Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Herbs For Acid Reflux

Acid reflux can be in many ways. In addition to lifestyle and medical changes, here are the best herbs for acid reflux:

Herbs for acid reflux: pepper long (India, Indonesia or Javanese)

Long peppers have been used for thousands of years for its excellent flavor and medicinal qualities. Hippocrates himself adopted it for its powerful digestive stimulus in the old Greece more than 2,500 years ago, and it has lost none of its power since then. Long pepper can come from any of the regions above and has been used in Sanskrit recipes for millennia.

Long pepper is an excellent herb for acid reflux because it improves the body's ability to digest food, absorb nutrients, and may also help defend against gastric ulcers and sores. Because long pepper is a herb that powerful, it need not take much of it. Approximately one teaspoon, ground over food once a day will be enough to provide some benefit.

Herbs for acid reflux: black pepper

Black pepper is more common than long pepper, but contains much of the same features, making it one of the easiest and best for the acid reflux herbs. If you are not familiar with the excellent flavour than pepper freshly ground added to food, which is a treatment for. Make sure that grinding peppercorns everything on food; If you buy ground black pepper will lose its flavor and its medicinal power.

Herbs for acid reflux: licorice

Licorice, in addition to being delicious, is an excellent herb for acid reflux. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and really covers the interior of the throat and protects it from damage that acid reflux can cause. Be sure to buy Deglycyrrhizinated licorice, or DGL (and no, it's not a typo!) (Actually is called Deglycyrrhizinated licorice!).

DGL can also act as a mild, to be significantly safer antacid and with fewer side effects than commercial antacids. The teeth could go a little green, but that is not bad! Regular liquorice can increase your blood pressure; to be sure to make sure yours is DGL. Licorice as a herb for acid reflux can take any number of ways. Better is general to any chew some wafers about half an hour before a meal, or to obtain some Deglycyrrhizinated licorice tea.

Herbs for acid reflux: Ginger

In many dishes Asian, Ginger is an excellent herb for acid reflux if you want to get away more traditional European fare, while still treating the symptoms. Ginger is used medicinally for many purposes, but primarily as an aid to digestion. Pure, fresh ginger acts as an anti-inflammatory.

You can add ginger to many recipes, especially potato chips. Try to invest in a book of Asian cuisine. Remember that in addition to taking herbs for acid reflux, also is a good idea to make other lifestyle changes to stop acid reflux. One of the best things you can do is to increase the intake of fresh, healthy, green leafy vegetables and a stir-fry with abundant Ginger is a great way to help the digestion and enjoy a delicious meal at the same time!

Herbs for acid reflux are easy!

As you can see, there are several excellent herbs for acid reflux that can be easily accommodated in his kitchen. Adding some extra flavor to your meals, you can help stop acid reflux in their tracks. Enjoy!

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