Monday, August 22, 2011

Natural remedies for acid reflux

Most people would prefer a natural remedy for acid reflux, rather than take a lot of chemicals and tablets. Luckily for the people, there are many natural remedies for acid reflux, and most of them work very well. Acid reflux is a disease, it is always advisable to consult with your doctor to make sure that any symptoms you are experiencing are really of acid reflux before embarking on a regime of natural remedy. Obtain a proper diagnosis for acid reflux is the first step towards finding a cure.

First look is the food to eat. Everything you eat has an effect on your reflux acid, positive or negative. Including natural foods at each meal is an excellent natural resource for reflux acid and one that does not involve taking pills or medicines. Natural remedies for acid reflux should include eating more green salads. Salads can provide a natural solution to acid reflux as well as being naturally good for it.

Regarding foods that tend to have a negative effect on your acid reflux, it is best to stay away from fatty foods in general, such as high meat content of fats, butter, paste, sour cream, ice cream and everything fried. If it was fried in oil, is almost sure is going to cause problems with acid reflux.

Another natural remedy for acid reflux is tea made of anise and lavender. Anise is a natural remedy for digestive disorders, while lavender has always been used as a natural remedy for acid reflux as it soothes stomach acid. If you prefer that their drinks to be sweeter, try to add a teaspoon of honey.

Chicory root tea is another natural remedy for acid reflux. Chicory root tea works well with a little cinnamon, cinnamon is another natural remedy for acid reflux.

An another natural remedy for acid reflux is Root Ginger, which works because it helps to absorb the acid in the stomach. Ginger root also has an added advantage that helps to calm nerves. Find a store that sold ginger root powder capsules and have one every day right after eating.

Apple vinegar has been a natural remedy for acid reflux as mentioned in the book "Folk medicine" by the author DC Jarvis, in 1958. You have drinks that are acidic is not generally a good idea for people with acid reflux, but Apple vinegar is an exception. Simply add a teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water and drink with dinner.

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