Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Natural Acid Reflux Treatment and Prevention Program

If you have already researched about the symptoms of acid reflux, which include heartburn, dyspepsia, among others, and you realized that this is indeed the condition that has been affecting you, then it is best that you find ways to gain relief from it. With it comes to acid reflux treatment and prevention, one of the best ways to do it is through natural means, so that you won’t have anything to worry as far as side effects are concerned. Aside from that, natural treatments are actually the best choice for any kind of disease, since they last longer and are more effective than any drugs that are manufactured with the use of synthetic substances.
When you think about it, one of the major causes of acid reflux is eating foods that would cause the acidity levels of your stomach to go up. Therefore, one of the best ways to treat and prevent it is to avoid foods that can trigger it. Some of the foods that you need to take note of are spicy foods, tomato-based foods, garlic, onion, fatty foods, and especially those that are fried. Aside from these types of foods, caffeinated drinks and certain acidic soft drinks should also be avoided, if you want to gain relief from the symptoms of acid reflux.
Being dedicated in your quest to gain relief from acid reflux would help you a lot, especially if you start observing yourself in terms of your tummy’s reaction to certain types of foods. Therefore, whenever you feel heartburn, look back immediately and take note of the types of foods that you previously ate, so that you are able to identify them properly. It is best to keep a diary or a notebook for that, so that you won’t have to remember them. All you got to do is to refer to your notes, whenever it is time for you to visit the grocery store.
Another natural method of acid reflux remedy is to change your eating habits. If you are used to eating lots and lots of foods in just one sitting, you need to change that from now on. You need to remember that by putting too much pressure on your stomach by feeding it with loads and loads of foods, it can also trigger acid reflux. Therefore, it is time that you eat more times in a day than you are used to, but you need to control the portion. In other words, instead of eating just 3 meals a day, change it to 5 or 6, but make sure to reduce the amount of food you eat, so that your stomach won’t get overwhelmed by it.
When you review this type of acid reflux treatment, you will realize that it is pretty similar to a weight loss program. Therefore, when you follow it, you will not just enjoy a better life without the symptoms of acid reflux, but you will also lose weight, and become healthier.

Know What is Acid Reflux Properly to Identify, Treat, and Prevent It
When there is something that is bothering you, it is best that you become more familiar with the symptoms of certain types of diseases, so that you will know whether you are being affected by one or not. Aside from that, proper diagnoses of a disease is also very important in order to gain relief from it. When it comes to acid reflux though, there are certain symptoms that you can take note of to know if it is indeed the condition that has been affecting you. By knowing the symptoms and why they occur, you should be able to know what is acid reflux better, and so be able to proceed in getting treated for it.
Acid reflux is also known as GERD or Gastroesophogeal Disease, and it is usually characterized by a number of symptoms, which include heartburn, dyspepsia, and such. This condition is being brought about by the regurgitation or the abnormal reflux of your stomach’s acid back into your throat. Stomach acid is quite strong, since they are mainly used to break down the foods that you eat. Therefore, when they go to places in your system where they are not supposed to be, they can cause certain damages, especially in the esophagus lining.
There are many possible causes for acid reflux. One of which is when your lower esophageal sphincter relaxes at times when it is not supposed to. Aside from that, if it has been damaged, it can get weakened and cause the contents of your stomach to flow back into your esophagus. 

Here are some of the symptoms of acid reflux:
Pain in the Throat
Chest Pain
And, Difficulty in Swallowing.
The most common of the symptoms mentioned on top is heartburn, which has been called as such since you will feel like your heart is burning. In fact, some people even mistake it for a heart attack at times, since the burning sensation is usually felt at the left side of the chest. In most cases, people affected by acid reflux feel heartburn first, before feeling the other symptoms mentioned on top. However, it is still possible to experience any of the symptoms above, and there are also times that a person can experience a number of them simultaneously.
Another possible cause for acid reflux is the consumption of acidic types of foods. Spicy types of foods, foods that are oily and are fried, and those that are loaded with onions and garlic, are the ones that can trigger your stomach’s acidity level to shoot up. Aside from that, going through stress can also cause it.
Many people are not aware what is acid reflux, which is why they are not able to attain cure and relief from it. Now that you are more familiar with it, you are now equipped with the knowledge of properly identifying, treating, and preventing it effectively.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

6 Acid Reflux Symptoms In Women

Acid reflux is something that men and women do not want to experience. Although both men and women experience acid reflux, there are certain differences when it comes to the symptoms observed.

 In most cases, acid reflux symptoms in women are more pronounced and disturbing, especially when they are having their monthly period and more so if they are pregnant. It is very important for a person to know more about these symptoms, so that she will be able to know when it is time to visit the doctor.

1. Heartburn - Heartburn is a symptom that is commonly shared by both men and women who are experiencing acid reflux. However, women tend to experience it with more pain than men. You will know that you are experiencing heartburn, when you are feeling a lot of pressure on the left side of your chest area. Aside from that, a burning sensation is also observed, which can be felt on your stomach, the lower part of your chest, and in your throat.

2. Nausea - Nausea is usually felt by women who experience acid reflux, especially if they are pregnant. This can also be caused by severe heartburn, especially if you are not able to remedy your condition right away. Nausea is simply characterized by feeling dizzy, and the tendency to throw up or vomit.

3. Vomiting - When there is severe heartburn caused by acid reflux and you are not able to address the condition properly, it can lead to nausea and even to vomiting. This is caused due to the fact that your stomach is pushing the food that you ate back to your esophagus and to your mouth.

