airways and the trachea. This will put the patient in danger of having pneumonia.

Acid reflux can give discomfort, but sufferers of must take care unfortunately. Drugs purchased in pharmacies are not the only remedy for her. There is a natural at hand cures. Side effects of acid reflux drugs are worse than the acid reflux itself.

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