Saturday, September 17, 2011

Drugs for Acid Reflux -Avoid Danger

Acid reflux is a chronic problem of digestion. It has the potential to be extremely painful and cause significant discomfort. It does not correctly; symptoms become chronic and persist for many months. In addition, the symptoms recur often without pre-existing warning. Drugs for acid reflux are processing more current, and yet they are often bothersome side effects and serious medical complications.

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Because the selected drugs are often required for a short period of time, they must be repeated. Drug treatment is mainly based on the removal of high acid productivity. Specifically, drugs generally mask the symptoms of acid reflux. Therefore, the symptoms still persist. Unfortunately, long-term drug use can cause other problems of major medical such as cancer, hypertension and Alzheimer's even.

Acid reflux drugs may involve risk important that most people do not know. As mentioned above, extreme use cases of the diseases that can cause death. Fundamentally, the drugs are rarely the best solution to manage this disease. Research indicates that drugs are not safe (for many reasons).

Drugs for acid reflux can be bought at the counter or prescribed by a physician. Although both are effective in their own right, they do not solve the problem of acid reflux. Over the counter medications like antacids, are commonly used to treat mild acid related symptoms. Antacids contain excessive amounts of minerals (calcium and potassium) causing mineral imbalances.

More drugs work by neutralizing acid in the stomach. Yet, they are not effective for the treatment of chronic acid reflux. Prescription drugs, such as tramadol, Nexium and Prevacid are all capable of processing symptoms up to 8 weeks.

After that, they become dangerous. Use these drugs long-term has been proven to cause a production of the hormone gastrin. The substance called gastrin directs your stomach to make more acid. The production of gastrin causes cancer cells to expand significantly increases the risk of developing cancer.

However, most of these same drugs disrupt the production of natural or hydrochloric acid in the stomach. This greatly reduces your ability to digest your food properly. Reduction of the natural production of gastric acid also decreases the body's defense against food-borne infections. increasing the risk to get food poisoning.

Prescription for acid reflux drugs may also cause injury to persons who are currently on prescription drugs. The effects of a drug can amplify or modify the effects of another causing dangerous reactions or even death.

Finally, the long term management of drugs used to treat acid reflux induced the accumulation of toxins and pathogens not desired in the body. There are several compelling reasons why you should consider avoiding extreme use of the counter drugs or prescription for acid reflux disease.

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