4. Dysphagia - This is characterized by the difficulty in swallowing the food that you eat. Many women experience this, and it is still caused by the fact that your stomach is trying to push back its content back up to your esophagus.

5. Coughing - The heightened level of acidity in your stomach when you have acid reflux can cause you to cough. This is actually one of the signs that would confirm that you have acid reflux, especially if you are not experiencing any other ailments that would make you cough.

6. Sore Throat - As what has been mentioned time and again, acid reflux can cause you to feel pain in your stomach, and even in your chest. This is caused by the high levels of acid in your stomach; and, when the stomach acid reaches your throat that is the time that you will experience sore throat.

The acid reflux symptoms in women that are mentioned on top should provide you the signs that you are indeed experiencing the said condition. Therefore, it is best that you take note of them, so that you will be able to seek medical help as soon as possible, to ensure that you will be able to prevent it from getting worse.

Top Acid Reflux Foods to Avoid

Some of the symptoms of acid reflux would include heartburn, nausea, vomiting, sore throat, and even coughing. This condition is brought about by a number of different causes, and one of which is the kind of foods that you eat. In other words, you will be able to prevent experiencing acid reflux by simply eating the right types of foods. To ensure that you won’t have to go through the symptoms mentioned on top, it is best that you take note of acid reflux foods to avoid. By doing that, you will not just prevent acid reflux, but will also become healthier.

The following is a list of foods that you need to avoid in order to prevent acid reflux.

Fatty Foods - Fatty foods, especially those that have been deep fried will cause acid reflux. This is because they will have a tendency to slow down the process of digestion. In other words, they will stay in your stomach in a longer period of time, especially its oil content. When that happens, your stomach will have to endure more pressure, which can eventually lead to the regurgitation of the foods that you eat. Aside from that, consuming lots of fats and oil can also make your stomach more acidic that it already is.

Milk - Although drinking milk is a healthy practice, it can lead to acid reflux if proper timing is not observed. Drinking a glass of milk after a heavy meal is actually not a good idea, since it can cause the excessive secretion of acid in your stomach. Therefore, if you are fond of drinking a glass of milk just before you go to bed, make sure that you do it only when your stomach is not full.

Spicy Foods - Foods that are loaded with onions, chili, garlic, and any other ingredients that can make it spicy can cause acid reflux. This is because spices will cause the acidity level of your stomach to increase. If you really love eating spicy foods, make sure that you drink lots of water, so that you will be able to neutralize it. However, it is best to avoid it, especially if you are very hungry.

Meat - Meat are usually accompanied with fats, thus, you need to be careful in eating them. It is wise to go with lean meat, and other sources of protein that are not fatty such as fish and chicken.

These are the acid reflux foods to avoid if you do not want to experience the said condition. Keep in mind that stress can also cause acid reflux, therefore, you should also make some changes in your lifestyle aside from your eating habits. Focus on becoming healthier, so that you will not just avoid experiencing acid reflux, but also other diseases.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Heartburn is in excess of the stomach digestive juices found among hydrochloric acid.

These juices can rise into the esophagus causing the so-called "heartburn" and cause burning sensation garganta. It manifests as heartburn and stomach pain. Sometimes this acid getting into the esophagus, produces strong irritation and discomfort of heartburn.

When this can occur often fluid retention, tendency to rheumatoid arthritis, headaches and sensitivity of the teeth to vinegar and acidic fruits.

Causes: Heartburn occurs most often when problems exist in the kidneys and liver. It also occurs when food combining is not correct, or take some fruit or juice after eating meat or other heavy food.

The fruit is easily fermented (30 minutes). If you eat meat first, it will take several hours to digest fruit preventing it from passing into the small intestine for digestion and causing it to ferment in the stomach, resulting in indigestion and heartburn.

Some Suggested Treatments:

  Do not eat until full and chew food slowly.

Take a good dose of FOREVER ALOE VERA GEL, this product neutralizes acidity and regulates the PH. Availale from Amazon here..

Alfalfa juice, liquid or tablet form, is very helpful because of its highly alkaline power. If you can mix it with carrots, guava or pineapple with a little honey Forever Bee Honey.

Ginger is also an element of great help to absorb heartburn. Include in your meals alkaline foods like dates, roasted corn, baked apple and papaya.

The potato juice is effective against heartburn (Grate some potatoes in water, let stand at night and take it the next day with FOREVER ALOE VERA GEL).

Do not lie down after eating as this will help to ease the gastric juices go up the esophagus and throat. If you lie down keep your head up. It is advisable not to sleep before 2 hours after eating.

Remove the products they produce acidity such as caffeinated drinks like coffee, black tea, cola, etc.. Besides the chili and pepper, cocoa, flour tortillas, red meat, pasta, milk. Just as the cigarette and soda pop.

Eliminate fried and fatty foods.

Take the stress and nervousness out of your life, as it is one of the main causes of acidity, gastritis and ulcers.

Compresses with a damp cold in the stomach after a meal helps reduce the discomfort of heartburn. Neglect of acidity can degenerate into a stomach ulcer. If discomfort persists see your doctor.

Soak a tablespoon of flax seeds overnight in half a glass of pure water and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach in the morning along with the seeds. The water is a little jelly, made such that will produce a coating in your stomach that will make you avoid heartburn.

Very important note: Before any food, take first fruits or juices, allowing time for them to be digested (20 to 30 minutes). Taking fruits after food may not be digested quickly and ferment causing digestive problems and acidity.
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