Saturday, October 15, 2011

Symptoms of acid reflux in women

If you're looking for in women acid reflux symptoms, you will see below. Also known as Gastro-esophageal reflux disease or GERD, affects men and women alike. This is a result of the lower sphincter of esophagel or them that resembles a type of valve do not properly functioning. It is usually in the form of a circular band of muscle that connects the stomach to the esophagus. Digestion in the stomach is aided by several acids secreted, even as a form of cells of mucus as a cover to protect the lining of the stomach from acid attacks. But the esophagus has no such protection. Reflux condition seen acid material back into the esophagus, which only has limited the strength to take these acids, and when it is too much to cope with the sour anger, can damage the lining of the esophagus.

Although both men and women have these attacks, but the symptoms of acid reflux in women is gravity due to pregnancy, even if one them relaxed because of hormonal changes of sex, which is pressurized by the fetus growth and belly, see food is refluxed in the esophagus, causing acid reflux symptoms in women.
Acid reflux symptoms are different from symptoms when it is connected pregnancy, but otherwise the symptoms are so similar in men and women. The major symptoms are as follows:

It is more common symptoms of reflux acid regurgitation, in which the acid content of shoot back give one sensation burping is wet, bring a bitter taste in the mouth. acidity in another symptom, felt especially after eating something which is felt in the lower part of the abdomen or chest, sometimes pain each time very hard; and when does not feel the acidity women fell nausea; In addition to previous women may feel sore throat, hoarse voice, vomiting and increasingly difficult to swallow.

It is common to see in the early stages of pregnancy women experiencing nausea and vomiting, which also is but a symptom of acid reflux. When the uterus not still faces the growth of the fetus, and there is no significant pressure on the LES, why the nausea and vomiting happens? This is an important facet of acid reflux, because there is some activity in sex hormones during pregnancy, contributing to the changes in the operation of the valve as them, that it is more relaxed during this period, and can allow acid to roll into the esophagus content.

This can not be helped, and when the fetus begins more and more, the other type of pressure makes open them the valve and allow the flow of acid content up to the throat. While the symptoms of acid reflux can be controlled through natural treatment, during the early stages of pregnancy nausea, vomiting etc, should be taken as the pleasure of carrying your baby, because they are at all serious dangers. Once you are finished the period of pregnancy, symptoms of acid reflux fades, but even when they are present, it is possible to treat them with natural remedies.

The problem is that most women trying to deal with above drugs counter and doctor prescribes medications that are not to take over long periods of time. We hope you enjoy the symptoms of acid reflux in the article of women here.

1 comment:

  1. ivf cost uk
    It is more common the signs of acid reflux acidity vomiting, in which the acidity content of photograph back give one feeling belching is wet, carry a nasty flavor in the lips.


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