Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Infant acid reflux: causes, symptoms and treatments

What happens if your baby, which seems very healthy otherwise occurs after meals several times a day? This is something that as a father should be concerned about? Could it be a signal that suffer from infant acid reflux?

Wet belching, regurgitation and vomiting are some of the terms used to describe the problem of your child. More recently, doctors have begun to call GERD (Gastroesophageal infant acid reflux disease). Infant acid reflux is very common and affects 40% of the babies. It also occurs in children and involves breastfed and formula fed babies.

Almost always resolved by one year of age.  Many parents take child calmly acid reflux, while others worry because the spit dirty your clothes, furniture and carpets. They feel uncomfortable to take the baby in public, or to visit friends. Some parents concerns a disease or other physical problem must be causing the spit.

A visit to the doctor, nurse or dietitian usually starts by having a history of food to see how feeds the baby, if you are overfeeding and how burping the baby.

Often be spitting child has a lot to do with supercharger. Baby vomit when they have too much milk for the size of your stomach. This can occur both in a breastfeeding and the fed baby's bottle.  Sometimes the baby is the problem. At other times, it is the parents.

How to grow your baby?
It is a healthy habit to weigh your baby at every doctor visit and record the weight in a graph. There is little chance of a disease if your baby is growing normally.

How can he is breathing the baby?
Research may be needed if the baby is always a wheezing or coughing. This sometimes indicates a chest to infant acid reflux reaction. Meanwhile, do not let anyone smoke in the House. Second hand smoke encourages infant acid reflux and bad for the baby in many other ways.

Natural is that parents who worry about the baby. Vomiting, may sometimes indicate a more serious problem. Your doctor should consider your baby and see if there are signs of disease. However, it is not normally needed more medical tests. Most authorities recommend the doctor starts for the first time with simple tips.
Power: If the child seems to hunger, try smaller and more frequent meals
Positioning: Placement of the child in a seat after meals will cause more vomiting if the child slumps forward and puts pressure on the stomach. Try placing the child in his side after meals. Placement of the child in the womb usually decreases vomiting. However, it is important to use a firm surface. Placement of the child in her womb in soft blankets and duvets are believed that you one of the factors in the crib death.

Thicken food: Add grains of rice to the formula. Start with one tablespoon of two ounces. This has been shown to decrease infant acid reflux, but you will need to enlarge the hole of nipple. Recently, the pre-thickened of infant formula has become available. This formula can be easier to prepare and it has been shown that the decrease of vomiting. A breastfed baby can be fed grain after food.

Many concerned parents are quick to envelope the antacid counter like Maalox or Mylanta to help reduce acid reflux in his son. While it is OK to use for a limited period of time as they do not fall into the bloodstream, they contain aluminum, and probably should not be used for an extended period of time.
Cimetidine and ranitidine used to block the acid in the stomach for babies who have inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis).

The most important thing to remember is that a child suffering from infant acid reflux is usually a healthy baby. He vomits probably for the same reason can not walk or talk. Coordination is required to keep the food in the stomach. The baby not being fully coordinate up to one year of age. Consult your physician if vomiting continues beyond this time.

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