Sunday, September 4, 2011

Symptoms Causes And Treatment Of Acid Reflux Of Stomach

The stomach acid reflux is a condition in which the gastric juices which is in the stomach of journey from the stomach into the esophagus. The food that we eat are digested with the help of the stomach acids.

For people who suffer from acid reflux of stomach, vomiting acids from the stomach into the esophagus, and this is due to the impartiality or lack of functioning of the esophageal sphincter.  The esophageal sphincter opens only when a person is swallow and remains close otherwise and in this way, the stomach contents do not reach the oesophagus.

During acid reflux of stomach, esophageal sphincter does not close properly and as such, the flow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus. There are several symptoms of acid reflux. Some of them are experiencing a burning pain in the chest, back and throat known as heartburn, regurgitation, shortness of breath, difficulty in chewing and swallowing, and dental erosion.

Acid reflux of stomach can be caused by many factors.  You have a diet rich in fats, coffee, alcohol, spicy foods, eating many meals before bedtime, carbonated soft drinks, foods that have contained acid such as tomatoes and citrus fruits, vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli and milk also increases the risk of acid reflux of stomach.  Even conditions such as obesity and pregnancy can cause acid reflux of stomach. Acid reflux can last for any period of time if not treated. Suffering of the people of acid reflux of stomach, should consult a doctor and seek options for treatment,

Suppressors of acid blockers are used to reduce the amount of stomach acid production in the stomach. These suppressants block histamine, which is a chemical that occurs during inflammation and thus provide relief from acid reflux of stomach. Proton pump inhibitors are another class of drugs that make the cells present in the wall of the stomach to produce less acid. Antacids are the most common drugs used for heartburn and neutralize the acid in the stomach. They are mostly over the counter medications and should be taken by people who experience less frequent heartburn. Prokinetic agents can empty the contents of the stomach before that it is overloaded and thus avoid heartburn to occur.

The effect of acidity varies from person to person. Some people are affected by stomach acidity and experienced discomfort while performing daily activities. Even simple activities such as ingestion of food can be very difficult for people who suffer from acid reflux of stomach. Factors such as hernia hiatel can also cause heartburn.

Most stomach acid reflux occurs after meals and as such activities as lying or bending down should not be after meals. Eat before exercise also is not recommended because it can lead to acid reflux of stomach. Therefore, all people who suffer from acid reflux of stomach must understand the causes and the symptoms and be sure to visit a doctor and the diagnosis made as soon as possible, so as to be completely cured of stomach acid reflux.

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