Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Different Causes Of Heartburn

Heartburn occurs due to the acids from the stomach flows in the esophagus. The most important causes of heartburn is the malfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter.

This element of the esophagus opens and closes the passage from the stomach into the esophagus and in this way, prevents the leakage of acid reflux. During stomach acidity, it doesn't work properly and this flow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus.

This can be very dangerous as the acidic nature of the fluid can cause inflammation of the lining of the esophagus and also have several other effects.

There are many causes of heartburn. People who suffer from hernia hiatel suffer from heartburn most and as such, it can be attributed as one of the causes of heartburn.  The contractions of the esophagus can also cause heartburn. Always we swallow, a wave of contraction takes place in the muscles of the esophagus that reduces or limits the camera inside the esophagus to allow transportation of food.

Sometimes, this contraction wave may be too short or may not start even after the process of swallowing, leading to acid reflux.

One of the main causes of heartburn is an inadequate and unbalanced diet. People enjoy eating fast food and unhealthy foods leads to heartburn.  Foods such as chocolate, drinks like coffee and all carbonated beverages, fruits and vegetables which are acidic in nature, such as tomatoes, onions, oranges and grapes, drugs as aspirin and several other anti-inflammatory medications, juices of fruit and vegetables which are acidic nature such as orange, grape and pineapple, all alcoholic drinks, and spicy foods lead to heartburn. A proper diet should be maintained and avoiding all foods that can cause heartburn. People who cause also are at risk of suffering from this condition.

Chemical nicotine, which is present in cigarettes, calms and relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter and this can lead to acid reflux, therefore such habits should immediately stop and prevent. Foods that are rich in fats and oils of animal or vegetable content also increases the chance of suffering from heartburn. Wearing clothing or belts that are extremely tight and uncomfortable it may cause heartburn. Food should always be taken at fixed intervals, and preferably a couple of hours before going to sleep and then food can obtain easily digested by while you sleep, do not eat before bedtime definitely can cause acid reflux.

Conditions such as pregnancy and obesity also cause acid reflux as they increase the pressure on the stomach.  Maintaining an ideal weight is needed to prevent heartburn. The most effective way to keep fit and avoid heartburn is exercise. At least 2-3 hours in a day it should be devoted to the exercise and activities such as walking, running or working in the gym are highly recommended.

Pre-existing medical conditions also cause heartburn. Therefore, these are the various causes of heartburn.

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