Friday, December 10, 2010

Home Remedies and Herbs For Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux or Gastro esophageal Reflux disease is characterized by long term (two or more than two weeks) heartburn. Prolonged acid reflux grinds down delicate cells of esophageal lining. This continuous destruction of cell lining leads to the formation of scar tissues which results in difficulty in swallowing.

 If it is left untreated it can also converted in to esophageal cancer. Other symptoms reflux include chest pain, roughness in throat, breathing problem, bitter taste in mouth, dry cough, bad breath, interrupted sleep and tightness in throat.

It is caused by poor eating habits such as over eating, frequent eating of greasy and spicy foods, stress, smoking, excess use of alcohol and carbonated beverages and raised level of hormones during pregnancy.

Home Remedies for Acid Reflux

Many treatments are available to treat and reduce acid reflux or GERD. It has observed that medicines available to treat acid reflux sometimes have undesirable side effects that can worsen patient's condition.

To avoid using medicines with terrible side effects researchers have developed certain home remedies and natural therapies to treat Acid Reflux. Some of the home remedies for acid reflux are as follows.
Alterations in Eating Habits

Acid Reflux patients are advised to eat low fat meals frequently. They also have to quit fatty foods such as chocolates and dairy products. Use of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and spinach can also provoke acid reflux. Patient must avoid eating just before going to bed.

Self Hypnosis

Patients suffering from acid reflux are subjected to clear his/her mind, relax completely and psychologist repeats specific mantra that leads to self improvement and self healing. Psychologists help patients through self hypnosis to fight stress and over come disease caused due to stress.

Positional Therapy

It has also suggested avoiding sleeping on left side because stomach is at left side. Sleeping on left side causes stomach to move acid back in to esophagus. It is also noticed that elevating upper part of body also gives relief in acid reflux. Bad postures during walking, sitting and lying can also intensify acid reflux. Several parishioners are suggested to improve body postures during working and resting. Erect posture is found helpful to treat acid reflux.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider vinegar is very good to treat acid reflux. Apple Cider Vinegar is used with water. It is suggested to mix half teaspoon Apple Acid Vinegar in half glass of water. Patients are advised to take sips during eating meals.

Ginger Root

Ginger root is commercially available in the form of ginger root capsules. Ginger is known to absorb stomach acids and also relax nerves. You can use one capsule just after having meal/dinner.

Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds are aromatic powerful herbs. It improves digestive conditions. Fennel seeds contain Anethol. Anethol reduce cramps of stomach and gastrointestinal tract. Chewing of half teat spoon of fennel seeds after meals can reduce stomach cramps.


Bananas work well on GERD patients and also give relief from diarrhea.


Apples and yogurt provide immediate relief in heart burns. One apple bite and one spoon full of cold yogurt is used to treat acute heartburn.

Aloe Vera

One glass of Aloe Vera juice is the best home remedy for acid reflux and heart burn.

Chamomile Tea

One cup of Chamomile Tea after meals is also used as home remedy to treat acidic conditions. It provides relief from esophageal irritation.


Juice of one potato with its peel is also used as home remedy for acid reflux. You can mix juice with some other juice for taste.

Licorice Root

Water extract of licorice root is considered as best home remedy to treat heart burns and esophageal ulcers. You can prepare this extract at home by boiling licorice root in water.

Baking Soda
Baking soda is also a good home remedy for acid reflux.

A glass of water can also reduce heartburn in case of mild acid reflux.

Cumin seeds/black peeper/ Caraway seeds

Cumin seeds, black peeper and caraway seeds are also beneficial to treat acid reflux.

Cumin seeds are grind and mix with equal amounts of coriander seed and sugar candy and advised to take two tea spoons with cold water twice in a day at morning and evening. Black peeper is used with rock salt after meals in morning and evening. Caraway seeds are used in powder form with one glass of lemon juice in water.

If you want further informations about home remedies for acid reflux you can visit this site. The link is it will provide useful information about latest products to treat acid reflux.

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