Thursday, June 9, 2011

Possible Causes Of The Heartburn!

Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid backs in the esophagus. When the ERP (reduce the esophageal sphincter) - valve between the stomach and the esophagus which contains acid of the stomach lies in a wrong time will usually trigger heartburn. Thus, gastric acid will back up the esophagus causing the heartburn. The stomach acids can damage the lining of the esophagus that will lead to the Erosive Esophagitis.

Many people have stomach attacks that could be relaxed thanks to drink a glass of milk or taking antacids. However for people who have the stomach Chronicle, an antacid good and a glass of whole milk is enough relief.

Chronic heartburn can cause you the risk of damage to the tissue of the esophagus due to repetitive episodes of gastric acid. For this reason, it is very important to have appropriate treatment as soon as possible. It is possible that the prescription heartburn relief, but many patients is also discover more acid reflux relief remedies. Prescription drugs can only hide the symptoms of the disease.
However, using the approach to disease herbal stomach only hides only the symptoms, but it will also repair the damage and can relieve the discomfort.
There are some meals that can boost up the symptoms of the heartburn, meals, such as chocolate, alcoholic beverages, and peppermint. Another animal causing some heartburn included garlic, onions, spices, mustard, soda pop, vinegar and citrus juice. Some food also trigger of heartburn when taken before the time of the sunset are fatty foods, beverages containing caffeine and tomato products.

Eat too much and at a wrong time may also cause the problem of the heartburn. If the ERP will not function properly and body eat a large quantity of meals, the levels of stomach acid meal can obtain higher up to the esophagus. And if the esophageal sphincter is not stay close as it should be and a person eats too close to bedtime, coated can also be the cause of acid reflux. There are people who do not suffer this problem because it varies from person to person.

Treatments for heartburn with medication is unnecessary when a person with the problem does not change their eating habits and lifestyle. If the person continues to eat spicy food and do not quit smoking, heartburn will always be a part of their lives. Change of life and medical care are excellent ways to stop to heartburn.

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